Lost Dutchman and the Superstitions, Cursed?

Do you believe that the Lost Dutchman Mine and/or the Superstition Mountains are cursed?

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Good afternoon all: Guy Hematite Frink did not die in the Superstition Mountains. That story was made up by Barney Barnard to entertain his guest and enhance his ego. Frink died near the Moapi Oasis in California of acute appendicitis before a doctor could reach him. He is buried near that oasis. He died November 15, 1938. See Desert Magazine, September 1940, page 11. Cordially, Gregory E. Davis

No sheep lovers are allowed, or should be on that list. You have too much to do, which includes writing a book.

Don Jose de La Mancha

HAY that is discrimination and bias! I protest!

Greg - thank you, wish I could talk you into writing up a list as I think you have ALL the info. I will correct that list soon, (when I have a bit more time to be online).
Roy ~ Oroblanco

Oro de Tayopa

Remember I live in northern Mexico, we ain got no stupid stinkin laws like that here. Christmas is still Christmas.

Don Jise de La Mancha

As I was born on Friday the 13th, I cannot believe in curses and other superstitious stuff. The mountains are tough and unforgiving and the treasure legends invite unsavory and trigger happy folks to enter and do mayhem. Wear camo and keep your voices down and you will be less of a target.


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Oro de Tayopa

Remember I live in northern Mexico, we ain got no stupid stinkin laws like that here. Christmas is still Christmas.

Don Jise de La Mancha

Um - we still celebrate Christmas here too.

Elgatodelnoche wrote
As I was born on Friday the 13th, I cannot believe in curses and other superstitious stuff.

Well, 13 is considered a very lucky number for Americans, as in 13 colonies for an example. So you could be very lucky indeed. :thumbsup:

I am reluctant to write this but anyway.
I don't know about any curse haunting the Superstitions other than those things that can prick a person, but there is something in Peter's Canyon that is difficult to describe. As I have written before, three people, on three different hikes turned back at the same general location. Ok, just coincidence but the nightmares that I have had there are terrifying and unlike any that I have had before. On more than one occasion I woke to find myself thrashing my arms and believing that I was being strangled. Never before or elsewhere have I dreamed like that. It could just be coincidence and the long term effects of sambuca.

Hal you are not the first (or probably not the last either) to have had such strange experiences.

If memory serves, did not Pierpont Bicknell write about having had a terrible nightmare while camped in the Superstitions?

There are mysterious "booms" that have no known source, and many people have had strange things happen. Hmm somewhere I have a scan of an old newspaper article, telling about some of the odd things, if I can find it and figure out how to post it, I will.

Please do continue,



I believe that there are weird (maybe even supernatural) things that happen in the Supers. There is a big difference between strange happenings and curses. I think that some people want everybody to believe the mountains are cursed.

I believe the Black Legion exists to this day. Although I haven't had any run-ins with them, I think they either guard what the Jesuits left there, or the cave they believe they came from their underworld through.

Cursed? I don't think so.


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I believe that there are weird (maybe even supernatural) things that happen in the Supers. There is a big difference between strange happenings and curses. I think that some people want everybody to believe the mountains are cursed.

I believe the Black Legion exists to this day. Although I haven't had any run-ins with them, I think they either guard what they Jesuits left there, or the cave they believe they came from their underworld through.

Cursed? I don't think so.


As I understand it, the 'Black Legion' are modern Apaches who monitor activity near alleged burial or other traditional sites in the Superstitions. I'm told a similar group discourages outsiders from entering certain areas on the Fort Apache and San Carlos Reservations. About twenty years ago, an acquaintance was firmly asked to leave an area he was hiking in on the Black River west of Hannagen Meadow. Another guy told me there are places that are seriously off-limits to non tribal members within the San Carlos res. So, IMO, the 'Black Legion' allegations are certainly plausible, although I wonder about the name and doubt the participants are murderous assassins - too Hollywoodish.

Is sambuca similar to absinthe?

Only in its warming effect on the body.
With the first shot of absinthe you see things as you want.
With the second how they should be.
And with the third how they really are.
That stuff will make you mad... Just ask any Dutch impressionist.

Could you please post that article or a link to it? Sounds weak but that place scares the shite out of me which is why I keep returning.

Hal Croves wrote
Could you please post that article or a link to it? Sounds weak but that place scares the shite out of me which is why I keep returning.

Some parts of those mountains can be downright creepy - especially on a stormy day or night. I am trying to attach the scan to this post as a PDF, hope this works; it mentions the castle guarded by panthers, the council of the giants, the cavern of ghosts etc but the sketches are mis-labled, easy to figure out however. Never have tried to attach a PDF, here goes - let me know if you can not read it I can send you the file by email (will need your EM address of course)


COME ONE! He's in Mexico.

You need to convert the file from .pdf to .pdeffe

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