Making Dowsing Rods


Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
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Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner


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I could have just cut the rods the right length for me. I thought maybe pictures would help some of you understand better..This is after I cut 3/8 inch off each rod….Art


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Why do I say to walk a North-South or East- West direction. When I walk North-East when the rods cross I am a few feet off the target. This is how it works for me. That is why I always tell people to Practice and learn what the rods are telling you. It may not work like this for you but if you do not practice you will never know. If I didn’t know these things I would dig a lot places where there is nothing to be found…Art


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Maybe that is why my rods are hit and miss.
I never heard anything about the length
making a difference.
I'll have to try working with them as you
have shown.
Thanks for the photos.

For the new dowser I think it is important to be accurate with the rods. What the rods are made of and what kind of handles and how long they are is important. The most important thing to me is body position. You need to find a repeatable body position so that when you are on the target and the rods are crossed you can mark it.

When I noticed that I was digging some big holes to get a little gold I decided to work on the problem. The first thing I did was place a silver dollar on the floor. I put the heel of my boot on it and held my rods out and they only closed part way. I moved my arms back and forth and the rods opened and closed. I moved my hands in and out and they opened and closed.

So...I found a position for my arms with my hands 1 inch wider than the rod length. The position I chose was my arms at shoulder height and out as far as I could push them. I could repeat this position every time. I decided that I would use the front 1/2 inch of my left heel as my marking spot as I could reach it without hurting my back to much. I then started using a dime as my target.

The next step was to trim my rods so they were crossed and locked when my heel was on my spot and my arms and hands were in position. When on the target turn in different directions and adjust your feet as needed. Hope this helps some of you newbies.....Art

As you can see by the photos I have changed my arm position and now use shorter rods. After a stroke I found that the rods would no longer work with my arms extended. I wish they would still work but that is just the way things happen…

The North-east rod crossing was a surprise to me. That is the first time my rods have done that. There are a few other things that are not working the way they use to. So I have to dig out all my stuff and start testing again. It makes no difference to me how they work as long as I know what is happening.

I would have caught this false signal as I always turn 90 degrees 3 times and adjust my feet each time before I mark the spot. When I turned 90 degrees the rods opened...Art

Rod length is a personal matter, nothing mandatory. If you think a certain length rod will work for you, then it will and you won't be able to use any other length rod.

Art you talked about this in another post. For me it was confusing. The pictures make it clear. Thank you. It's been my understanding the rods should cross about one inch from the tips when over a target for "yes". If I'm wrong about this correct me. I notice in your pictures the rods are completely crossed, one exactly above the other, full length from bend to tip. Is this cross, rod over rod, your yes?

Locating comditions have an effect on how far the rods close depending on how level you hold the rods. If you hold them an inch or two down at the tips there are going to be times they will not close completely and you can use this to judge how good the conditions are. It also depends on the persons electrical, I heard of people who hold the rods pointed at their toes. First thought on this is that's impossible, but it is not.

Hey digum…..Before I knew any thing about Dowsing I had already used the rods for many years to follow man-made signals. When I came to T-Net and became interested in Dowsing the most Important thing to me was not to screw up what I could already do. Following man-made signals is a physical thing so I tried to do the same with Dowsing.

When I was experimenting with the Radiodynamometer,119954.0.html I found that objects emit a signal and it runs North-South and East-West. I them started to test. I ask no questions of my rods, I just let them do what they want to.

I have experimented with Mental Dowsing and can do it but have decided to stick with Physical Dowsing as by them I was getting quite good at it.

As far as I am concerned it makes no difference if you are a physical dowser or a mental dowser. You still have to mark where the treasure is. Until the last few years the only thing I searched for was placer gold. If you rods cross on a few flakes of gold you had better know where to mark the spot to dig or your not going to find them.

To tell where your rods are crossing is easy to do. Throw a silver dollar on the floor. Walk a North-South or East-West line about 10 foot away from the dollar. Now follow the rods to the target. Notice where you are when you think you are on the target.

Now go outside and put 5 or 6 coffee cups in a line about 2 feet apart. Put the dollar under a cup and practice some more.

