Mandatory Settlement Hearing on 9-4 and 95

yeah, OAK thanks for the invite ( was excepted, like that was goin be a prob LOL ) and for the update.
Hefty, my hat is off to ya bud, don’t know how ya did it, congrats
yeah these poor guys are going through hell, it's a slow and frustrating process, i don't have near the problems these guys have and i am wore out dealing with attorneys, courts, government agencies., thing is even if we get back in the water theseterrorist will file another to stop our dredgin, these sick people are relentless

The Center for Biodiversity-(Bio adversity) have legal suits in hand just bragging and waiting to file,along with a dozen others to kill/stop/injunction/stay any good that comes out of this sic sic sic. John

We need to seek damages from CBD, get some of that taxpayer money back:laughing7:

Since the judge--so far-has refused to publish in the federal register IT DOES NOT EXIST- no win just more insipid insanity till legally recorded due to existing law. My dredge would have been in the water if it was a done deal days ago. John

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Since the judge--so far-has refused to publish in the federal register IT DOES NOT EXIST- no win just more insipid insanity till legally recorded due to existing law. My dredge would have been in the water if it was a done deal days ago. John

Mine is just a waitin to get a drippin wet. :occasion14:

Since the judge--so far-has refused to publish in the federal register IT DOES NOT EXIST- no win just more insipid insanity till legally recorded due to existing law. My dredge would have been in the water if it was a done deal days ago. John

I'm guessing being the outlaw that you are, you like the rest of already have it in:laughing7:

I've read the above posts and was wondering, if the federal government incurages mineral exploration, makes land available for claim and minimal extraction, yet the ca laws make it not possible to extract the minerals in a practical manner, it would seem that the owner of a claim would basically be scammed by the two contradicting government laws and his/her claim would be worthless. That being so the miner would have a leg to stand on sueing the government for this basically "scam" they have created to dop people out of there money on maintenance fees, and damages created when a miner purchases land for a hefty some but ist not workable anyways.. Is there already a lawsuit in this manner?

I say this as owning a placer claim that is only practically workable by dredge, if the ca government thinks I would pay thousands of dollars to bring my pan out recreationaly to find a few specs of color, they are greatly mistaken..

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Jus' mo' bloody :censored: litigation ie: lawyer enrichment plan. In the past 25 years over 46 miles of the Trinity river claims has been stolen and not 1 red cent paid to claim owners and ya'all think they are just going to open up the coffers now. Base all future assumptions on the foundation of facts as presented by recorded history and NOT blue sky and bs. Remember you'll get to dredge in 6 months--then this year-then next-then next-then next. 6 seasons shot down, for some folks anyhow, and now many more years. Now back to state court again and THAT result will definately be appealed as all others by either side. Lawyers love it. Go to Fish/Wildlife website and see the new regs as absolutely untenable, the 1994 regs or nothing-John

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