Logic 101?


Staff member
Jul 27, 2006
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All Treasure Hunting
Background checks and gun registration isn't an infringement and violation of our 2nd Amendment rights, but requiring people to prove they are in this country legally or producing an ID at the election polls to be able to vote is a violation of their rights??

How idiotic is it that you have to produce an ID to buy even a train ticket but not to prove you are who you say you are during the most important political process this country has...

It violates an illegal alien's rights to ask to see his papers during a traffic stop, but yet it is okay to trample on the 2nd amendment and my rights and privacy because I want to buy a .22 rifle.

Illegal aliens don't have to prove they have legal right to be here and work, it violates their rights, but it doesn't violate my rights to restrict me from giving or selling a .22 rifle to my son or best friend...


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Background checks and gun registration isn't an infringement and violation of our 2nd Amendment rights, but requiring people to prove they are in this country legally or producing an ID at the election polls to be able to vote is a violation of their rights??

How idiotic is it that you have to produce an ID to buy even a train ticket but not to prove you are who you say you are during the most important political process this country has...

It violates an illegal alien's rights to ask to see his papers during a traffic stop, but yet it is okay to trample on the 2nd amendment and my rights and privacy because I want to buy a .22 rifle.

Illegal aliens don't have to prove they have legal right to be here and work, it violates their rights, but it doesn't violate my rights to restrict me from giving or selling a .22 rifle to my son or best friend...


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

NEVER had THAT "problem"l don't "fit" the PROFILE; is Florida "profiling"...?

I never had to show ID to purchase a train, or a plane ticket. What planet are we talking about :dontknow: :laughing7:

I never had to show ID to purchase a train, or a plane ticket. What planet are we talking about :dontknow: :laughing7:

You never produced ID to board plane? Talking about buying tkt at counter. I had to show ID to buy plane and train tkt at counter to board.....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Background checks and gun registration isn't an infringement and violation of our 2nd Amendment rights, but requiring people to prove they are in this country legally or producing an ID at the election polls to be able to vote is a violation of their rights?...
IMHO - If you had to produce ID to vote - Obama would have lost both elections. That is why (again, IMHO) the Democratic Party will never allow that (Voter ID Requirement) to pass - they would not be able to garnish a ton of votes - period.

We are all so focused on the southern influx of people That right under our noses the east has slowly taken over most of the gas stations, small motel's corner stores, etc. Now don't turn this as a raciest rant. But when they become a force and they vote We could all be facing east several time's per day.

The future will tell.

Like I mentioned, I never had to produce ID of any sort.

Maybe you just look suspicious of something :dontknow: :tongue3:

Like I mentioned, I never had to produce ID of any sort.

Maybe you just look suspicious of something :dontknow: :tongue3:

Maybe they don't like ugly people, prejudice.....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

We are all so focused on the southern influx of people That right under our noses the east has slowly taken over most of the gas stations, small motel's corner stores, etc. Now don't turn this as a raciest rant. But when they become a force and they vote We could all be facing east several time's per day.

The future will tell.

Nah... ALL I have seen around here are BIZ owners from Mexico; MOSTLY ppl from India & THAT "area"; not all are Muslims.

Background checks and gun registration isn't an infringement and violation of our 2nd Amendment rights, but requiring people to prove they are in this country legally or producing an ID at the election polls to be able to vote is a violation of their rights??

How idiotic is it that you have to produce an ID to buy even a train ticket but not to prove you are who you say you are during the most important political process this country has...

It violates an illegal alien's rights to ask to see his papers during a traffic stop, but yet it is okay to trample on the 2nd amendment and my rights and privacy because I want to buy a .22 rifle.

Illegal aliens don't have to prove they have legal right to be here and work, it violates their rights, but it doesn't violate my rights to restrict me from giving or selling a .22 rifle to my son or best friend...


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I see where you are going with this one and understand your POV. But, your point is more apples and oranges - two different things.

The voter ID laws that were struck down were too restrictive. They were written in ways meant to throw the election by eliminating traditional democratic voting blocks. With regard to the Voter ID laws, it wasn't about violating the rights of aliens, illegal or otherwise. it was and is about violating the rights of Americans. people who were born here, to american parents, and are every bit as american as you or I. The laws were a violation of their rights.

Pennsylvania's voter ID law was a case in point. Republican gov, swing state, red in the middle and across the top with bright blue corners on both the SW and SE corners. The law was aimed at those corners. The court saw it, and knocked it down when the state's AG couldn't explain the differences in the numbers of disenfranchised voters who would be affected by the law. She supplied the state assembly with very low numbers, in the low thousands, to ensure passage when in fact the numbers where well into the six figures. The opposition was able to show in court that the AG had the real numbers and surpressed them. So, you know what happens when you lie? You get your butt handed to you. And in this case rightfully so!

(The state now has a new AG. the new AG is going after Gov Casey over his impeding the Sandusky investigation to save his friends at Penn State while he himself was AG. Stay tuned!!!)

And, BTW, the law that requires you to show ID just to buy a train ticket, a much bigger threat to your freedom than anything surrounding the second amendment.

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Yeah,,I do not get that. Why should we allow foreign nationals to vote in our elections? It may be an inconvenience, but at least I can't vote 50 times and put in a couple of votes for my dogs like we see all the time on the left. Funny that the left does somersaults around logic to try and show that ID voting requirements are bad for America. While trying to put American citizens on watch lists and verifying every thing you do.

