Maybe moving to CA in 2013

Update: We made it. It was a (very, very) long white knuckle drive. It took 7 days but we made it. Now we're just starting to try and get settled (adjusting, find a job,etc). Thanks for the heads up and the warm welcome everyone.

Atomicscott, I'm hoping it won't be too long before we can get together and you can show me the ropes. Since you're in Riverside, you should be fairly close. Anyway, thanks again for the invite.

Update: We made it. It was a (very, very) long white knuckle drive. It took 7 days but we made it. Now we're just starting to try and get settled (adjusting, find a job,etc). Thanks for the heads up and the warm welcome everyone.

Atomicscott, I'm hoping it won't be too long before we can get together and you can show me the ropes. Since you're in Riverside, you should be fairly close. Anyway, thanks again for the invite.

Glad you guys made it out safely! Keep me posted tony. When you get settled in, we can go for a hunt!

Hello, everyone. I know it's been a while since I've posted anything and it's about time I did just that. Atomicscott, I know you asked for me to keep you posted and that maybe we could get out and hunt together and I haven't done that and I apologize. However, I do hope the offer still stands on maybe getting together for a hunt one day, that is, if I can.

Here's what's been happening since we arrived. I was looking for work and found a job in August and was recently laid off on 1/31/2014 so I'm looking for work again. We had to get both cars registered and since one (mine) is a truck, it cost way more to get it tagged, not to mention the heck of a time I had getting it to pass emissions. The job I had really stunk but I was hoping to have it long enough to find something else but it didn't work out that way. The place had me stressed out completely, I really wanted to just walk out. We arrived in Cali with 2 dogs and 2 cats, then while my wife went with grandpa to North Cali to visit family, I come home from work to find one of the cats dead in the hallway. I had to call my wife and tell her the sad news and then grab a shovel and give her a resting place. This was followed by the headlights on my truck being so bad they hardly worked so I had to buy new headlights and mount them. But wait, there's more. When we left FL, I made peace with my mother. We both knew that things might get tight for a while , but I thought I had a year. Her health had been waning the last few years and knew there was a possibility of something happening but, again, I thought I had at least a year. With that said, in early September I was informed by my aunt that mom wasn't doing so well. Over the next couple of weeks she kept me informed of the ups and downs. Then, on 9/21/2014 at about 3:00 in the morning I get the call, mom has passed. She went quietly in her sleep, of that I'm glad, I heard it was rough up to that point. Like I stated earlier, my mother and I had already made our peace and said good bye just in case. The only ones who understood our good bye was me, my wife and mom (other family was there but clueless). My aunt had asked if I was going to come home before she passed and again after. Given that I had no money, a crappy job (the signs were already there) and apparently being a new hire, you're not entitled to time off for a death in the family. Anyway, my aunt said mom asked about me (us), my aunt asked if I was going to be able to get back. With everything going on I told my aunt to tell mom that I can't promise I can get there and if she feels it's time and she needs to go, then please go , don't prolong it for me. It was a day later when she left. It was a Saturday morn and I had agreed to work that day so I headed off. My boss wasn't there so I emailed him the situation and said I would talk to him about it more on Monday and that I wasn't sure if I was going to try and head home for the services. On Monday, I told my boss that I prolly wasn't going to be able to go home for the services and that's when I was told I wasn't eligible for grievance time yet. Don't get me wrong, he was nice how he went about it, but still. Like I said before about the place, I wasn't upset that I was laid off (or fired, it wasn't clear). Well here we are in in February of 2014. The money we saved so far is running out but we'll be ok for a while. I tried to apply for unemployment on line but it says my case is special and I need to call, but, I can't get a hold of anyone at unemployment, they're not answering their phones. I called a few of the job agencies listed on the EDD site and they all told me that they get this complaint all the time. I was told if I can't apply on line then good luck to ya, you're prolly SOL. Right now my opinion of CA isn't very high, actually, it's pretty low. I mean no disrespect to anyone from here, I really don't. It's just that since I've been here, most of the people I've met have been polite but no where near friendly.

Ok, well, I've gone on long enough and did a fair share of "poor me" and whining. Yeah, I'm aware of it, I got to venting and got carried away. Anyway, thank you everyone. To be honest, the nicest people I've met so far here in CA have been on here and a few fishing forums that also welcomed me to the state. Almost wish this was more of a local club where we could gather cause I know on of two things would take place. Either someone's going to smack me in the back of the head and tell me "waaaa, just man up" or they're going to hand me a beer and just say "dam, son" - both would work. Anyway, thanks.

Sorry to hear about your recent ordeals. California is full of opportunity, although the place can be intimidating and cold feeling. California is a money oriented place overall, you just have to realize this and not take it personally when people seem to be "all business" and kind of short/cold... Hang in there better times are coming.

Sent from my USCC-C6721 using Tapatalk

Now, bet you can't guess where I'd rather live?

Yep...Northern California in the Giant Redwoods...50 to 80's year-round...low population...and a crowded freeway lasts minutes, if any.

