I personally believe If your are going to find the ldm. Have to look at a tuft formed mountain that had a fault line run under it and a mesothermal deposit shot up through the tuft cracks crystalized fast from still being buried the tuft created the base to help seperate the sulfer making the gold clean some simple words. There are reasons the old timers went where they went. I got my ideas but not what I'm out to prove. The h/p map was a great solve and the so to say "cave " I found was the result of it. Whole different game. I can say hto there is only a couple place the ldm can be. I suggest learning about how deposits form around volcanoes. There is a mathematical equation the big miners use to search with a high likelihood for deposits. Then u will understand how Ruth's clues come into play to that equation. Then geology , it's all about geology. Can't say that enough. One can narrow a search real fast.if u know what u should be looking for. Anyways. Ldm would be a cool find but I think bigger. There is a reason the amethyst mine was covered when found and do u really not wonder how they got in crown jewels but not know where they came from. Please... There is a whole story to discovered about those mntns. The ldm is just a blip on the whole picture ,but the most famous of the ones known.