Logic 101?

This statement shows your bias for the left, Florida.
"What you call freebies i call assitance. Helpng the less fortunate. That there are those that game the system, Ok, nothing i can do about that. The system isn't corrupt because a relative few have found ways to rip it off."

It also shows your lack of conviction and honest debate.

Let's try this on.
The gun control advocates wish to penalize productive, law abiding citizens because of a few criminals.

How does that sit with you?

dave, i would love to have an honest debate with you. However, this is not a debate thread. it is a watchdog thread.

TH & Rebel: I have edited my original post "Stupid is Stupid does", as it could be misinterpreted by anyone, other than those government officials for whom it is intended.
Fortunately I am merely ignorant!

Is the purpose of this thread to protect our right to bear arms under the second amendment? Gee I did not know that right still exists. When I relocated to Hawaii to care for my parents, I had to register all of my firearms ( or go to jail). Plus there is a requirement to attend a hunter safety course and graduate from it before you own/purchase a hand gun. I assume that course(s) are held somewhere once a year before hunting season - hmmm. May the Gods help you, If you have to use a weapon to defend yourself or family; Again it is (Go To Jail) in Hawaii since as you are assumed guilty, and you will have to stay there till they figure things out. Even though everyone is subject to the same law, it is enforced differently dependent upon being : a plantation family member, a Hawaiian, a Haole.

Or is this thread about welfare, which is a serious problem, many families are homeless in Hawaii as they cannot earn enough even to rent. Workers often have three jobs just to survive, since the cost of living is high/you are not able to work enough hours to qualify for benefits, That is unless one is fortunate enough to work for the government, or is represented by a union.

Or is this thread about Veterans rights which have been slip sliding away from decades. I have no doubt that the American people are truly grateful for those who have served. But these are just words - what is needed for the US Government to honor its promises:
The American Indians say that White Man Writes on Water as he has not kept written treaties.
Hawaiians, had their legitimate monarch overthrown and sadly refer to their experience with the US Government as one of Broken Promises.
Putting it Bibicall: What one Hand Giveith the other Hand Takeith away.

Thank You For Serving" will join the above infamous sayings as it will be nothing more than a gesture/pat on the back/head. Unless the US Government honors its promise(s) to its veterans, especially those who are disabled, or less able to care for themselves as a result of aging .

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I've met very few that were on welfare that were not abusing it.

After reading this all I can say is WTF who's telling the lie

The background check measure was supported by a majority of senators, 54-46, but that was well short of the 60 votes needed to avert a filibuster and advance the proposal. Forty-one Republicans and five Democrats sided to scuttle the plan. The proposal aimed to block criminals and the seriously mentally ill from obtaining firearms.

Currently, mandatory background checks apply only to purchases from licensed firearms dealers. The so-called Manchin-Toomey amendment would have expanded the checks to include firearms purchased online or from advertisements, but not to guns acquired from friends and relatives.
In the hours before the key vote, Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., bluntly accused the National Rifle Association of making false claims about the expansion of background checks that he and Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., were backing.

“Where I come from in West Virginia, I don’t know how to put the words any plainer than this: That is a lie. That is simply a lie,” he said, accusing the organization of telling its supporters that friends, neighbors and some family members would need federal permission to transfer ownership of firearms to one another.

The NRA did not respond immediately to the charge but issued a statement after the vote that restated the claim. The proposal “would have criminalized certain private transfers of firearms between honest citizens, requiring lifelong friends, neighbors and some family members to get federal government permission to exercise a fundamental right or face prosecution,” said a statement from Chris Cox, a top lobbyist for the group.
» Gun proposals defeated in Senate | ABQ Journal

Let's put thread back on target please. You can start a thread in stocks to discuss these issues if you wish....

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No Problemo TH: I would be glad to reply and post comments on stocks to a new thread.

As I chimed in late, I am not sure what the target(s) of Logic 101 are and would like clarification so that I do not drift off track. Is/are the target(s) of this most interesting post: Background checks, gun registration/control , 2nd Amendment Rights, ID requirements, illegal aliens, Voter ID card, Terrorism, Patriot Act, Social Security, Welfare Entitlements/Abuse, Drug Testing, or anything other that I missed.

Thank you for your clarification

" An unaimed arrow never misses its target"

Welcome SGC. I think the "logic" behind the original post in this thread is how ridiculous some requirements are while other things just as important are ignored. I think it's a mix of just about everything you mentioned in your post above this one. :)

Background checks and gun registration isn't an infringement and violation of our 2nd Amendment rights, but requiring people to prove they are in this country legally or producing an ID at the election polls to be able to vote is a violation of their rights??

