Other than yesterday have not had the time or desire to post on this site. I think the last time was September. A couple comments, #1 early on we felt we might need funding, But we took the donations page down. We do not need funding or want any new participants. we are fully funded. # We were back on our site in September after the fires and just before the Microburst took out 88. We were very lucky with timing issues. We continue to discover and document (photograph). This trip we found the most important piece of the Puzzle, it is incredible. We need at least one more visit to explore areas and document our findings. #2 WE do not need financial help from anyone. We have plenty of funding entities. Interesting Marty and the Oak Island group have a donation page, I do not think they are scamming anyone. Businessis is business the rest is BS. While there are some great guys on this site there also folks who have no business background or marketing skills or knowledge. And do not understand the big picture. #3 Our site has been fantastic and is opening door while I write this, hopefully they will come to successful endeavors. WE have a new post going up this week that talks about challenges at our site. Thank you, Jeff Howlett, Arcana Exploration.