Hello, my friend! Today I tell you about discovered of remains of German Maschinengewehrschutze.
That soldier was killed in battle near Russian city Rjev.
Most of you, I hope, knows about great battle on the Volga river, Battle of Stalingrad.
But the same time with battle of Stalingrad, about 700 mile to the north-west also on the Volga river, Soviet Army was carry on bloody battle for the Rjev. Near Rjev salient, from Germans was concentrated 2/3 Army Group “Center”, and from Russians, forces of 4 Army’s was accepted battle.
In the heavy fighting’s near Rjev the outcome of the Stalingrade battle was decided. German high command was obliged to transferred nine Inf Div and three Pz Div from Stalingrad to hold position on the Rjev salient.
Summary losses in killed and wounded in Rjev battle from German are about 500 000, from Red Army about 2 000 000. The bloody fighting near Rjev, Soviet and German veterans, ho can survive in this battle, was called most terrible combats in the all history of the WW2, also he called this battle “Rjev meat chopper”.
Wermacht General Horst Grossman, commander of the 6 inf division holds defense near Rjev, was called Rjev – the foundation stone of the East Front. Maschinengewehrschutze, hoes remains we discovered, was combated in the 58 Inf Reg of the 6 Inf Div under the command of the Horst Grossman. He meet his one's death, in the fighting for the Polunino (village 5 mile eastern Rjev), this fighting also know as battle for the “height 200”. There are more than 12000 Soviet soldieries was killed, during the monthly combat for this village.
Nowadays you can see the field of this battle from space on Google Earth (N 56 18 957 E 34 19 700).
This is German operation map over space photo from Google Earth, red cross on this map the place where I find remains:
Some foto from the "Height 200" in the 1942:
At the maschinengewehr MG-34 "height 200", most probability somebody of this soldiers personally
knows that machinegunner, or he stay on this photo by himself.
The view from German trench on the "Height 200":
There are 3 put out of action Soviet tank on this photo:
This German soldier is armed with Soviet submachine gun PPSH:
In the trench on the "Heght 200"
Wounded German soldiers:
Present days:
The view from the "Heght 200"
Some diggers is allready excavating here:
Unclaimed artefact's:
Critically appraise the situation, I was started to searching around this place, by scanning ground with deep scan metal detector:
The first finds was perplexed me:
And the next give some hope:
Specify the signal place:
This is the source of signal, the boxes with cartridge belts for MG-34. Remains of the invader rest on the boxes.
The finds safety was very bad.
Totally there are 4 full off cartridge belts boxes the fascist can’t bring to his partner.
His dead body was robed after the fighting, no helmet, no boots, no belt, no buckle, and except Hautentgiftungsmittel :
I found with remains 4 wallet. First was empty:
Except some paper with gothic and pencil:
Second was empty absolutely:
In the third, german keep 2 crucifix.
First was simple:
Second have a secrete. It’s consisting of two parts, and relic inside.
In the last, fourth wallet, was dog tag and the key.
Evening coming
Finnaly I did my job at the night:
All remains and relics was hand over to the Volksbund, for the burial.
Hello, my friend! Today I tell you about discovered of remains of German Maschinengewehrschutze.
That soldier was killed in battle near Russian city Rjev.
Most of you, I hope, knows about great battle on the Volga river, Battle of Stalingrad.
But the same time with battle of Stalingrad, about 700 mile to the north-west also on the Volga river, Soviet Army was carry on bloody battle for the Rjev. Near Rjev salient, from Germans was concentrated 2/3 Army Group “Center”, and from Russians, forces of 4 Army’s was accepted battle.
In the heavy fighting’s near Rjev the outcome of the Stalingrade battle was decided. German high command was obliged to transferred nine Inf Div and three Pz Div from Stalingrad to hold position on the Rjev salient.
Summary losses in killed and wounded in Rjev battle from German are about 500 000, from Red Army about 2 000 000. The bloody fighting near Rjev, Soviet and German veterans, ho can survive in this battle, was called most terrible combats in the all history of the WW2, also he called this battle “Rjev meat chopper”.
Wermacht General Horst Grossman, commander of the 6 inf division holds defense near Rjev, was called Rjev – the foundation stone of the East Front. Maschinengewehrschutze, hoes remains we discovered, was combated in the 58 Inf Reg of the 6 Inf Div under the command of the Horst Grossman. He meet his one's death, in the fighting for the Polunino (village 5 mile eastern Rjev), this fighting also know as battle for the “height 200”. There are more than 12000 Soviet soldieries was killed, during the monthly combat for this village.
Nowadays you can see the field of this battle from space on Google Earth (N 56 18 957 E 34 19 700).
This is German operation map over space photo from Google Earth, red cross on this map the place where I find remains:

Some foto from the "Height 200" in the 1942:
At the maschinengewehr MG-34 "height 200", most probability somebody of this soldiers personally
knows that machinegunner, or he stay on this photo by himself.

The view from German trench on the "Height 200":

There are 3 put out of action Soviet tank on this photo:

This German soldier is armed with Soviet submachine gun PPSH:

In the trench on the "Heght 200"

Wounded German soldiers:

Present days:
The view from the "Heght 200"

Some diggers is allready excavating here:

Unclaimed artefact's:

Critically appraise the situation, I was started to searching around this place, by scanning ground with deep scan metal detector:

The first finds was perplexed me:

And the next give some hope:

Specify the signal place:

This is the source of signal, the boxes with cartridge belts for MG-34. Remains of the invader rest on the boxes.

The finds safety was very bad.

Totally there are 4 full off cartridge belts boxes the fascist can’t bring to his partner.

His dead body was robed after the fighting, no helmet, no boots, no belt, no buckle, and except Hautentgiftungsmittel :

I found with remains 4 wallet. First was empty:

Except some paper with gothic and pencil:

Second was empty absolutely:

In the third, german keep 2 crucifix.

First was simple:

Second have a secrete. It’s consisting of two parts, and relic inside.

In the last, fourth wallet, was dog tag and the key.

Evening coming

Finnaly I did my job at the night:

All remains and relics was hand over to the Volksbund, for the burial.