Message: Do You Wish That ETs Would Make Contact?

I think we all forget what a miracle it is just to be alive...a mass of living tissue with a conciousness that we don't even understand. We can't even distinguish between the mind and the brain; are they the same or different?...we are clueless when it comes down to defining what conciousness is (or, what we are, in other words).

The "aliens" know how special life is and how precious our little sparks of divinity really are. One common thread that jumps out after much reading is that many folks have reported being told that the aliens consider souls, and the reincarnation of souls, to be the "machinery of the universe". There are also reports of them having "spheres" on their ships that, when you touch them, put you in direct contact with the spiritual realm, or God, if you will. Technically and spiritually advanced beings, or at least some of them appear to be.

Would I like to see one? Hell yeah, but I'd probably have to change my shorts. Our minds can exhibit a primal fear response when confronted with something beyond our limited perceptions of reality.

Some quick facts.
For a species to make that jump from mere animal to an intelligent being may require one to live a very violent and dangerous world to use their brain to over come and conquer extremely dangerous co-inhabintants. We evolve to be "the" top killer on this planet. We have yet to expand to other worlds but that is due to science not reaching that point.
Planets have a finate life. The are born and as surely the sun they revolve around will use up their fuel and die causing it's planets to be consumed in it's death or to freeze in deep space. Any intelligent species living on a planet due to die will seek out new homes. If they have over come the obstacles of long distance space travel we may get either guests or conquerors to our world. Some day we may be the new kids on the block or planet stealers. I would like to think we would just find a new earth without an native people living there if we are fortunate to find one when we need one.
Instead of cute ETs we may get the Predator!


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The Beep Goes On said:
....Would I like to see one? Hell yeah, but I'd probably have to change my shorts. Our minds can exhibit a primal fear response when confronted with something beyond our limited perceptions of reality.

They say (in the message) that the first contact would be to uncloak their crafts, and then show their life forms later. It makes sense in a way. Like they've done this before.

What scares me is the reference to "other" ETs, with darker motives, already being here, influencing like minded people of power. I was born and raised in Chicago proper, and am familiar with the influence of power on normally nice people. It's a slippery slope...

And reading between the lines, the possibility of the Good ETs clashing with the "Other ETs"? And are we being asked to choose sides with our yes/no answer?

I view the message as a positive thing, offering a glimmer of hope in the face of all the dreadful 2012 predictions. So I vote Yes.

I vote "hell yes". Anything to change the course our reckless species is on. We seem to have no adequate defense against these alledged aliens, although it appears that a lot of the sightings are our own, or given to us.

I read an account once where a guy was out in the Pacific on his boat and saw a triangular craft passing slowly overhead. He freaked, grabbed his .22 Mini 14 and started a rapid-fire attack on the airborne vessel. He then saw a hatch open on the bottom of the craft and a man in Naval khakis yelled "Stop shooting at us you f****n' moron!"

This raises the possiblility of a theory that's been around for a long time...that our gov't would stage some type of alien intervention or attack posing as real aliens.

Yes Beep, It's called silver bug. It's all set!

You have no idea what's gonna be comin down for me Vibes if aliens can read my collective thoughtwaves!! Well yeah you do, cause you've seen my posts before. I believe we're pretty much it here in the universe. It's kinda strange that people don't believe in Jesus, whom we do have a little documentation about, but jump right on to the idea that aliens will step in and save us. So far all they've done is mutilated livestock up here in the San Luis Valley. (I hope everyone here understands the word 'facetious'. If not, my post here is wasted.)

SteveDodds said:
packerbacker said:
That's just what we need, MORE illegal aliens!!

Easy there buddy. We are now supposed to call them migrant workers. ::)

Yeah, it's like the government put the word 'illegal' as if they were illegal or something. Shesh. I wish they would get that figured out.

Aliens are already here, And they are not an intelligent life form.

If you don't believe me, just go in, and read some posts in the political forum.. :wink:

I believe that a lot of people have misconceptions about "aliens"

1. what language will they speak? Just look at this planet and how many different languages, dialects etc there are. What makes you think they could communicate with us?

2. What would be their purpose for visiting us?
3. What morals would their society have, if they even had a society? Would they value life, would they value our laws and beliefs? Don't be too quick to think they would, again just look at this planet and how diverse it is.
4. What would the government response be if an ET were to actually show up? I don't think our wonderful government, nor those of the other nations of the planet would openly welcome ET and invite them to tea.
5. As others have said would we be seen as food? Labor?
6. The religious and political implications of an ET landing where people could see them would potentially be devastating.
7. If the aliens came would they be visiting or would they have plans on staying?

I cannot remember which scientist said it but we should be very very careful when we wish for alien contact because it would almost certainly NOT turn out the way we hope it will.

I also think that it is arrogant of us to believe we are the only semi-intelligent species in the Universe.

mastereagle22 said:
I cannot remember which scientist said it but we should be very very careful when we wish for alien contact because it would almost certainly NOT turn out the way we hope it will.

