Lost Gold


Jr. Member
May 29, 2024

I’ve searched for this over the years, but until the old newspaper articles and other information was digitized I didn’t have the location information to narrow down my search and I didn’t really know where or how to begin. I also didn’t and don’t know for certain if it had been found by someone stumbling across it.

I also was cautious to keep my information secret except for a few close friends who knew parts of my story. I’m 71 now and living far enough away it is impractical to continue the search. I figure telling the story my grandmother told me many time over the years maybe someone will and I’d guess I’d like to hear of it if it was found someday and put an ending to it.

My great grandfather “John Juka” immigrated to this country from Croatia in his late teen years, he lived in the southern Sierra’s eventually winding up in Jackson, California. He’d been a gold miner and also owned mining property, I don’t know very much about those years but he’d must have had some success mining eventually becoming and inn keeper he also owned a theater restaurant in Jackson along with the boarding house a 3 story structure with a ball alley in the basement. There was also a ladies boarding house this was a separate structure, ladies boarding houses were brothels. The digital newspaper collection has a lot of small stories about events that happened he was involved in everything in these small towns was news but I’ll try and keep this story short.

His niece later immigrated to the US and moved into the main boarding house meeting a fellow in Jackson they were married. Now the heart of this story. My grandmother was somewhere around 6 or 7 I’m not exactly sure but old enough to keep her facts straight, she remembered playing with jars of gold coins we don’t know how much gold but jars?

My Great grandfather was 31 when he died in 1901 my grandmother witnessed these events, he fell ill shortly after his nieces wedding, several days later my grandmother told me he called my great grandmother to his room, he told her I’m going to die and I need to tell you where I’ve buried my gold. Great grandmother alarmed protested no your not, the baby my grandmothers brother was crying in another room and she rushed to check on him, returning to my great grandfather she found he had passed.

The family searched to no avail it was never located. Not long after the niece and her new husband packed up and moved to Los Angeles, the niece had gold she brought with her from the old country and they had gold coins my great grandfather gave them as a wedding present. Arriving in Los Angeles the new husband asked for the gold saying he was going to secure a residence and would return as soon as possible, he never returned. The newspaper recounts the story and a search was made fearing he ran into trouble but he had vanished. Other newspaper articles tell of him moving to Arizona and buying a gold mine.

Jackson newspaper articles tell of my great grandfathers death attributing his illness as liver disease, I believe the nieces new husband used strychnine and was after all the gold.

The boarding house was located on Broadway near the gas works, the property now the parking lot for Bank of America.

When the saddle ridge hoard was found I explored the area looking for and area that had a ridge and had a saddle. Eventually I located and area not to far from the boarding house located behind some homes east over highway 88 below a small hospital. This was a small kind of a ridge and it looks like a saddle a little bit, there is also a walking path that follows behind the homes bordering the path. I also found a large oak tree there were a number of shallow open holes around this tree, Denny knew of my story and found this same tree years later he noticed a large old burn mark on this tree, the holes now filled in.

I tried contacting the dealer that handled the coins sale but he would never take my calls, I asked the reporter Kevin Fagen for help, he said the dealer told him it wasn’t Jackson, but I’d doubt the dealer would be honest.

That’s my story, I’ve no idea if the treasure was found or not, but the area matches their story. The property the tree was on is owned by the Slovic Church. Now the couple said they found the coins on their property and hid them in a wood pile in the back yard? This never made any sense to me you’d only do what the couple did if you were afraid someone had seen you digging the gold coins up on someone’s else’s property, the church?

Of course the coins could be buried anywhere within the town of Jackson, I don’t know where but someplace away from town and prying eyes.

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The info on the boarding house from old county insurance maps and records

Looking at the newspaper collection there are things I have never seen, each year new articles come to light as more becomes digitized

Well… no one’s commented about my loosing a screw yet, lol that’s good news.

