Lue Clue ?


Jr. Member
May 31, 2024
Could the number on this railroad crossing pole at the train station in Lordsburg NM. be a coded # for something other than railroad use? It is 11483 2 you can see it at 1:12 in the video . These codes can be tricky if used by certain groups, KGC, Templars, Masons?

I have also read on Lue map thread, the mention of the Haitchia Mountains . I have been to that are collecting a green stone(Malachite?) at old abandoned mine sites. From there in those mountain top you can see a very large laid to rest body of a person representation, indicating a Ancient tomb. With a very large and well done Sun/Moon solstice cut that is placed just back of the bound feet at the ankle area. This is only what i see, so believe in your own path.

Could this be a clue to Mdog's research on the Lue mapping he has been doing? I found this on YouTube. I see one of his lines goes to the Lordsburg NM. area. I have friends that live in that area that i visit .I didn't want to post on his thread, disrupting the good flow and research he has going on.

That was interesting. Have you ever been at the Gold Gulch location? The line that goes by Lordsburg comes from Apple Lake, Minnesota and was probably plotted about the years 1910-1920. Some research might turn up something interesting that took place about that time. Do you know when the first accounts of this gate were made? The Lordsburg Gate story would sure draw attention to that area.

That was interesting. Have you ever been at the Gold Gulch location? The line that goes by Lordsburg comes from Apple Lake, Minnesota and was probably plotted about the years 1910-1920. Some research might turn up something interesting that took place about that time. Do you know when the first accounts of this gate were made? The Lordsburg Gate story would sure draw attention to that area.
Yes, i made about 4 trips to the Gold Gulch area. The last trip i made i was walking a dry creek bed and in the distance i could see where the dry creek bed made a very sharp bend where it contacted a solid rock cliff face. I think there may have been some info. on that rock cliff face. I was out of water and decided to hike back to where i was parked and never made it back. I have found that areas that have a sharp bend in the creeks or rivers seem to have old camp sites. Maybe because the water slows and pools there or maybe other reason like the change of direction had a special meaning to Ancient people. I think if a person was to get up on a high point in the area like Jacks Peak they could possibly spot a area interest where rocks may have been arranged some way for a meaning by man. No i do not know when that story on the gate way was started. I mainly look for older Ancient works. But any old camps and such i try and explore .Just happened to see your post on that area that your one line went thru and post what i have seen. Interesting work you have done Mdog. Thanks.

Ah, Lordsburg. Having been there numerous times in the past 50 years for various reasons, I'm essentially speechless trying to describe the place. Let's just say it's not on my short list of places to live. My first experience there was at one of those ramshackle buildings across the tracks from the Amtrak "station" - about 0:50 on the Post #2 video. We used to come down from Silver City to eat pretty good Chinese food there. I pass through Lordsburg almost every time I go over to Arizona, and even though the Chinese restaurant died many decades ago, I do have some intriguing things to say about the area.

The nearby Shakespeare ghost town, a couple miles south of Lordsburg, is worth a visit. It was a silver mining town back in the day, with the Stratford Hotel being hangout for a list of well known outlaws during the 1800s. Janaloo Hill, a local who made her bones as a high society model and dancer in New York, returned and bought the whole town, turning it into a great tourist attraction. Janaloo has passed, but the town is still open to visitors.

KGC mystery glyphs. This could be a general LUE connection, IMO. For those interested in the subject, Terry Carter is the go-to source. Here is his video on the Lordsburg panel, just west of town. These panels are frequently located near mining towns with nearby railroad tracks. It's speculated that many of the symbols are of Ojibway origin, along with Egyptian symbols. Jesse James was known to have had strong relationships with northern US Natives.
Lordsburg Mystery Glyphs

If you like the "door" story, you might find this "tunnel" tale to your liking too. This one starts out in Peru, but it also connects to Lordsburg and also Gold Gulch, both mentioned in the Post #1 video.


  • Fred March tunnels.pdf
    60.3 KB · Views: 11
Thanks sdcfia, that's a very interesting read on the Fred March tunnel. I have experienced some strange things at some of these sites, mostly with the wildlife, as i type this my dog is going into strange mode. I found this stone monument interesting at this bend in the river. I have relatives buried in this cemetery. Some things are just so bizarre at times.

