Sorry Rodger
You are 5 years too late

See what a mining operation looks like when 30 men are killed and their abandoned goods are all left sitting around
See this at ANY other location yet in the Superstitions? That's cause most people pick up their goods when they leave their claims.
You may have found another location that was mined but to be honest you are lacking the history behind the stone maps and the other facts about the location that the men came from in the first place. Their tale is well documented.
You are 5 years too late

See what a mining operation looks like when 30 men are killed and their abandoned goods are all left sitting around
See this at ANY other location yet in the Superstitions? That's cause most people pick up their goods when they leave their claims.
You may have found another location that was mined but to be honest you are lacking the history behind the stone maps and the other facts about the location that the men came from in the first place. Their tale is well documented.