Lost ring found

REALLY COOL!!!!!!!! if you see any news articles about the return please post them :icon_thumright:

curious to see what his reward will be? sorry folks this is one area i dislike.i know about karma and all that good stuff.but ive seen too many times ive been screwed and many other hunters ,not even so much as a thank you much less a reward."super bowl ring, nyg ,carolina".just 1 example. i can go on and on.i hope people dont ask me to help find their ring the answer is a strong "sorry cant help you".if i was daddy warbucks i "might"help find someones ring.i look at it" you must not be smart enough not to wear that out here"why should i feel bad if you play with fire.what do you think you wont get burned?if i learned 1 thing theres a fine line between capitalism and greed.there are folks out there that all they do is find rings for people for free.thats good but for us others trying to make ends meet,its a dog eat dog world,and morals dont put food on the table.

I hope the one that lost it (I don't want to say the loser...sounds too bad :laughing9:) appreciates all the hard work that went in to finding it. It's not an easy task most of the time.

I've returned two rings. Neither one said thank you.

The class ring that I returned, the person acted like I was responsible for their loss. Like it was my fault they were drunk at the beach on the 4th of July. I sent it to a friend of the person because she was too busy to talk to me. Not one thank you.

The second ring that I returned I found last week at the Devil's Den, 26 feet underwater. The flashlight hit it with it just sitting on the ledge. I grabbed it and then realized it looked like my brother's. I caught up with him and showed him the ring. The look on his face was like oh great you found another ring. About one minute later he was pointing at his ring finger that was missing it's ring. When we got to the surface about 40 minutes later I told him it was his lucky day. His answer was yes but the magic words of "thank you" didn't come out. Oh well...I guess that's life.

I know it's better to do the correct thing most of the time other wise your conscious will catch up with you.

Capt.JP : I can't thank you for a returned ring but I can "Thank You" for being a good friend and a good person - and also a thank you to Mumszie and the finder too - Cavedweller

Cavedweller said:
Capt.JP : I can't thank you for a returned ring but I can "Thank You" for being a good friend and a good person - and also a thank you to Mumszie and the finder too - Cavedweller

Thanks my friend and ditto.

See you in December. My wetsuit is ready for that cold water :laughing9: (I'll be the same color as this laughing face after 5 minutes in the water)

Thank you to all.

This story made the main news over this side of the pond.
Things like this do wonders for the hobby grate PR for the sport

great job to the finder!!! and to everyone who tried! :icon_thumleft: :headbang:
...........mistake from the story im sure............."It wasn't buried more than a few feet deep" :laughing7:

Nice story and nice deed.

The thing that bothers me are the comments at the bottom of the story. The finder, if he accepted it, had rights to the reward. I've given back two rings that I wasn't paid anything for but if I had been offered something I might have taken it. I gave them back because I felt good about it.

How nice to comment that he only turned it in because the reward was higher then what the pawn shop would give him.

It costs gasoline to get there, it costs around $4 or $5 for parking, it costs $1200 for a good metal detector, put in also the opportunity costs (for those that are economists), etc.

Maybe I would have accepted the reward and then again maybe not. The chili dog was a fine reward and also a thank you is nice too (something I haven't received yet).

Here is today's newspaper article on the found ring.



WTG gamiller!

:thumbsup: to Mr. Miller

as a side note he has good tastes in machines....Excalibur :headbang:

Mumszie thanks for posting the article, the online article made me mad because of some of the nonscence comments that some were posting at the end.

WOW That was a Quick find !

Thanks for the Update mumszie.

Would be Nice to Know he is a Member Here.

Would be Iceing on the Cake :thumbsup:

Capt. JP said:
Nice story and nice deed.

The thing that bothers me are the comments at the bottom of the story. The finder, if he accepted it, had rights to the reward. I've given back two rings that I wasn't paid anything for but if I had been offered something I might have taken it. I gave them back because I felt good about it.

How nice to comment that he only turned it in because the reward was higher then what the pawn shop would give him.

It costs gasoline to get there, it costs around $4 or $5 for parking, it costs $1200 for a good metal detector, put in also the opportunity costs (for those that are economists), etc.

Maybe I would have accepted the reward and then again maybe not. The chili dog was a fine reward and also a thank you is nice too (something I haven't received yet).

I Rarely Refuse a Reward,
but have on occasion.
Mostly when the Person asks me to Find Something
for them. or the person is obviously over joyed.
(But dosn't Throw the Reward at me,
or sticks it in my Pocket for me)
that is reward enough.

I Never Insisted on one.

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