Looks like it won’t be another day at the park. I got BANNED.


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Apr 13, 2016
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Abita Springs La....Born in New Orleans
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This public City Park, dating back to the 1850’s,and where I’ve been going to for 3 years has come to an end. I was told today by the Park’s Police that I had a complaint called on me, but they excused it but the they got another call from the same person to a “high up” so they have to check into it to see if there’s a rule or law against me. The officer to down my name and number and promised me man-to-man that he would let me know, good or bad, a let me know. I could tell he felt bad. He also thanked me for how I handled myself and to me how sorry he was.

The park is 1300 acres so I could always spread out in locations but when I stumbled across that 3 ringer in November it was in a more populated area near the museum and that did me in. I can’t lie I always wanted one more and it gave them up one at a time with a total of 28. Unfortunately it was in a 40x40ft spot and with the large chucks of clay and them being down 8” to a foot the plugs where very lumpy and noticeable. I hit it pretty hard and often on a 3 ringer bender and it caught up with me man it hard to stop a spot when it’s hot. Hopefully good news will come my way and I learn a lesson, if not I’ll have to look at is as a opportunity to look else where, water hunt this summer or start my 2018 door knocking career. When one door closes another one will open. I will miss you my friend. Thank you for giving me many happy days.

R.I.P. City Park (2015-2018)

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Private permissions are the best. Sorry to hear about this, but the way things are going no public land will be allowed to detect on within a few years. And then there are the bureaucrats. I got a "amnesty allowed" parking ticket from a bunch of city nitwits for my brother who has been DEAD almost 8 years. The tickets are from 2013. Do the math. The idiots. After I talk to my attorney, I think I'm going to take a day off, drive down to idiotville and scream in their face.

(Troll's post deleted)

I appreciate you not “sugar coating” it I wouldn’t want it any other way. I’ve been detecting this park for 3 years and hit a hot spot of dropped minie balls a foot deep in hard clay. Maybe you would have walked away and said it not worth it but I didn’t. Sorry if I made you upset and I’ll be watching out for your deep finds. ....Oh wait a minute you only join TNet 1 hr ago and I’m your first comment? Not a good way to start off in a tight group. Believe me I’m not to proud to admit the truth and what I could do better, but when a newbie to this group comes at me like you did, you haven’t proven or gained my respect yet. I’ll be looking to see what you’re made of one your first “Today’s Finds” and I’ll talk to you then.

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Private permissions are the best. Sorry to hear about this, but the way things are going no public land will be allowed to detect on within a few years. And then there are the bureaucrats. I got a "amnesty allowed" parking ticket from a bunch of city nitwits for my brother who has been DEAD almost 8 years. The tickets are from 2013. Do the math. The idiots. After I talk to my attorney, I think I'm going to take a day off, drive down to idiotville and scream in their face.

Lmao thanks for the laugh smokey don’t even get me started on the bureaucrat.

Hmmm that brings a thought...

What Tom said about "timing"...

So... let me ask... What time frame(s) had you been hunting ?

Furthermore... What time frame was it when your proverbial "card was pulled".

Hmmm that brings a thought...

What Tom said about "timing"...

So... let me ask... What time frame(s) had you been hunting ?

Furthermore... What time frame was it when your proverbial "card was pulled".

I would go at the break of dawn 6:45 am but I was in that spot for hours and today I went at 10:30 at a total different spot. I quit going to that spot 2 weeks ago to let it heal.

I would go at the break of dawn 6:45 am but I was in that spot for hours and today I went at 10:30 at a total different spot. I quit going to that spot 2 weeks ago to let it heal.

Hmmm, thanx for the follow-through. How about federal holidays (non-essential staff off, skeleton crews, etc...). There are 5 or 6 of those per year. Or how about in the night , on any full-moon night ?

There was a park in a big city in CA, where a few of us got "scrammed" a few years ago. We compared notes with each other, and realized it was the same guy for each of us. And eventually pieced together than he was a city worker in an adjacent city building office (public works or park Dept. or something suit-&-tie guy). Hence we deduced that ... odds are .... he doesn't work Sat. or Sundays in an office job. So we restricted our hunting of that park to Sat. & Sun from then-on-out. Presto: Problem solved.

I realize this doesn't apply to your case, but just giving that as an example of how a "scram" doesn't constitute a new law. In your case, you have a busy-body resident (even the cops were on your side, but ... they had a duty to respond to a busy-body). You can avoid that one edge of the park where her house over-looks ? Or ... perhaps just go at night ? There's a few parks I go to, that have nicely manicured turf..... where that has solved any issues for me. But perhaps yours is not one that you can pick odder-times for ?

