But I do know so I can say it, "Yes there is secret messages in the Declaration of Independence"
You can't even use proper English....so how would we believe that your story holds weight?
A braggart can do nothing with his secret but boast, they say.
We all know the Beale is gone and was used to both fund the Standard Oil Trust and the Morgan Banking Cabal and it's subsidiary holdings in preparations for the wars that were planned through other branches of this KGC affair
Any and all reference to the "Freemasons" or "Masons" concerning the ideals and the agendas spoken about in their texts and ciphers with the traditional forms of Masonic encryption, are merely masks used to create the illusion of their own divine right. The original Zionists that plotted to use their "sheep" to do their bidding throughout the times that John Calhoun and his men plotted their affairs out in and around 1819 were none other than the Mormons that spawned after that. Note the
Two Year Contract that the men of the Beale were signed onto. Their eventual separatism from both the order of Freemasonry and the upholding of Constitutional Law was something of it's own issue to men of the times, seeing their interest of capitalizing on slaves and territories that were being planned to be overruled by this order. When the Civil War was over, they stood to be considered treasonous if they dared to do this again, so they formed their own "lodges" calling them Castles....complete with their own secret knock at the door.
When these tales are deciphered correctly they show nothing more than a historically crafted Persher Coding that was invented to be used in conjunction with Jefferson's studies and his rough draft of the DOI that JustinTime has found. The DOI that served as the map and key, was hidden in Monticello and when the Southerners took over the property they found some of his older books and writings, locating a cache of his goods.
Some of these included jewels that were known to be from one of his affairs in deciphering the Levasseur Cipher and locating the stashes in France to finance the Revolution there. He was gifted some of these jewels and they were mentioned in the Beale as being part of their underground stash. ( We all know that someone in St Louis would not be moguling the trade in Jewels for Gold and Silver, in 1819 ) We do know that Jefferson was a master cryptographer and his studies were uncovered with the copies of his journals when the Confederates had possession of his estate.
Now seeing this timeline of events so far, masked as anything but Freemasonry, we can safely assume that what is in the Beale is not verbatim and that the characters' names were added for a certain effect
Thomas Jefferson Beale was the son of Jefferson and his servant......an extremely tanned gentleman as he was described
Let's not forget how backasswards this type of historical research has become even seeing this one obvious trait of them in print around the time of the formation of their orders in VA...They were keen enough to leave their maps in stone, and their markings terraformed in tree lines and outlines used on the maps to carry along a meaning to every mark made.