Looking for help with the Whites DFX

Well I used mind for 15 mins and sold it 15 mins later! The absolute worst machine I've ever held in hand imo

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Yes I just didn't get along with its user interface. Very cumbersome and antiquated feeling

Once set up very little needs to change.. but to each his own.

The DFX comes alive with a simple change in PAG to 3-4 and sens at 70-76. Additional tweaks can be made to enhance its operation, once you tweak your own programs and save them you don't have to do anything. Simply turn it on and go, i use mine strictly for the beach in the wet and dry sand. This detector has found me lots of gold at very reasonable depth allowing moderate swing speeds giving great ground coverage. I have a custom program created for juts that purpose , the beach.

DFX_(4) Fox's DFX Programs

This will transform the machine into something else, mine air tests to 11-12" on a nickel with this program. As always air test the unit to check the coil is properly working and the circuitry gain and calibration is acceptable. The DFX is great in relatively low-med trash, low EMI areas, the target ID is very good too. For inland hunting however i prefer other faster more modern units.

Thank you for the info and chart link! Looking at the settings on the chart has me wondering if those are for beach settings only?

I just received the book Digging Deeper With The DFX, and must say the real technical info in there had my head spinning a bit. Going to have to read it over several times.

Unfortunately I have been wondering (lately) if I should try out a more modern detector. The DFX is great, but after watching many many videos with people using more modern detectors (and not White's brand), sure does look a lot easier and far less worrying if all the settings are set properly. Hard decision for me. I really like the DFX, but don't like the feeling I still have after 7 months of using it, if something just isn't set right. It could be the detector needs a tune up since I noticed after laying it down thinking the ground was right there, and was actually about 3 inches of the ground (the box not coil) the volume got louder than I have ever heard it. So I think maybe there is a bad solder joint or something. Its at a sound level now that I feel was how it was when it came out of the box brand new.
I inherited the detector from my father so I have no idea whats its been thru or how loud the audio was out of the box when new.

So deciding if to ship it in for possible repairs/tune up has made me start thinking to look into a more modern detector. Decisions, decisions.

Thanks for the info again!

You probably already know this, but have you cleaned out the coil cover?

Sorry didn't see your reply,
I do not have a cover for the coil...but I do clean the machine after each use including the coil...thanks :)

The DFX is a great detector. The circuits can not be improved with a newer machine. All you'll get with a newer detector is newer components which are made cheaper to save money. White's has a great repair shop and will fix you right up.:occasion14:

Hi Robotics; I have been using the DFX for 4+ years now. I will put it up against any detector out there. I "routinely" find dimes at 10" - 12". I do it all the time. I even found a KG Large Cent at a "MEASURED 19". Yes, I have witnesses as well. Myv friend grabbed a tape measure from his car and we measured it because we couldn't believe it ourselves ok. It is a true turn on and go detector that will deliver the Depth and Accuracy. Get the Digging Deeper with the DFX Book and "MEMORIZE" it. Although you won't have to because you will have the new settings saved in your own Personalized Programs ok.
You can create several Programs and save them. Then no materr what you do you will have each Program specially created by yourself for each given type of detecting you will be doing. Also, yes I believe that either you just have not passed over any deeper coins or that you just did not understand the signals you were getting. If there is a coin and a pulltab side by side I will "KNOW" what the coin is and block out the pulltab. I can even do this in the Coin/ Jewelry Mode as well ok. It just takes PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE.!!!
I don't think you mind doing that in this case lol. Anyways, Your in good hands here ok. Fletch88; Sorry you felt that way. HH. Me, I love it. PEACE:RONB

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The DFX is a great detector. The circuits can not be improved with a newer machine. All you'll get with a newer detector is newer components which are made cheaper to save money. White's has a great repair shop and will fix you right up.:occasion14:

You have a very good point(s). Never thought of the parts being made cheaper now a days. I'm sure I will just send it to get looked over since something has to be wrong with it since the audio changed and sorta seems it is responding to targets better. Don't want the next light jolt take it back to what it was. It always was hard to hear the tones, and I always had to max out the audio to hear them.
Suppose I will bite the bullet and send it in. Actually I will more than likely deliver it to them in person since the one on the east coast in Virginia is only a little over an hour away. Just hope its something simple that needs attention. I understand its $70.00 just to put it on the bench now a days.