One of these days....I'll probably have a good nap. Until then. I was sitting on a bench at a park a year or so or less ago, last summer sometime, can't remember which day. We had to stop detecting by 9 am so the I-want-to-get-skin-cancer-bunch can populate this beach. After all, sun worshippers and metal detecting enthusiasts cannot co-exist. Everyone knows that. This park does not allow drugs or alcohol. That's why I find all the new beer caps and pot pipes in the sand. It's 8:45 am. I have quit detecting. I am 50 feet from my car. Leaving. A ranger comes up and says you can't detect after 9 am. I said I was leaving. Next time, I'll say something real smart like, can't you tell time? Are you mental? And slur the words badly and say them r e a l s l o w so they can be understood. Then probably no one will be allowed there anymore. But one of these days...

Truth,, P.M. me with the name of the park, town or city, County and state. Give me a shot at finding out how the powers that be are looking at it. I will also need your email address.

Time for some night vision goggles and some tactical night time detecting

I have night vision goggles. I looked outside at night with them and there were monsters out there, so I came in. Monsters were foxes, raccoons, opossums, and a dang bobcat! The mountain lion only comes by occasionally anymore. I day hunt only. Too many things to trip over, etc. at night.

My short time in the hobby on two occasions i have worn my Hivis work shirt and boots while detecting , not one person approached me , im assuming they thought i may be a council worker. Im guessing you also carry a clipboard with paper work , and randomly stop and jott down information and also have a killer back story saying somthing like your doing an EPA soil sample survey , not one of the public would pay you any attention.

It was one of your " tight group " members, namely-You, that got the park put on radar or banned. I could see it from one of the youtubers or from a manufacturer holding a contest at one, or from somebody testing a new machine that is to come out. But I guess a member of a forum, without a category to highlight the protection of public property is no more surprising, so I'll cut you some slack on that. In further response to your post- I do have more posts here than you and have posted finds to beat your 3 ringers. They got hidden so you win the debate and the parks lose thanks to those that could protect the parks ,but don't.

First post, new name, you again huh? At this point you’re nothing more then a gnat.

Guys before anyone starts calling and yelling at the powers that be that there isn't an ordinance prohibiting metal detecting in that park consider the fact that if you make enough noise about there not being anything that bans metal detecting, they can easily create one, and then that park (and perhaps others in the area) will be off-limits (legally) FOREVER to everyone.

Truth1253 has agreed to move on, and I highly suggest letting it go at that. Make too many calls saying "it's not illegal" and they likely will make it illegal. Yeah, it sucks for Truth1253, but if everyone will let things go quiet for a while it should smooth over, and be forgotten. And one day he'll probably be able to come back, as well as any other MD'ers, which is a MUCH better ending than challenging the powers that be, since it appears there is someone who has made it their mission to be the "park patrol," and they could have sway toward getting an ordnance passed, banning metal detecting.

Truth1253 admitted his plugs were lumpy and noticeable, and that combined with running into the wrong guy, apparently more than once did him in, for now. I'm sure he (and anyone reading this thread) has learned from that mistake. Don't stir up a hornet’s nest and end up with an ordnance banning metal detecting. Like the turf, let time do the healing.

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Name callers and rule breakers are often protected here, so I won't fault you for taking advantage of that. I don' have to worry about that and call you anything I wish. Good luck detectorist.

How does it feels to get off post #2? Congratulations Troll

... P.M. me with the name of the park, town or city, County and state. Give me a shot at finding out how the powers that be are looking at it......

What is your "added attention" ? He already said that his attempts to seek clarification brought about notions by them to "address this pressing issue" with a new rule. Right ?

I do not know why md'rs think that the "more noise they make" the "better they will be received". Not everyone will love you and reverse "scrams" and roll out red carpets for you. You can knock yourself silly trying to get them to agree with you if you want. But.... be aware, it can come back to bite you. Sometimes the LESS attention is the BETTER attention. If that means avoiding a singular lookie-lou, so-be-it.

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... if you make enough noise about there not being anything that bans metal detecting, they can easily create one, ...

Yes. The "rule to invent this pressing issue". The drum I keep beating people to AVOID. Good post :)

.... Truth1253 has agreed to move on, and I highly suggest letting it go at that.....

Well, yes and no. I have had isolated fluke "scrams" in my 40+ yrs. of this. And ... sure ... I gave lip service and "moved on" at the time. But no: It did not mean forever. If (as in the OP's example) it was just a singular lookie-lou and the cops were responding only to her/him. Then that's not a "forever scenario". Sometimes it means: Just come back at more logical times.

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Yes,best to not bring attention to the park authority and lookie-loos. And a good time to think about what will help to keep situations like these from happening.


My short time in the hobby on two occasions i have worn my Hivis work shirt and boots while detecting , not one person approached me , im assuming they thought i may be a council worker. Im guessing you also carry a clipboard with paper work , and randomly stop and jott down information and also have a killer back story saying somthing like your doing an EPA soil sample survey , not one of the public would pay you any attention.

I want a shirt that says...

"Groundhog Study"


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