I have not had a problem with this laws the dnr has put out there. I hunted Harrington beach and the dnr let me hunt only on the beach and just the beach, the vegetation was off limits. The officer that was from the dnr let me hunt there between May 1 and October 15 anytime the park was open, just as long as it did not interfere with the swimmers. This was last year in august and the rules don't look like they have changed since. I took some classes at UW for archeology and the rules of an item being of archeological relevance is about 100 years in age. I don't know what they are talking about 50 years! That must be according to Mark Dudzik. However, not a big beach or park hunter just sucks for you guy that do. You think they would let you go when nobody was there or when the park is closed with a permit. Did not look what they have in store for us as regards to metal detecting in the future. Just hope we can all work together to resolve any current or future issues with our laws. Strength in Numbers!