What do you think, this screen shot shows the location of the boarding house, a walking path where someone might walk their dog every evening past the oak tree where looking toward the hospital there’s what looks like a small saddle at the top of the hill. I found the tree with the dig holes 10 years ago and I don’t exactly remember which tree looking at google earth but it has a very old burn mark according to Denny high up on the trunk.

Comparing the few facts we do know based on the description they gave, could this be?

The dates on the coins could not be newer that 1902, and who ever found it moved from one of the homes bordering the walking path within a couple years, someone someplace knows a missing piece of this puzzle other than the finders and dealer.

New to me information that could make or break this theory on location. This article has very specific information about the location of rocks around the tree and at the ridge and the orientation of a rock near the tree and its relation to the North Star. The information would not lead you to the spot if true but if you had the right spot it could certainly confirm the location.

This is the picture of the base of the tree Denny took, I’d thought the mark was up higher but at this time I was really hoping to find some indication in a different area and was not that interested in this tree because of the excavation holes all around it, I didn’t send him there he came to this spot on his own as I had.

The boarding house was on Jackson creek, another direction I wanted to explore on foot the creek follows a southerly direction winding through private ranch land. I originally thought that would have been a likely route my great grandfather could have gone following the creek away from town until he spotted a landmark in a safe place away from prying eyes. He was also active with the church, I don’t know if the church owned the land back then but possible, odd fellows was another organization that probably had land he was active there too.

The dig holes may still be there eroded and covered in grass, they were fresh when I saw them.

I recall the rumor was it was in the Auburn area, or up that ways, and not Jackson. The CA Motherload is undoubtedly full of the hidden caches of every miner who met a sudden death. Thanks for sharing the family story, you never know.

I recall the rumor was it was in the Auburn area, or up that ways, and not Jackson. The CA Motherload is undoubtedly full of the hidden caches of every miner who met a sudden death. Thanks for sharing the family story, you never know.
If it was in Auburn that’d be great it might still be out there someplace and the fresh dig holes around the big oak tree wold be meaningless I doubt two finds would happen that close together.

I was unaware there were any rumors but it’s only logical someone knows enough to put these pieces of the puzzle together was that the extent of the rumor… I wonder how it originated.

Pretty interesting story, and one I'd never heard of, Clark. But, no way I'm going to go looking...LOL. I'd probably end up being shot, or something.

Observation from outside treasure net,

One thing that I found odd from the Saddle Ridge wiki page: Who takes their dog for "a walk" on their own property? If they owned a property large enough that it had its own hiking trail, the dog would get plenty of excersize just running around on it's own.

There was a trail they had walked "several times"? So, we're talking a ranch sized property like the show Yellowstone. There can't be too many of those left in the region. Especially one's that aren't being actively farmed/ranched, where the owners don't have working dogs and need to take them "on walks". It doesn't say they were hiking on their property. It specifically says they were walking their dog.

There's a lot of holes in the information provided about/from "John and Mary". I don't know but it still sounds an awful lot like what they found wasn't theirs (or at least wasn't on their property). Maybe my brain's not remembering correctly after all of these years but I thought they had talked about finding it "in their backyard". Using the word "backyard" doesn't bring a ranch size property to mind.

They're not a couple anymore and they don't even "own" the property they owned when it was found, so why not at least name the city or county?

I guess I posted the image and forgot to add why it was posted.

Other than the area that matches the description from the saddle ridge hoard as much as it could with so little to rule it out completely, I always felt walking up Jackson Creek and looking for something that stood out as a landmark was my best shot. Problem is while easily accessible it is off limits posted no trespassing private property.

The area circled in red would be my starting point.

At the time I didn’t see why who ever owned it would give me permission to look when they could look themselves if they knew and I was not ready… that’s the hard part knowing who to trust or how much to say.

Land status in case someone want to ask permission to look?

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Land status in the area circled in red, This is publicly available information.

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I’ve searched for this over the years, but until the old newspaper articles and other information was digitized I didn’t have the location information to narrow down my search and I didn’t really know where or how to begin. I also didn’t and don’t know for certain if it had been found by someone stumbling across it.

