Man could face jail time for posessing metal detector

Eureka, good observation. While we both agree on avoiding "obvious" historic sensitive monuments (to avoid trouble), you're right: the word "obvious" is a loaded term. It's subjective, etc... And I suppose persons have even received flack for NON historic, NON-sensitive places (innocuous sandboxes, etc...). Here's my answer to all this: Yes, anything's possible. Anyone can practice this "due discretion' and still, somehow, someway, run into someone who doesn't like it, or think it runs afoul of something, etc... Agreed. HOWEVER: In my opinion, so long as a person has applied the "avoid sacred historic monuments" addage (even though ambiguous), the remaining times you might run into someone who doesn't like it, will be greatly decreased. At least insofar as "cultural heritage" cr*p goes, maybe not turf issues, etc... And to the extent you've abided by this addage as much as possible, yet STILL run into someone who throws the book at you for some trumped up charge, I'd say the odds are so slim, as to be "worth it". Let me give you an example: You can get an over-zealous cop to pull you over and rough you up for nothing but a tail-light out. Right? He can ticket you, arrest you, confiscate your car, jail you, etc... all for nothing but a tail-light out or going 56 in a 55, right? So you tell me: does that stop you from driving when you read of such extremes? NO, of COURSE NOT. You and I look at such stories as exceptions, not norms. SO TOO is it with metal detecting: Sure: once in awhile you might read of someone roughed up (beyond a mere scram) from something non-historic and not obvious. But the remoteness and infrequency of such things is such that ........ it doesn't bother me. If I was so skittish and fearful that "someone might not like it", then .... I probably wouldn't be in this hobby.
If I was so skittish and fearful that "someone might not like it", then .... I probably wouldn't be in this hobby That mentality is probably one that suppresses the lower classes in communist nations about most everything, not just metal detecting. us metal detectors shouldn't have to be this antsy, and yet, it's becoming a fact that it is nescessary IMO.

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...... us metal detectors shouldn't have to be this antsy, and yet, it's becoming a fact that it is nescessary IMO.

I'm the the first to agree that we shouldn't have to "be this antsy". But yes, it's necessary. Those who partake of this hobby have to realize that .... there's inherent connotations that are in-escapable. That you might (gasp) find something, and (gasp) take it, and (gasp) disturb ground temporarily, etc.... If this is bothersome to people (an admitted discomfort that some may not like), then they need to stick to beaches or modern sandboxes. Heck, even THERE someone might announce to you they don't like it. Or stick to private property.

The converse of thinking you're going to be able to get every last archie and gardener to give you rolled out red carpets, is going to be an exercise in futility. I wish it weren't that way, but I've resigned myself to accept reality.

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