How idiotic is it that you have to produce an ID to buy even a train ticket but not to prove you are who you say you are during the most important political process this country has...

It violates an illegal alien's rights to ask to see his papers during a traffic stop, but yet it is okay to trample on the 2nd amendment and my rights and privacy because I want to buy a .22 rifle.

Illegal aliens don't have to prove they have legal right to be here and work, it violates their rights, but it doesn't violate my rights to restrict me from giving or selling a .22 rifle to my son or best friend...


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This is original post...........

Let me see if i understands this:

Corporate welfare - OK

Individual welfare - no way!!!

Where have I heard this before? Hmm?

Oh yeah, that's Rush Limbaugh's exact position on this topic!

Rush who makes $40,000,000 a year from property owned by the American people and yet, pays no rent to the American people. Of course he's pro corporate welfare. Amazingly, the sheep are all ears when he pontificates why corporate welfare is a good thing for america. Well it's been good for him!!!!

More to the point - Loophole = evading compliance. Spin it anyway you like, but anyone who is pro corporations using loopholes to evade paying their fair share of taxes and in the same breath is upset about little old ladies using food stamps to buy a loaf of bread to feed ducks, at best, comes off looking?

What does this have to do with topic?

Move it to stocks it has nothing to do with topic or 2nd...

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What does this have to do with topic?

Move it to stocks it has nothing to do with topic or 2nd...

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If they are playing by the rules I have no issue with them, at least they are playing by rules and providing jobs for america citizens while other side are not and are just just milking system and contributing nothing other than being parasites.

Start a thread and give me title and I will move posts other wise they get deleted by this evening...

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Do you listen to Rush? I am right now.

As stated start a thread, these will be deleted if I have no where to move them when I get home.

They are not on point of original post..

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Treasures original post exemplifies the complete lunacy of our fractured society. Whereas if you fall in line with this asinine bleeding heart nonsense then you are deemed (by those such as the media) as one who fights for the little guy. One who really gets it, as if progressive thought is brand new, and each progressive's thoughts are independent of one another. In essence, as if they somehow battled up hill all their lives. Struggling against the media against their teachers against all odds, to somehow
rise above the system, see the light and now stand tall to fight against the machine.

What they do not realize is, they were nurtured all along, from the very beginning to feel this way. Shuffled along day in day out, to grow up and become the tool that the progressives need them to be.

I know, that some will say, this that or the other, I'm sure I could even respond for many of you who would disagree. For you see, you all have the same answers as
the other "independent thinkers". The almost identical cookie cutter ideologies.

It is a sad day, when those who speak of freedom are the minority, looked upon with great malice.

1. Original post was pointing out that people don't need to produce an ID for some things but do for others
2. My post #30 suggested using SS numbers for identity purposes. Not TOO far off topic is it?

Many complain that the requirement to produce an ID to vote is picking on the poor and downtrodden. Please try to put this together without trying to make me look like I don't support public assistance for those that truly need it. It's the leaches, I'd guess millions of them, sucking the life blood out of our society.

TH, do what you want. it's your forum and this is your thread.

My posts are on topic within the direction the thread has taken, which is now welfare.

if you are going to remove off topic posts from this thread you've got your work cut out for you. It's a five page thread that veered off course on page 2. Post 18 is off topic. Up until them several posts are either off topic or on the edge of one of the points you raised. Much around not needing ID as you posted to just board a train. technically they are off topic because, that you needed ID to board a train wasn't your point. Nit picking your train ID comment was a way to take a thread off course. And, it started to.

Post 30 is where it takes the welfare turn as Packer takes a shot at the needy. i come in on post 33 and you join in on post 34. So you need to go back at least that far.

Personally, i'd let the entire thread just stand as is. it's a healthy discussion. There is some balance to the thread. No one has gotten their short and curlys all knotted up.

Seriously, policing threads that have gone off course, here, anywhere, that's got to be a full time job! Not telling you how to run the forum, but if you're going to take this down to on topic posts , it's going from a 5 page thread to 2 pages. That's how far off course it is.


I asked you to open a thread and I would move the posts there, as I stated, posts were not on topic, never said a word about direction thread was headed, said off topic from original post. This is 2nd amendment forum as well.....

Posts off topic and deleted...

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