There are revolutionary soldiers also buried there . There is also a Bigfoot living in that area. I will pass on that story. How bizarre .

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Thanks sdcfia, that's a very interesting read on the Fred March tunnel. I have experienced some strange things at some of these sites, mostly with the wildlife, as i type this my dog is going into strange mode. I found this stone monument interesting at this bend in the river. I have relatives buried in this cemetery. Some things are just so bizarre at times. . . .
Fred was one of a number of memorable and unique people I've encountered in southwest NM. In retrospect, I speculate that the once-famous "Taos Hum" was likely another black ops project in northern NM. If you search out a map of the alleged secret government tunnels under the USA, you'll find quite a network in NM.

Also, to link your Deming, NM "Kcymaerxthaere" story in Post #5 to your "gate ways" - remember, Charles Manson once commented that "the gates of hell are in Deming, NM."

I think it was on here i read that about Charlie . I think i also read that sdcfia also said there was a tunnel From the Florida Mt. that went to the 3 sisters. I believe i found the portal in the Florida Mt. and the vent down in the desert towards the 3 sisters. I believe it is natural volcanic type work. Its marked by Ancient man in the Florida Mt. Yea probably a lot of black ops. stuff going on. One i saw about 10 years ago, they shot a missile from white sands missile range towards the Mexico border in the very early morning . It blew up about i mile from the border. I just happened to be outside and for some reason i just happened to look up to see it happen . It made no noise, you could see the contrail from the missile. The story in the paper was they shot it down with another missile testing the patriot missile system. Well there was no second contrail, i think they hit it with some kind of laser. The paper said we werent supposed to see it, but the astrophysical conditions in the sky changed making it visible. No noise, just a big puff of smoke. I could see no debris fallen either, it was almost directly over me when i was doing some work by the border. How bizarre .

If you look on the map at the White sands missile range area you will see a sharp curve in the Rio grande river. There is also a strange lava flow marker there that you can see from google earth, it really sticks out in its shape, were as if you seen it before somewhere else you would remember it. I believe there is something Ancient hidden in those mountains. A lot of people don't want to believe in things unless it written in a excelopedia or science paper. They chose to stay in their bubble world, which is ok if thats what you want. I have a lot of strange stories but don't want to say because most don't want to believe,which is ok. I guess when the time is right it will be easier for some. I would like to visit this Owl bar someday, with all those scientists hanging out there during the Trinity days there just might be a message somewhere left behind . It would be kool to find it if it existed.

I think it was on here i read that about Charlie . I think i also read that sdcfia also said there was a tunnel From the Florida Mt. that went to the 3 sisters. I believe i found the portal in the Florida Mt. and the vent down in the desert towards the 3 sisters. I believe it is natural volcanic type work. Its marked by Ancient man in the Florida Mt. Yea probably a lot of black ops. stuff going on. One i saw about 10 years ago, they shot a missile from white sands missile range towards the Mexico border in the very early morning . It blew up about i mile from the border. I just happened to be outside and for some reason i just happened to look up to see it happen . It made no noise, you could see the contrail from the missile. The story in the paper was they shot it down with another missile testing the patriot missile system. Well there was no second contrail, i think they hit it with some kind of laser. The paper said we werent supposed to see it, but the astrophysical conditions in the sky changed making it visible. No noise, just a big puff of smoke. I could see no debris fallen either, it was almost directly over me when i was doing some work by the border. How bizarre .
Yes, I heard the Florida Mtns-to-Tres Hermanas tunnel story from an old time rancher guy whose family had been in the area for 3 or 4 generations. Allegedly, at times the Apaches would use the tunnel to escape the cavalry. I've never spent any time in either location.

One of the markings in the area of the opening is the Hebrew Dalet. Different time frames and different people over a long period of time i guess . I Am thinking another maybe Aztec,Mayan type markings,its been a long time since i looked back on files but i believe it is Aztec. Of course the Templars and other were on this stuff. That's just my thoughts.

I do not believe this is the code you want to be using. I think you need to look elsewhere for the answers . Just going by what i have seen in the field . Dig deeper .
Different strokes for different folks

Don't be cross that I nailed this hidden meaning.


I always found it bizarre that the Lue shows up in the background around the 43 to 46 second time frame of this video . I always wanted to look into the background of the singers,writers,producers of this video to see if anything is there as far as a Templar connection .

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