I really need to stop whining about my weather. Thanks for the reminder.

Hello, everyone. I know it's been a while since I've posted anything and it's about time I did just that. Atomicscott, I know you asked for me to keep you posted and that maybe we could get out and hunt together and I haven't done that and I apologize. However, I do hope the offer still stands on maybe getting together for a hunt one day, that is, if I can.

Here's what's been happening since we arrived. I was looking for work and found a job in August and was recently laid off on 1/31/2014 so I'm looking for work again. We had to get both cars registered and since one (mine) is a truck, it cost way more to get it tagged, not to mention the heck of a time I had getting it to pass emissions. The job I had really stunk but I was hoping to have it long enough to find something else but it didn't work out that way. The place had me stressed out completely, I really wanted to just walk out. We arrived in Cali with 2 dogs and 2 cats, then while my wife went with grandpa to North Cali to visit family, I come home from work to find one of the cats dead in the hallway. I had to call my wife and tell her the sad news and then grab a shovel and give her a resting place. This was followed by the headlights on my truck being so bad they hardly worked so I had to buy new headlights and mount them. But wait, there's more. When we left FL, I made peace with my mother. We both knew that things might get tight for a while , but I thought I had a year. Her health had been waning the last few years and knew there was a possibility of something happening but, again, I thought I had at least a year. With that said, in early September I was informed by my aunt that mom wasn't doing so well. Over the next couple of weeks she kept me informed of the ups and downs. Then, on 9/21/2014 at about 3:00 in the morning I get the call, mom has passed. She went quietly in her sleep, of that I'm glad, I heard it was rough up to that point. Like I stated earlier, my mother and I had already made our peace and said good bye just in case. The only ones who understood our good bye was me, my wife and mom (other family was there but clueless). My aunt had asked if I was going to come home before she passed and again after. Given that I had no money, a crappy job (the signs were already there) and apparently being a new hire, you're not entitled to time off for a death in the family. Anyway, my aunt said mom asked about me (us), my aunt asked if I was going to be able to get back. With everything going on I told my aunt to tell mom that I can't promise I can get there and if she feels it's time and she needs to go, then please go , don't prolong it for me. It was a day later when she left. It was a Saturday morn and I had agreed to work that day so I headed off. My boss wasn't there so I emailed him the situation and said I would talk to him about it more on Monday and that I wasn't sure if I was going to try and head home for the services. On Monday, I told my boss that I prolly wasn't going to be able to go home for the services and that's when I was told I wasn't eligible for grievance time yet. Don't get me wrong, he was nice how he went about it, but still. Like I said before about the place, I wasn't upset that I was laid off (or fired, it wasn't clear). Well here we are in in February of 2014. The money we saved so far is running out but we'll be ok for a while. I tried to apply for unemployment on line but it says my case is special and I need to call, but, I can't get a hold of anyone at unemployment, they're not answering their phones. I called a few of the job agencies listed on the EDD site and they all told me that they get this complaint all the time. I was told if I can't apply on line then good luck to ya, you're prolly SOL. Right now my opinion of CA isn't very high, actually, it's pretty low. I mean no disrespect to anyone from here, I really don't. It's just that since I've been here, most of the people I've met have been polite but no where near friendly.

Ok, well, I've gone on long enough and did a fair share of "poor me" and whining. Yeah, I'm aware of it, I got to venting and got carried away. Anyway, thank you everyone. To be honest, the nicest people I've met so far here in CA have been on here and a few fishing forums that also welcomed me to the state. Almost wish this was more of a local club where we could gather cause I know on of two things would take place. Either someone's going to smack me in the back of the head and tell me "waaaa, just man up" or they're going to hand me a beer and just say "dam, son" - both would work. Anyway, thanks.

Tony! So sorry to hear about all the problems you have been dealing with. You have my condolences as well. Ontario is one of the busier areas that may have work. Check out all the large wholesale print shops and factories in the area. There is a mail order bicycle warehouse called jenson usa. They used to be in Ontario, but have relocated to Riverside. They always seem to be hiring for one position or another. I'm sure you have been to all the industrial areas between Mission blvd & the 60 fwy? They have a similar area in Riverside near Jenson USA. Its a busy area, maybe someone there is hiring. IMS is another large business near there. Good luck man, & PM me if you want any more specifics. Things will get better for you soon!

Thanks Dieselram and Scott, I'm hoping things will get better soon too. Scott, thanks for the tip about Jenson USA. I looked up and saved their site and I'm going to check it out. Mostly, I needed to vent, I know everyone has problems, I'm no different than anyone else, I'm just super frustrated. Anyway, it looks like the Jenson in Riverside is right down the road from where I was off, at least I'm familiar with the area. I know there's a Big5 sporting good warehouse out there also. It just seems everyone wants you to apply online, which is fine with me because I don't know where anything is located. As for the people so far, I think short/cold is being polite.