Now have some else put the dollar under one of the cups while your not looking. Try to locate the dollar. After this you should know how accurate you are. Do this until you can locate the dollar everytime…Art

The cups trick works if you don't end up making a guessing game out of it. If you are guessing you are using the wrong part of your brain (the skeptic side) and you are not dowsing. I suggest not even looking at the cups and this is not easy at close range.

The false signal I was getting yesterday turns out to be the rings emitted by the object. As I walked out on the North-East line it kept repeating its self. It aso did the same thing in the Sout-East and South-West directions. I have rarely encountered these rings. So I went out into the dessert and buried 5 pounds of lead. I want to study it more. I will report my findings to Tim. He has a lot of information about rings.

The way my wife and I do the cup test is at,28701.0.html

Abbe Mermet talked about the 44 magnetic images of gold in his book. They come and go. During bad weather these can repeat indefinitely. The best chance to reduce them is when the sun is due east, south or west. Mermet recommeded carrying a sample and check it to see what it is doing. Some people say you can point a pencil at the images or hold a piece of lead . You don't get them at night. This may be the same interference that Dell talks about.

Mermet said a larger gold amount gives a longer wave-length (distance between images). 10 grams gives a 0.6 meter wave length, one ounce about one meter, and so on. He also said the images are not as strong to the south. High sun and electrical charged atmosphere are the worst times (produce stronger magnetic images). Different elements have a different number of images (and I suppose different wave length).

I went out this morning to test on my lead bar. The wind is blowing about 30 MPH so I didn’t stay to long. I used lead, silver and gold baited rods. I also used a set of non baited rods. My lead rods would start to turn about one foot from the N, S, E and W magnetic lines. The only rods that would turn were the lead baited and the non-baited rods.

When I walked in a N-E direction the only rods that turned was the non-baited rod. When I turned 90 degrees at the spot where the rods crossed they would open. The rings were spaced about 4 feet apart.

I could pick this ring up in about a 40 degree arc so that tells me that the real signal will over ride it and with baited rods it will be eliminated. Hope this helps but I am not through with this experiment.

You can read all the books that you want. They give you an idea of how dowsing works. But…The only way you can learn is to try it yourself and see what works for you….Art

I agree most of dowsing is superstition. If you rely on the rod to do it for you, good luck. The rod is an extension of your senses. I've experienced the magnetic images and I think Mermet is correct when he said the larger targets have a longer wavelength.

Advantages to Baiting rods…..We were looking for 3 ½ oz of gold nuggets that the legend said was buried in a redwood box. What we found was gold at a depth of 4 feet. I baited my rods with pieces of red wood and made sure this was the right location.

Another time we were looking for a mine that had been closed using black powder. The story said that there was a camp at the mines entrance. We found an old camp site near the spot and used ashes from the campfire. We found a old campfire buried about 2 feet deep.

Infera Red could not locate the mine.

The owner brought me some black powder that had been burnt ( I don’t know how he did that) and mixed with a little new powder. It worked as we found the mines entrance….This is my home made witness chamber….Art


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aarthrj3811 said:
Advantages to Baiting rods…..We were looking for 3 ½ oz of gold nuggets that the legend said was buried in a redwood box. What we found was gold at a depth of 4 feet. I baited my rods with pieces of red wood and made sure this was the right location.

Did you ever find anything in this hunt, Art?

