Merc Mystery


Jr. Member
Dec 13, 2008
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Golden Thread
Found this along time ago, think at a High School. Just got my 1st puter and digi camera a year or so ago, found you folks a week or so ago, put's new meaning for me to 'treasure is where you find it, lol' So, hoping someone knows for sure what this is. The Merc is a '45, and recessed into the non magnetic but steel colored object, my apologies for poor photography. Thanks!



My best guess supplied to date was a spike for football shoes that screwed on and was rounded so the football chillrun wouldn't get hurt if cleated. I can't get the dime out even temporarily to see if there is a threaded hole under it, not a golfer and didn't play football in school, so no idea what the bottoms of those look like.

Maybe someone will know for sure, this has puzzled me for a long time. Y'all know how that goes, lol.

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diggerdan said:
Just got my 1st puter and digi camera a year or so ago, found you folks a week or so ago, put's new meaning for me to 'treasure is where you find it, lol'
I got my first computer just so I could have my find IDed here in 2004. (still unidentified BTW) I also bought my first digital camera to post the pic. The real treasure found for me was TN and the internet. ;D

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bigcypresshunter said:
diggerdan said:
Just got my 1st puter and digi camera a year or so ago, found you folks a week or so ago, put's new meaning for me to 'treasure is where you find it, lol'
I got my first computer just so I could have my find IDed here in 2004. (still unidentified BTW) I also bought my first digital camera to post the pic. The real treasure found for me was TN and the internet. ;D

Start a new post Cy! Lets see it again...

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Hi 'Dan'. Thanks for posting your item here and welcome to this forum.

I only mention the following to try to help you and all of the members in improving our postings so other members can help better!

It is really necessary for everyone to read the FIRST post from PBK on this forum category. It is so important that I will repeat it here...

Please Read Before Posting Items in "What Is It?"

When posting in "What Is It?", please give members the information they need to help identify your find:

1) Post sharp closeup photos of both the front and the back.
2) State the actual size of the item. Also, if possible, put something with it in the photo for scale: a common U.S. coin, a ruler, etc.
3) If there are any inscriptions which cannot be easily read in the photos, type them in full in your post.
4) If there are maker's marks, numbers, symbols, or other marks on the back which are not easily seen in the photo, post a closeup or a drawing of them.
5) Indicate the composition of the item. For example: "thin brass, filled with lead on the back."

To these great 'rules' I would add
1) -side view photo if necessary, and a photo of the -attachment place (screw hole, ring, etc).
(For your first item without knowing if there is or is not an attachment place its really impossible to say much about your first item. It could be a shoe stud which someone mentioned).

(For your second item the dime what is missing is a photo of the back side...then we can also see what the funny wires are in the photo, now we don't know if the wires are attached to the dime backing).

5) Is it plastic? Is it hollow or solid. (also important for your first item). For your dime, is the backing then aluminum or bronze?

I would myself add another item:
6) the mass or weight of the item if appropriate.

I know when posting objects the most of us forget these 'rules'. Me too, I'm no different than anyone else and forget it also many times. But it does then make a good determination difficult, and if you leave stuff out we will eventually ask the question and you will have to answer it or take another photo anyway...

Also telling us about what YOU think it is helps too. We don't have the object in our hands, that does make a difference.

Better photos and more details are necessary if you want someone to determine what it is correctly. Here is a tip about making a close up photos, one that I had to learn myself. BTW I don't profess to be an expert in this field, its hard to make good photos.

First read again how to make closeups correctly in your manual. For instance I had problems taking close ups until someone else read my manual and told me that before taking the photo the icons that I see in the viewfinder had to turn green before taking the photo, otherwise it won't be in focus. After that it worked find with me. I missed reading that in the manual, or read over it...

Some object are terrible to photograph, you never seem to get them correct. Just keep trying. Try to have good lighting when taking the photos, best for me is hazy daylight.

If still the close up does not work good enough, try taking the photo further away with and zoom in. Then using some free photo editing tool to cut out the object and make it larger. See it that improves the quality.

Anyway I hope this improves yours and all of our postings, I am only trying to help!

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Thanks for the advice. :thumbsup: I did read the sticky. I got the best photo's I could. Do I need to try and retake the pics? I stated it was steel looking but not magnetic. I'd cleaned up one of the 6 sides w/ an emery board. I also stated I can't get the dime out of it. The wire looking thing is a bobby pin I put through the hole to take a pic of the bottom as it won't stand up on the rounded top by itself.

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Montana Elf said:
bigcypresshunter said:
diggerdan said:
Just got my 1st puter and digi camera a year or so ago, found you folks a week or so ago, put's new meaning for me to 'treasure is where you find it, lol'
I got my first computer just so I could have my find IDed here in 2004. (still unidentified BTW) I also bought my first digital camera to post the pic. The real treasure found for me was TN and the internet. ;D

Start a new post Cy! Lets see it again...
OK TY for your interest Jim. I will take better pics and post again. It is an interesting silver medallion/token found on a Treasure Coast beach after the big hurricanes of 2004.