I also was cautious to keep my information secret except for a few close friends who knew parts of my story. I’m 71 now and living far enough away it is impractical to continue the search. I figure telling the story my grandmother told me many time over the years maybe someone will and I’d guess I’d like to hear of it if it was found someday and put an ending to it.

My great grandfather “John Juka” immigrated to this country from Croatia in his late teen years, he lived in the southern Sierra’s eventually winding up in Jackson, California. He’d been a gold miner and also owned mining property, I don’t know very much about those years but he’d must have had some success mining eventually becoming and inn keeper he also owned a theater restaurant in Jackson along with the boarding house a 3 story structure with a ball alley in the basement. There was also a ladies boarding house this was a separate structure, ladies boarding houses were brothels. The digital newspaper collection has a lot of small stories about events that happened he was involved in everything in these small towns was news but I’ll try and keep this story short.

His niece later immigrated to the US and moved into the main boarding house meeting a fellow in Jackson they were married. Now the heart of this story. My grandmother was somewhere around 6 or 7 I’m not exactly sure but old enough to keep her facts straight, she remembered playing with jars of gold coins we don’t know how much gold but jars?

My Great grandfather was 31 when he died in 1901 my grandmother witnessed these events, he fell ill shortly after his nieces wedding, several days later my grandmother told me he called my great grandmother to his room, he told her I’m going to die and I need to tell you where I’ve buried my gold. Great grandmother alarmed protested no your not, the baby my grandmothers brother was crying in another room and she rushed to check on him, returning to my great grandfather she found he had passed.

The family searched to no avail it was never located. Not long after the niece and her new husband packed up and moved to Los Angeles, the niece had gold she brought with her from the old country and they had gold coins my great grandfather gave them as a wedding present. Arriving in Los Angeles the new husband asked for the gold saying he was going to secure a residence and would return as soon as possible, he never returned. The newspaper recounts the story and a search was made fearing he ran into trouble but he had vanished. Other newspaper articles tell of him moving to Arizona and buying a gold mine.

Jackson newspaper articles tell of my great grandfathers death attributing his illness as liver disease, I believe the nieces new husband used strychnine and was after all the gold.

The boarding house was located on Broadway near the gas works, the property now the parking lot for Bank of America.

When the saddle ridge hoard was found I explored the area looking for and area that had a ridge and had a saddle. Eventually I located and area not to far from the boarding house located behind some homes east over highway 88 below a small hospital. This was a small kind of a ridge and it looks like a saddle a little bit, there is also a walking path that follows behind the homes bordering the path. I also found a large oak tree there were a number of shallow open holes around this tree, Denny knew of my story and found this same tree years later he noticed a large old burn mark on this tree, the holes now filled in.

I tried contacting the dealer that handled the coins sale but he would never take my calls, I asked the reporter Kevin Fagen for help, he said the dealer told him it wasn’t Jackson, but I’d doubt the dealer would be honest.

That’s my story, I’ve no idea if the treasure was found or not, but the area matches their story. The property the tree was on is owned by the Slovic Church. Now the couple said they found the coins on their property and hid them in a wood pile in the back yard? This never made any sense to me you’d only do what the couple did if you were afraid someone had seen you digging the gold coins up on someone’s else’s property, the church?

Of course the coins could be buried anywhere within the town of Jackson, I don’t know where but someplace away from town and prying eyes.
Am in Jackson daily, living in glencoe. Will look at the Slovic church site . Did you inquire with them as to looking around their grounds

Am in Jackson daily, living in glencoe. Will look at the Slovic church site . Did you inquire with them as to looking around their grounds
I’ve never asked permission but I did call them to explain the situation and the tree with the open dig holes on their property in hope they might take an interest and perhaps if lucky they might someday hear something from someone in the community about something someone saw or anything that might be a clue figuring the church runs deep in communities and might hear things that could break this open but since Have not heard anything, this could be they for whatever reason are not interested, don’t believe or that they did call back and I ignored the call.mistaking it for spam

