Legally in MD, the beach between Mean Low Water (MLW) and MHW belongs to the people of the state, not to the property owner above MHW. Many property owners are conveniently unaware of this. When I worked as a biologist in tidal waters, we sampled this area with 300' long, 1/4" mesh seines, feeding the seine off the boat bow in an arc, while one or two would hold one end on shore. Our presence was hard to miss either visually or by ear, since we would occasionally sing sea shanties, or in my case, the Spongebob Squarepants theme song. Occasionally, a property owner, especially a new one, would come running down to the beach to see what we were doing on their "private property". In our crew of 4 biologists, one of my roles was to inform the person about what we were doing and that we had a legal right to be there. We never sought permission, because those property owners had no authority to either grant or refuse permission.
The problem is access to that intertidal area. I just sold my own boat because we moved away from an easy place to back it into my barn. But I'm looking for a smaller boat that I might be able to back into the new place and gain access to the intertidal area for both fossil hunting and metal detecting.
I used to hunt a local public beach since the mid 1980's. But then the county bought the beach and turned at least half of it into a waterfront trailer park, primarily for out of state residents who spend the warm months in MD and winter in FL. County staff also posted it "campers only beyond this point". Since that point effectively removed all of the best detecting area, i ignored the signs. A couple of weeks ago, I got run out of there by a county park employee. It really frosts me on so many levels that a beach where I used to hunt was purchased using my tax dollars and it excludes me with some of the massive maintenance staff that my property tax and income tax dollars also pay for. In the off-season, the beach is fenced off with security that might be the envy of the most secure prison - so locals can't walk the beach for any reason. When I get a smaller boat, I'll arrive by boat in the off-season, and if confronted, challenge them to call the police.