Thanks for making me think this over more. I probably shouldn't get rid of it. I will add, although the book Digging Deeper is well written, and the author is very knowledgeable of the machine...I cant say it helped me much. Pretty much knew all that was written just from searching the internet on the DFX and watching videos.

Thanks again, and HH :)

Hi Robotics; I have been using the DFX for 4+ years now. I will put it up against any detector out there. I "routinely" find dimes at 10" - 12". I do it all the time. I even found a KG Large Cent at a "MEASURED 19". Yes, I have witnesses as well. Myv friend grabbed a tape measure from his car and we measured it because we couldn't believe it ourselves ok. It is a true turn on and go detector that will deliver the Depth and Accuracy. Get the Digging Deeper with the DFX Book and "MEMORIZE" it. Although you won't have to because you will have the new settings saved in your own Personalized Programs ok.
You can create several Programs and save them. Then no materr what you do you will have each Program specially created by yourself for each given type of detecting you will be doing. Also, yes I believe that either you just have not passed over any deeper coins or that you just did not understand the signals you were getting. If there is a coin and a pulltab side by side I will "KNOW" what the coin is and block out the pulltab. I can even do this in the Coin/ Jewelry Mode as well ok. It just takes PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE.!!!
I don't think you mind doing that in this case lol. Anyways, Your in good hands here ok. Fletch88; Sorry you felt that way. HH. Me, I love it. PEACE:RONB

Hi there Barker,

Thanks for chiming in. I sure do wish, and cant wait to find targets deeper than the max of 6 inches that I am used to so far. It very well could be my detector needs a doctor to look it over. (or I haven't run across any that are deeper...which I find hard to believe)
Something isn't right with it, but just cant put my finger on it. I have had the box opened and looked over the circuit board really good. I noticed 2 capacitors seemed a little dark on half of both the tops. Didn't look right to me. And the fact that the audio is over twice as loud as it has ever been.

I do have the Digging Deeper book, and I like it, but honestly cant say it has helped that much in learning more. It has, but not that much. It is nice to know how the electronics work together to create this great detector, and the brain behind it that programed it all is really good at what he does.

Anyway, I will continue to practice with this machine. But appears the best thing for me to do now is to take it in for a tune up and whatever else is needed...even though it is working better than it was when I first got it from my father. I could save the money in repairs since it is better, but who knows when it will decide to go back to the way it was when I first inherited it. :)

Hi Robtics; Whites will fix your DFX for FREE FOR LIFE. Technically you are now the Original Owner. You have had no accidents with it. They will do it for Zero. I send mine in each January when I can't go digging due to the weather. I have NEVER been charged a penny. I think if there is a problem with it it will be a fast minor repair. The DFX is a very sturdy detector; I know. I put mine through every type of situation there is with zero problems ok. Better than a Timex for sure. Don't worry, you will get it back very quickly ok. They do a great job. My own thought is that maybe your dad may have had a problem or accident with it.
The other thing is get yourself a set of Killer Bees Headphones. You will notice the difference "immediately" ok. You can't find something if you can't hear it.!!! :dontknow: :laughing7:
The difference will be like night and day. Make sure they check the headphone jack as well. That could also be why your not hearing the signals that well also ok. Good Luck. Let us know how you make out ok. PEACE:RONB :leprechaun-hat:

Hi Barker, Where have you been sending yours to? I will be taken mine to the Virginia Dealer/service center. It is about an hour away from me. I think this will be better since I will know it doesn't get banged around during the shipping. I have read on here in lots of threads people say they send theirs to Sweet Home no matter what. I just hope the Virginia store is as good as Sweet Home. I will look into those head phones you mentioned.
I have already called them (the Va. store), and the person I talked to mentioned it would be $70.00 :censored:

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Another place to go for info is White's forum. Hundreds of reads on DFX

Another place to go for info is White's forum. Hundreds of reads on DFX

Hi MackDog,

Been there. Course they moderate that site and I am still new there. It has been going on 3 days that my post on this subject has yet to show up. Suppose no mods or who ever hasn't logged in to approve new user's post.
I find that alone quite irritating.

At least I can read the post there, but find this site much much more helpful.

But thanks for the info :)

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