Thanks for letting me vent guys, hopefully things will change real soon. I need to keep a positive outlook, it's just been to do that lately and I don't think I've been to successful trying to save positive. I'll keep working at it, with a little and the grace of God, things will turn for the better soon.

Tony, keep us posted. This forum has funny ways of helping people out...

Sent from my USCC-C6721 using Tapatalk

I sure will. I actually felt a little better after I posted, I got to vent to someone other than my wife. Believe me, she doesn't like hearing it. I submitted to several tonight. Scott got me thinking a bit so I changed direction a bit. Back in the late 90's to early 2000's I was forklift certified on electric pallet jack, sit down, stand up and reach lifts. Heck I was a trainer for bout 3 years. I figure it wouldn't be a stretch to drive one again, they haven't changed hardly in the last ten years so it shouldn't be too hard to do again if someplace wants to give me a shot. I'll keep you guys updated. Now, if I can just figure out how to get unemployment while I'm looking. I don't want to be on it for long, but, we could use the money until I find something. Monday I'm going to look into the info Scott mentioned. I'd start tomorrow but the weather is supposed to be crappy the next couple of days.

Tony, sorry to hear about your troubles. Cali is a strange place to say the least. I've had the same problems living in other states your having though so it may be a foreigner thing. ;)
One thing that will help you is joining some clubs. You meet people like yourself and they are always looking to help. I've even gotten work from a fellow gold club member. Keep one thing in mind, once you get through this **** you'll realize your in a zone of gold and minerals, gems, like no other in the country. Gold, silver, tourmaline, beryl, agates of every kind, all within 1 hour of where you live. On top of that, we've got some seriously beautiful scenery, from the coasts, to the mountains and the deserts. A day spent in those cathedrals can cure the soul of all the muck.

When you get back on your feet take a trip up the 395 to Yosemite. Absolutely stunning. It changed me. I realize that all the **** we deal with everyday is worth it just to spend a few days in Yosemite, or checking out the Bristlecone Pine Trees.

Thanks Mr Lee, I'll keep that in mind. I know the economy is messed up not only here but nation wide, even world wide. However, it's still hard to not take it personally. Right now I don't think too highly of CA, I also know that it's due to the situation I'm in, and once things turn around I'll prolly see what I've been missing. Let's just say, that ican't wait for that time to come, when it does, I have no problem retracting the my negative comments about CA.

Dieselram 94, I felt the interview went pretty well. Right after, I felt I had a pretty good shot, now I'm not so sure. It's sort-a hard to stay positive these days, but I'm trying. Anyway, they said they had more interviews to do and would know more by Tuesday or Wednesday and to contact them about that time. Hopefully, in the next day or two I'll have some good news. I never thought I would be looking forward to making $10.00 an hour, not that I made a lot before, I'm usually in the $12.00 to $14.50 an hour range. It's not a huge loss but then every dollar counts.

Thanks Mr Lee, I'll keep that in mind. I know the economy is messed up not only here but nation wide, even world wide. However, it's still hard to not take it personally. Right now I don't think too highly of CA, I also know that it's due to the situation I'm in, and once things turn around I'll prolly see what I've been missing. Let's just say, that ican't wait for that time to come, when it does, I have no problem retracting the my negative comments about CA.

Dieselram 94, I felt the interview went pretty well. Right after, I felt I had a pretty good shot, now I'm not so sure. It's sort-a hard to stay positive these days, but I'm trying. Anyway, they said they had more interviews to do and would know more by Tuesday or Wednesday and to contact them about that time. Hopefully, in the next day or two I'll have some good news. I never thought I would be looking forward to making $10.00 an hour, not that I made a lot before, I'm usually in the $12.00 to $14.50 an hour range. It's not a huge loss but then every dollar counts.

Yup, every dollar counts for sure. Once you get into a quality company then you will start making big gains. What about starting your own small business? Like maybe mowing lawns or something? When I was out there I worked hard, but the one thing I found is the more money I made the easier it became to make more and more money. I made a lot when I was there but keep in mind I left in 2002. It was a different economy then. Now with Obama and company getting by is hard and getting ahead is even harder. Just remember though that if your upbeat and likeable as well as honest and moral, people will see that and doors of opportunity just seem to open up. I regret everyday moving back to Maine...

sent from a potato...

I think I'm likeable, moral and honest but the upbeat part seems to be harder to come by but I'm trying. I've thought about the business thing, I just don't know what I would do, besides, I don't have a lot of money to work with. I've even thought about learning something new like motorcycle mechanic. The only problem is I'm already paying a student loan and can't afford to get into anothet one.

What about just simply delivering pizzas? I certainly wouldn't take on any new debt.

sent from a potato...

Good luck... Couldn't pay me enough to move to California.. I have turned down multiple jobs offers over my lifetime to work there.

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

California is fantastic, but then again I'm one of the beautiful people....
Just know that anywhere outside of the 5 most popular counties, the state flower is methamphetamine.

Let's just say I also would not live in Connecticut, New Jersey, New York and a couple others for the same reasons..

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

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