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diggerdan said:
Thanks for the advice. :thumbsup: I did read the sticky. I got the best photo's I could. Do I need to try and retake the pics? I stated it was steel looking but not magnetic. I'd cleaned up one of the 6 sides w/ an emery board. I also stated I can't get the dime out of it. The wire looking thing is a bobby pin I put through the hole to take a pic of the bottom as it won't stand up on the rounded top by itself.
digger, the third pic has clear enough focus but the object is too dark in the others and has shadows. Along with the other tips mentioned, try using a darker background, like blue or green and take the picture outdoors with flash off. Use overhead halogen lighting for indoors. Your background is too light making the object too dark and try adjusting your white balance. You also have bad shadows from improper light source.

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diggerdan said:
Thanks for the advice. :thumbsup: I did read the sticky. I got the best photo's I could. Do I need to try and retake the pics? I stated it was steel looking but not magnetic. I'd cleaned up one of the 6 sides w/ an emery board. I also stated I can't get the dime out of it. The wire looking thing is a bobby pin I put through the hole to take a pic of the bottom as it won't stand up on the rounded top by itself.
OK great, didn't know if people read it or not. Great that you did. I would retry to take the photos if you want to know what it is. Try my advice and if that doesn't work you might try using a tripod and a shutter release cable. Try taking the photo outdoors will help too.

About the dime, steel colored could be much. I would imagine then since its not magnetic that its stainless steel or even silver (best bet). I would not have cleaned up the sides with an emery board, its just like sandpaper. The dime is soldered into the holder then, with solder or silver solder.

Even if you could get the dime out it would be covered with solder. But it could be glue, if you want to remove it then try cooking it for a few hours in water, it should loosen up, otherwise it could be soldered in.

OK about the wire thing, that's what I mean about knowing what it looks like on all sides, then we would have seen that the back is clean.

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bigcypresshunter said:
diggerdan said:
Just got my 1st puter and digi camera a year or so ago, found you folks a week or so ago, put's new meaning for me to 'treasure is where you find it, lol'
I got my first computer just so I could have my find IDed here in 2004. (still unidentified BTW) I also bought my first digital camera to post the pic. The real treasure found for me was TN and the internet. ;D
Maybe the reason is that its not there anymore. Just looked at the 2004 posts and nothing was there from you. Then it can't be answered of course. But no one really looks so far back....

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I'm guessing it is part of someone's good luck charm or mojo bag.

From a "Lucky Charm" website:

"One of the most coveted talismans in Hoodoo, the Mercury dime is used to gain monetary good fortune and win against seemingly insurmountable odds."


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Maybe these are better? I sanded on the edge to see if it was aluminum or brass, it's not. TarnX didn't phase it, so it's not silver. Ran the camera on the same setting, btw. Thanks again for the help and guesses. Maybe some guy got lucky at the HomeComing football game in '45, lol.

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much better pics now. :thumbsup: A darker background (blue) would be even better.

It looks like an acorn hexnut with a Merc stuck in the threads. But you say it is not ferrous.Maybe its pot metal. :icon_scratch:

Is that a hole in the side, top pic? Put air pressure into the hole and maybe force the dime out.
Can you get a knife point behind it and pop it out?

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Mercury dime golf ball marker? (Who knew such a thing even existed? :icon_scratch: )



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Is that a hole in the side, top pic? Put air pressure into the hole and maybe force the dime out.
Can you get a knife point behind it and pop it out?

Hole goes all the way through and I've tried both your suggestions. Also soaked it and heated it til i lost my nerve. I use it for a light pull, but it gnaws at me some. May just take a Dremel to it and see what's inside it, lol.

The two possibilities on the embedded Merc I've thought of are: Glue, or machinist type cut a precise pocket for the coin on a lathe. The solder option never really dawned on me til posted here.

What really gets my goat is I don't know if I detected the dime or the thingamabob, lol. I'm kinda partial to the football spike replacement thing myself, just was hoping someone else found one.

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Great photos Digger! You sure got that down pat now.

I have to apologize for me comments in previous posts. I had thought that the first two photos described a sort of plastic looking item and the third photo described a dime set on a flange. So I though you had two finds instead of one. Guess I didn't read the first message correctly.

I would not damage it by getting the dime out. Why? One mercury more or less does not matter, they are not so valuable. Leave it alone as a conversation piece, ask your friends and family when they visit what it is and have fun.

Really on the serious side now, I have seen other coins mounted in such a fashion. The coins were fixed in a iron or steel object and the purpose was to make counterfeit coins by stamping them into a soft metal. Yes, I know it would be in mirror image but it seems like that didn't matter too much, it was just change and people didn't look that carefully. Its only an idea but you could surprise your friends with a tale or two....

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woody50 said:
I would not damage it by getting the dime out. Why? One mercury more or less does not matter, they are not so valuable. Leave it alone as a conversation piece, ask your friends and family when they visit what it is and have fun.
I agree with Woody now also to leave it be until identified. It may have artifact value.

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