Lost dutchman mine possibly found!

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Sorry Rodger

You are 5 years too late

Lost Dutchman Mine overlay 2.webp

See what a mining operation looks like when 30 men are killed and their abandoned goods are all left sitting around

See this at ANY other location yet in the Superstitions? That's cause most people pick up their goods when they leave their claims.

You may have found another location that was mined but to be honest you are lacking the history behind the stone maps and the other facts about the location that the men came from in the first place. Their tale is well documented.

You have almost made it to full member, just 4 more posts to go :thumbsup:

edit: make that 3 posts 8-)

He's off in La Paz county....dafuq?

Screenshot_2020-01-04-21-53-47.webpdagger, bull pass, rock horsehead hill, and backwards thump

Screenshot_2020-01-04-22-14-25.webpfour pks line up to look like one pk, with the mine and needle

Screenshot_2018-04-20-05-08-25.webpcapt Pauline Weaver was here. Weavers needle

It would be a little more interesting if you were to add some different material, perhaps engage in conversation a little.
Same posts, over and over again get old real quick.

Most folks that are interested in following a story . . . . . like to see the story progress. . . .


Two things. I'm not being rude by not pm back, I don't know how and I'm to paranoid to respond back. Sorry. Glad you liked the thread about the clues.

Says idaho dutch and company, who keep coming back to my thread and harrassing viewers in pm

Up until 2012 martial law people were still getting murdered over this mine. More on that next

Say What ? ? ?

Says idaho dutch and company, who keep coming back to my thread and harrassing viewers in pm

I'm glad that you are finally listening, and say you will now get on with the story. Not that it will matter to me any more.

I do however take extreme offence to your accusation that I have harassed anyone on PM.
Did you actually read the post you speak of? Maybe you should read it again . . very carefully. . . and retract your accusation.

Here it is for you to review.
Two things. I'm not being rude by not pm back, I don't know how and I'm to paranoid to respond back. Sorry. Glad you liked the thread about the clues.

I had complimented him on a thread he started a while back, and he posted a response on this thread you started, that he was glad I liked the thread, but doesn't do PMs.
You are way out of line on this.

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Yo dude .. only need to upload a photo or image once and it stays forever.. it's not Snapchat :tongue3: Spamming the same posts over and over gives the impression you are manipulating the forum to inflate the post count and make your thread more popular than it really is (AKA "bumping the thread").

Says idaho dutch and company, who keep coming back to my thread and harrassing viewers in pm

Roger, When it comes to PM's remember PM's are "Private" & "Personal"

If you get attacked in one or Harassed over & over in PM's , Hit report to Moderator.
in the future Don't Bring it Online.

When you Bring it to our attention by Report you bring it to all Moderators attention.
& It is 100% Unedited when we see it.
And if we agree with you it was over the top, we will get involved, But If it wasn't worth Reporting it was apparently Not
Worth Bringing up.

Thank You !

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Good little article. I live in La Paz county, there are at least thirty claims all call the Dutchman. Just like most of AZ, this part was very heavily mined.

Before you reach the pk and trail, there is a built up rock mound "that s like a wall" hundreds of yards long, with a break in the center and a tree growing that's branches runs parallel with the mound. Go through the break and follow the mound to the pk. Climb as high as you can, it is rocky, until you find a cave with a heart and a half painted in the back of IT. Cave goes straight up from there. Come out the cave and take a right until you see a side cave overhanging a small cliff. Follow through until the trail seems to dead end at a high rock. Climb the rock, here is the trail and many caves. About two trails from the top is a huge diamond shape hole through the mountain, split in two at the top with a crack line the rest of the way up, with a huge boulder hanging through the top inside.

Anyone know if kofa wildlife is open? My team wants to head back for more pics and video's. Will post more later

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