Stephen Hawking.

RGINN said:
It's kinda strange that people don't believe in Jesus, whom we do have a little documentation about, but jump right on to the idea that aliens will step in and save us.

I do not think that a belief in aliens and Jesus (or any other deity) is mutually exclusive. Of course, many alien theories merge the two in some form or fashion.

Vatican: It's OK to believe in aliens
The chief astronomer says those beliefs don't contradict faith in God

VATICAN CITY - The Vatican's chief astronomer says that believing in aliens does not contradict faith in God.

The Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, the Jesuit director of the Vatican Observatory, said that the vastness of the universe means it is possible there could be other forms of life outside Earth, even intelligent ones.

In an interview published Tuesday by Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, Funes said that such a notion "doesn't contradict our faith" because aliens would still be God's creatures.

The interview was headlined "The extraterrestrial is my brother."

Funes said that ruling out the existence of aliens would be like "putting limits" on God's creative freedom.

:alien: If you wish to meet them, come to the rubber room. They are among us!

wow seein as so many people can't get along on this forum and how many people on this planet have been fueding for a thousnd years,why the heck would we want to try an find other beings to get along with. The world here is an economic crisis and were spendin money to go to mars. I personally think were somebodies ant colony. Of course i blame all of this on college graduates they have been taught to avoid reallity and some can't tie there own shoes jmho

spooky avatar huh

I think one tried to make contact to me last night in Smitty's bar around closing time,but I hadn't had enough to drink.
Anyone got a book "Aliens For Dummies"?

bowser said:
wow seein as so many people can't get along on this forum and how many people on this planet have been fueding for a thousnd years,why the heck would we want to try an find other beings to get along with. The world here is an economic crisis and were spendin money to go to mars. I personally think were somebodies ant colony. Of course i blame all of this on college graduates they have been taught to avoid reallity and some can't tie there own shoes jmho spooky avatar huh

According to the letter, their are two different points of view about our world joining others.

The author of the letter apparently is swimming upstream by wanting Earthlings to join a wider community of conscious beings in our Galaxy. And that their representatives have been in contact with our government and military, suggesting that their presence be known worldwide. Whomever they talked with turned them down. Didn't fit into their own plans for us.

The letter also suggests that other voting blocs in our galaxy are not in favor of our joining the community due to the violence, deaths, hunger and greed we are sll so proud of on Earth. Like a bad apple. They don't need us for anything so why take a chance?

I suppose all of us here are well aware of all governments, press, military and many scientific communities intentionally obfuscate the truth of alien beings being here for recorded history. The scientists who volunteer to help MUFON are the best on the world. Their expert opinions have put bad people in the death chamber but are treated as kooks by the press.

The objective of science is to uncover Truth. That's it. Why are we afraid?

bowser said:
Of course i blame all of this on college graduates they have been taught to avoid reallity and some can't tie there own shoes jmho

I take exception to your generalization. I have graduated from college several times. I am capable of thought and I do NOT avoid reality. I see reality everyday and let me tell you, reality sucks.

Doesn't it make any of you out there scared to think that if Aliens made contact with our current world leaders they would want to wipe us out, because ALL of our current world leaders are pretty much useless..........

WindHarvester said:
:alien: If you wish to meet them, come to the rubber room. They are among us!
Sheesh, I;ve been looking for that room for along time. Please link to it. Please.

mastereagle22 said:
bowser said:
Of course i blame all of this on college graduates they have been taught to avoid reallity and some can't tie there own shoes jmho

I take exception to your generalization. I have graduated from college several times. I am capable of thought and I do NOT avoid reality. I see reality everyday and let me tell you, reality sucks.

Doesn't it make any of you out there scared to think that if Aliens made contact with our current world leaders they would want to wipe us out, because ALL of our current world leaders are pretty much useless..........

Actually, they've been here for centuries and have watched the "leaders" of all of the countries of the world. They've gotten used to our human $tupidity and are waiting for us to "grow up."
They have met with selected leaders at different times in our history. One of those leaders was Dwight Eisenhower when he was president and the meeting was done at one of our stateside air force bases on a closed runway under a hell of a security blanket. Eisenhower's plane landed, taxied over to the other vehicle and parked. The president then walked from his plane to the saucer and went inside with his military aid. They were inside for about 45 minutes then returned to the presidential plane and left the base.

A man named Rich, who took over "The Skunk Works" at Lockheed from Kelly Johnson, has said that we presently have the technology to travel to the stars, but it is buried too deeply inside the black projects programs to be revealed to the world.

If you want to know the REAL reason Obamalamadingdong has said that we will NOT be going back to the moon, then check out the information about the H3O hydrates found there. One shuttle load of that material could provide enough energy to power a small city for one year. Obama does not want the US to be energy independent because then he couldn't take us further into socialism. And, too, there are mining operations going on right now on the moon that are not OURS (as in humans).

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