I’ve never asked permission but I did call them to explain the situation and the tree with the open dig holes on their property in hope they might take an interest and perhaps if lucky they might someday hear something from someone in the community about something someone saw or anything that might be a clue figuring the church runs deep in communities and might hear things that could break this open but since Have not heard anything, this could be they for whatever reason are not interested, don’t believe or that they did call back and I ignored the call.mistaking it for spam
Thanks. I drive up to Jackson friday. Am totally in the dark as to your pursuit and venture despite having read your story. . Would love to explore any suggested areas or sites. I don’t get turned down much as to detecting as i try to get friendly first then approach the subject. Would love to have you give me a run down of why you think there might still be some gold coins buried there when in fact you’ve learned they were found and removed. You can text me if easier. I just took a geologist to 3 “gold” mines a week ago in Jackson based on the owners stories of her grandfathers mining efforts. The geologist found all 3 to be absent of any gold vein or possible quartz deposits. Gary 805-591-0000

Thanks. I drive up to Jackson friday. Am totally in the dark as to your pursuit and venture despite having read your story. . Would love to explore any suggested areas or sites. I don’t get turned down much as to detecting as i try to get friendly first then approach the subject. Would love to have you give me a run down of why you think there might still be some gold coins buried there when in fact you’ve learned they were found and removed. You can text me if easier. I just took a geologist to 3 “gold” mines a week ago in Jackson based on the owners stories of her grandfathers mining efforts. The geologist found all 3 to be absent of any gold vein or possible quartz deposits. Gary 805-591-0000
That’s a good question what am I after… years ago I would have said the gold, but now that’s kind of changed. And I honestly don’t know if it was found or not? I know the family searched and not just a little, the nieces new husband worked his butt off looking I’m sure and they came up empty, despite knowing his habits. I know only a little of his history, I can only think in terms of what would I do. I wouldn’t hide it around the property the boarding house is on, or inside to easy for to be stolen, or lost from fire and the boarding house burned down sometime in the 40’s I think, ashes are poor safe at best.

The development of Jackson in its general shape and layout around the boarding house has not changed all that much. The undeveloped area in that spot are pretty much the same defined by private property, it expanded a little growing in the direction of the church property, the tree with the fresh dig holes more remote than today, but still too near town unless he had some control over that ground. The newspaper articles mention different organizations he belong to and activity in the church, so he could have. It would need to be walking distance and simple enough he could have told her where to look?

The vacant land walking from the boarding house is mostly limited to the church’s property and that vast area following Jackson creek unchanged except for a few things visible on google earth.

The only reason I focused on the church’s property is because it was walking distance, had what looked like a saddle, a walking path bordering the long row of houses. This was just after the discovery was announced so I drove up to Jackson and walked around starting at one end of that path around to the other side looking for anything that fit the couples stated description and it was similar. A few feet off the path I could see the ground disturbed around a large oak tree, my heart sunk a little. I detect so I’m pretty familiar with dig holes and this tree was surrounded with them, holes big enough to pull a jar from.

That’s basically what I know of that spot, but I may just be fitting the clues i found to fit my story, but hiding the coins the way they did doesn’t fit their story, if I’m playing poker with them I’d call their bluff all in.

So again I don’t know it could have been found, was the saddle ridge hoard in a different part of the Sierra rumors say so but in reality none of the press release from the couple can be trusted and the coin dealer put a lockdown around it, a lot tighter than the secret service did for Trump.

Back to what I want, I spent 30 years in emergency services where I developed a best case out of bad situations mentality I’m not going to find it but like I said it isn’t about the coins anymore, it’s gotten to be the story and My great grandfathers memory, while I can’t guarantee anything except dreams and a little adventure with many more people aware, who knows?

I did send an email to the property corporation from the land app screen shot giving them a link to this thread but got no response, but I always thought he walked up Jackson Creek a ways out of town and out of sight to some landmark and hid them.

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