Before, when my rods crossed, about one to two inches from the tips, that was where I dug. The location didn't have to be exact because I was locating man made objects like water lines. For me that was my "yes" for a question asked, and/or the location of an object. It was going to be a big hole anyway, so inches didn't matter. After seeing how the rods crossed one directly over the other in Arts pics, I decided to experiment. I liked that and I thought if I could get my rods to cross like that, one directly over the other, it might tighten my dig area for treasure hunting, like pinpointing with a MD does. Before, if my rods were directly over the other I was already about a foot past my target. I'm not sure how or even if anyone else retraines their rods. I've read that some people let the rod react the way it wants, then they remember the rods response. I want my rods to react the way I want. I prefer 18" rods so I decided that they "will" work for me at that length. Cocky or maybe bullheaded, for someone new to dowsing for treasure huh? I just don't want to be stopped, slowed or crippled simply because a dowsing tool isn't absolutely perfect. What if I have to cut a clothes hanger to dowse somewhere? What if I don't have my perfect rods with me? Does that mean I can't dowse until I go get my perfect rods? To me, it means the rods are doing the dowsing, and they're in control, not me. I should have control. That sounded good in theory, but would it work for me? I laid a silver dollar on the ground and crossed it with my rods. They crossed at 2" from the tips directly over the dollar just like always. I backed off, made it clear in my mind exactly what I expected from myself and the rods. I physically moved the rods to cross one exactly over the other and said this is the new "yes" and it is also the exact object location. I then opened the rods, physically repeated that rod position and explained those instructions several more times. From the ready position, I then asked my rods what the answer for yes is. They crossed like I wanted. I then told my rods that they will "both" follow the target and point toward the target. I began working around the dollar. "Both" rods, instead of just the rod farthest from the target as before, stayed on the target. I attempted this several more times with the same results. As I retrained myself and the rods to cross the new way, I didn't say "instead of". I only explained what I wanted them to do NOW, a positive. For me, this is the basics. I'm the dowser and I feel that I should have control, not some tool. This experiment was done with an object above the ground, that I planted, that I knew was there, so it's not science, and I'm not finished yet. I'll let you know if my retraining method works as well for a target below the surface that I've never seen before.

Digum said:
Before, when my rods crossed, about one to two inches from the tips, that was where I dug. The location didn't have to be exact because I was locating man made objects like water lines. For me that was my "yes" for a question asked, and/or the location of an object. It was going to be a big hole anyway, so inches didn't matter. After seeing how the rods crossed one directly over the other in Arts pics, I decided to experiment. I liked that and I thought if I could get my rods to cross like that, one directly over the other, it might tighten my dig area for treasure hunting, like pinpointing with a MD does. Before, if my rods were directly over the other I was already about a foot past my target. I'm not sure how or even if anyone else retraines their rods. I've read that some people let the rod react the way it wants, then they remember the rods response. I want my rods to react the way I want. I prefer 18" rods so I decided that they "will" work for me at that length. Cocky or maybe bullheaded, for someone new to dowsing for treasure huh? I just don't want to be stopped, slowed or crippled simply because a dowsing tool isn't absolutely perfect. What if I have to cut a clothes hanger to dowse somewhere? What if I don't have my perfect rods with me? Does that mean I can't dowse until I go get my perfect rods? To me, it means the rods are doing the dowsing, and they're in control, not me. I should have control. That sounded good in theory, but would it work for me? I laid a silver dollar on the ground and crossed it with my rods. They crossed at 2" from the tips directly over the dollar just like always. I backed off, made it clear in my mind exactly what I expected from myself and the rods. I physically moved the rods to cross one exactly over the other and said this is the new "yes" and it is also the exact object location. I then opened the rods, physically repeated that rod position and explained those instructions several more times. From the ready position, I then asked my rods what the answer for yes is. They crossed like I wanted. I then told my rods that they will "both" follow the target and point toward the target. I began working around the dollar. "Both" rods, instead of just the rod farthest from the target as before, stayed on the target. I attempted this several more times with the same results. As I retrained myself and the rods to cross the new way, I didn't say "instead of". I only explained what I wanted them to do NOW, a positive. For me, this is the basics. I'm the dowser and I feel that I should have control, not some tool. This experiment was done with an object above the ground, that I planted, that I knew was there, so it's not science, and I'm not finished yet. I'll let you know if my retraining method works as well for a target below the surface that I've never seen before.
Keep us updated! :thumbsup:

Hey Digum…..When you drive a car and your eyes see danger you mind automatically puts on the brakes and does what it can to avoid the danger. All I can do is tell how it works for me. I don’t expect a lot of people will have the same dowsing experience that I do. If my post leads some one to try something new or do some experimenting so they become better that is what I am trying to do.Good luck with your programming….Art

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