LUE Treasure

Yes, I’ve read the chapter and then some.. as well as all about the CO mining strikes and labor union wars etc.. but my question is this story the clue that led KVM to this particular valley ? just seems odd a semi-fictional historical account is being used as evidence enough to start digging.

And if the story is 100% true (like only the character names were changed)... surely no one walked away from that uncovered gold hoard at the turn of the 20th century. I’m just confused.

Yes, I’ve read the chapter and then some.. as well as all about the CO mining strikes and labor union wars etc.. but my question is this story the clue that led KVM to this particular valley ? just seems odd a semi-fictional historical account is being used as evidence enough to start digging.

And if the story is 100% true (like only the character names were changed)... surely no one walked away from that uncovered gold hoard at the turn of the 20th century. I’m just confused.

OK, try this on for size. Think "cover story." Late 1800s, KGC stashes a whole lotta gold coins somewhere in the Culebras. Gold coins was money then. Where'd they get the coins? Who knows - legitimate earnings from rich heavy hitters, loot from robberies, recovery of treasure in the San Luis Valley, etc. You name it. Coded story appears as a strange chapter in the Hurt book.

Think "cover story 2." 1930s. Recover the coins. Melt them down into bullion, since the possession of gold coins became illegal in 1933 and nobody knew how long the ban would last. Move the cache. Create a new legend. Call it the LUE and provide a useless treasure map to go with it.

KVM? Maybe he was a company man. Maybe he was duped. Who knows?

Thanks Sdcfia.. I had suspicions about Ch. 53 after skimming through the rest of Scarlet Shadow to see if that part of the story ever picked back up.. I wasn't sure if it was a "flashback" and I'd missed something. I appreciate your explanation - just the answers I was looking for !

I figured this is worth a post since we're in a dry spell for LUE discussion. On the old Beale Treasure Story website the LUE is mentioned in the Silver Cliff, Colorado area.

from A Conjectured Location for Beale's Vault

Beale stated that the mine was 250 or 300 miles from Santa Fe, NM. He might have meant 250 miles by horse back or 300 miles by wagon. As it happens, Silver Cliff, Colorado is almost exactly 300 miles from Santa Fe, on present day highways! The area was known by the Mexicans as the "Incredible Lue" with pastures of gold and silver.

Seigfried Schlagrule,

So very true. There will never be another KVM but to think the story is fake is wrong.



I doubt this story. 100 tons is an enormous amount of something to simply hide. So the Nazi's hid this in America before we entered WWII? How many trucks would it take to carry 100 tons? The logistics of moving and hiding 100 tons is incredible. There would be a team of people and equipment. It's difficult to keep anything from a team a secret.

Hello PurpleGold,

I doubt the Nazi connection and the 100 tons of AU.



I doubt anything I say hasn’t been said before but the bottom left quadrant of the ‘’map” look like property plats. Using a GFX tool like GIMP(free) or Photoshop, mirror (invert top/bottom, left/right) the top half along the reflection line/arrow and set transparency to 50% and you see Randy’s survey marks overlay nicely with certain rectangle intersections.

Also, if you just reflect(top/bottom) the map along the arrow line and point it “north”, you get an image of a cross on a hill/pyramid/church? with what looks to be angels on each side.


MirrorLUE2.webp MirrorLUE1.webp 220px-Ihs-logo.svg.webp


  • MirrorLUE2.webp
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Looks like my History teacher from high school....

Hello All

I wish the very best of luck to anyone trying to decode the riddle of the Lue.

The Lue is an unsolvable problem that will always open to anyone's conjecture.



It's beginning to look like one of those babes Picasso painted later in life. Finally. there's the Spanish connection.


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The last one looks like the "Owl of Minerva" a Spanish or Indian treasure symbol. If you find an Owl carved in a tree or chiseled into rock that is a good sign. Same goes for the letter "M" The letter "B" or the number "3". The number "5" for Sliver and the number "7" for Gold like the following "7" I found chiseled into a flat rock in a stream bed in Northern New Mexico.

# 7 .webp



Yes, I didn’t intend for my pics to be serious - after all, symmetry is created by bisecting and reflecting - but the iconography is interesting. I like the the almost-Christogram at the base of the Cross with the sunrays remind me of the Jesuit Order logo.

Yes, I didn’t intend for my pics to be serious - after all, symmetry is created by bisecting and reflecting - but the iconography is interesting. I like the the almost-Christogram at the base of the Cross with the sunrays remind me of the Jesuit Order logo.


In other LUE postings I have always maintained that the LUE was Jesuit and I stand by that assumption 100%. I think you are correctomundo on your interpretation of the LUE symbology. Thank you for sharing your findings.



I believe Karl and his friends found most of this treasures. Good hunting and good luck.

I believe Karl and his friends found most of this treasures. Good hunting and good luck.

Hello Honest Samuel,

KVM found many but not all. There are more out there you just have to look for the signs and symbology. The following attachments are fuzzy for a reason. From left to right Arrow, Cross Mine Sign, Falling or Deadman and the Turtle. Then an Arrow shaped rock with a Spanish Mine sign.



Mine Arrow, X, Dead Man, Turtle.webp

1 Arrow Shaped Rock with Tunnel Marking.webp

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