Lost dutchman mine possibly found!

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Just outside the corrupt Town of Quartzite Az lies the "lost dutchman gold mine"! Martial law 2012!!!


Order of Arrow?

Roger, I can't resist, although I don't know how active you might have been, but do you remember this -
Have you seen the arrow?
(a correct response would gain you entrance)

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Screenshot_2018-06-01-16-16-24.webp Just below the needle, what looks like to be a small minature valley, is instead a sprial with the shadows over hanging rocks concealing a hundred hidden caves and the lost dutchman gold mine. La paz county. La paz diggings founded by Capt Pauline Weaver.

View attachment 1806819 Just below the needle, what looks like to be a small minature valley, is instead a sprial with the shadows over hanging rocks concealing a hundred hidden caves and the lost dutchman gold mine. La paz county. La paz diggings founded by Capt Pauline Weaver.

I don't like being the one to let you know, but the Dutchman's diggings in LaPaz, are not his lost mine. He went to Prescott after LaPaz, and eventually settled in Phoenix, where he lived till he died. He would go from his place in Phoenix, to the Superstitions, where he had a gold mine, and he would comeback with gold. He could never had made it to LaPaz and back in the amount of time on those trips. He never would have left LaPaz except that area was played out.
But you are correct, you may have found an old Dutchman gold mine, but not the one he retired on, as he settled in Phoenix. It's all fairly well documented.
Sincerely, Idahodutch
Edit - order of the arrow, was that in the Phx area?

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View attachment 1806819 Just below the needle, what looks like to be a small minature valley, is instead a sprial with the shadows over hanging rocks concealing a hundred hidden caves and the lost dutchman gold mine. La paz county. La paz diggings founded by Capt Pauline Weaver.
roger..is that on the kofa wildlife range?

roger..is that on the kofa wildlife range?

Yes it is on the kofa. Another guy just mentioned the dutchman was there, and i laid proof that Capt Pauline Weaver was there also. So if they were both there?

Screenshot_2020-01-04-22-14-25.webp below the needle is the mine and below the mine is four pks, which you can clearly see all line up to look like one

I disagree with people who cant respect an Eagle scout, or retired military, after they served this country. You dont think i didnt work for IT? If you did wheres your evidence? Stop being a russian troll so that i may be able to submit more new evidence. Your just looking to criticize.

Hello Roger,
I don't blame you for reacting to some of the riff-raff. The rank of Eagle Scout used to really be something, but in my opinion, by the mid 1970's, being a scout was not really the emphasis of the program anymore. Too bad, because it was good. I too am an Eagle Scout, but by the time I actually finished earning it, I was no longer proud of the BSA, or I should say the changes being made, I felt had lost sight of what made the program really good
Now it looks like they may be no more. Nothing respectful about the decline.

As for your service in the USAF, I thank you.

I see, you're with "Arcana explorations" tell me wheres their evidence?

No one from Arcana Exploration has posted to this thread! Rodger Rantz has nothing to do with us, O-Zip. Jeff Howlett.

Screenshot_2020-03-01-17-21-18.webp here lies the mine just below the needle

Next i will provide evidence that most of the known dutchman maps match this site. Its not an old dutchman mine, it is IT!!

Other than yesterday have not had the time or desire to post on this site. I think the last time was September. A couple comments, #1 early on we felt we might need funding, But we took the donations page down. We do not need funding or want any new participants. we are fully funded. # We were back on our site in September after the fires and just before the Microburst took out 88. We were very lucky with timing issues. We continue to discover and document (photograph). This trip we found the most important piece of the Puzzle, it is incredible. We need at least one more visit to explore areas and document our findings. #2 WE do not need financial help from anyone. We have plenty of funding entities. Interesting Marty and the Oak Island group have a donation page, I do not think they are scamming anyone. Businessis is business the rest is BS. While there are some great guys on this site there also folks who have no business background or marketing skills or knowledge. And do not understand the big picture. #3 Our site has been fantastic and is opening door while I write this, hopefully they will come to successful endeavors. WE have a new post going up this week that talks about challenges at our site. Thank you, Jeff Howlett, Arcana Exploration.


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