How do you do ANY banking if you do not have an ID? How do you drive? You cannot legally buy alcohol without one.

That argument holds no water Florida. If you are not required to have one to vote you should not have to show one for anything in this country.

Sorry, but they are the same to me, no far worse than same. So now all you need to vote is a voter ID card no photo identification needed just a bank statement or utility bill..........
Where is logic there....:BangHead:

It is an infringement on our 2nd amendment rightsand invasion of privacy for us to have to go through a background check to buy a 22 rifle and yet illegal alliens do not have to prove they are here legally........

There is another, bigger problem with this. Traditionally you had to learn about our Constitution and life in America to become a citizen. You ask New citizens and they know more about America than nearly every politician,, and apparently 95 % of leftists.

This is why we were called the "melting pot". We all strove for a common purpose and it has worked extremely well over time. Although the process may be a bit to lengthy.

If you can vote in America and you have no idea how it works we would only have the constitution for a couple of cycles afterward.

Here is something to chew on. Do we want these laws?
Guns are Illegal in Mexico | U.S. Consulate General Tijuana, Mexico
[h=5]Guns are Illegal in Mexico[/h] 7
Don’t bring firearms or ammunition across the border into Mexico.

Don’t carry a knife, even a small pocketknife, on your person in Mexico.

You may become one of dozens of U.S. Citizens who are arrested each month for unintentionally violating Mexico’s strict weapons laws.
If you are caught with firearms or ammunition in Mexico...

  • You will go to jail and your vehicle will be seized;
  • You will be separated from your family, friends, and your job, and likely suffer substantial financial hardship;
  • You will pay court costs and other fees ranging into the tens of thousands of dollars defending yourself;
  • You may get up to a 30-year sentence in a Mexican prison if found guilty.
If you carry a knife on your person in Mexico, even a pocketknife . . .

  • You may be arrested and charged with possession of a deadly weapon;
  • You may spend weeks in jail waiting for trial, and tens of thousands of dollars in attorney’s fees, court costs, and fines;
  • If convicted, you may be sentenced to up to five years in a Mexican prison.
Claiming not to know about the law will not get you leniency from a police officer or the judicial system. Leave your firearms, ammunition, and knives at home. Don’t bring them into Mexico.


There is another, bigger problem with this. Traditionally you had to learn about our Constitution and life in America to become a citizen. You ask New citizens and they know more about America than nearly every politician,, and apparently 95 % of leftists.

This is why we were called the "melting pot". We all strove for a common purpose and it has worked extremely well over time. Although the process may be a bit to lengthy.

If you can vote in America and you have no idea how it works we would only have the constitution for a couple of cycles afterward.

Here is something to chew on. Do we want these laws?
Guns are Illegal in Mexico | U.S. Consulate General Tijuana, Mexico
Guns are Illegal in Mexico

Don’t bring firearms or ammunition across the border into Mexico.

Don’t carry a knife, even a small pocketknife, on your person in Mexico.

You may become one of dozens of U.S. Citizens who are arrested each month for unintentionally violating Mexico’s strict weapons laws.
If you are caught with firearms or ammunition in Mexico...

  • You will go to jail and your vehicle will be seized;
  • You will be separated from your family, friends, and your job, and likely suffer substantial financial hardship;
  • You will pay court costs and other fees ranging into the tens of thousands of dollars defending yourself;
  • You may get up to a 30-year sentence in a Mexican prison if found guilty.
If you carry a knife on your person in Mexico, even a pocketknife . . .

  • You may be arrested and charged with possession of a deadly weapon;
  • You may spend weeks in jail waiting for trial, and tens of thousands of dollars in attorney’s fees, court costs, and fines;
  • If convicted, you may be sentenced to up to five years in a Mexican prison.
Claiming not to know about the law will not get you leniency from a police officer or the judicial system. Leave your firearms, ammunition, and knives at home. Don’t bring them into Mexico.


Under current conditions with drug cartels and crooked police I have no plans or desires to visit Mexico....,

I never had to show ID to purchase a train, or a plane ticket. What planet are we talking about :dontknow: :laughing7:

Well I have!

This is planet Earth, the United States of America today, and not the America I grew up in.

Under current conditions with drug cartels and crooked police I have no plans or desires to visit Mexico....,
I am with you! If we went there we would be the only unarmed people in the country,, I mean, besides the innocent people there!

But I am just saying that the laws that work SO WELL there would not work here. So I do not think they should vote that system in place here. And our politicians are not quite as corrupt as theirs. Yet.

I am with you! If we went there we would be the only unarmed people in the country,, I mean, besides the innocent people there!

But I am just saying that the laws that work SO WELL there would not work here. So I do not think they should vote that system in place here. And our politicians are not quite as corrupt as theirs. Yet.

Oh, I wasnt disagreeing with you at all..... Just stating a fact for me was all....:icon_thumright:

Our elected officials here in Vt., have just passed a bill to give illegal farm workers a driving certificate. This will allow them to legally drive a vehicle in the state. The workers complaint was that without the right to drive they had no way to get to the doctor. Therein lies the next concern, they also don't pay taxes, or heaven forbid have health insurance. Now they can access health care that my hard earned taxes will pay for, yet do to rising costs, my health insurance costs upwards to $10,000 per year, and that's the portion that isn't covered by wife's employer. Every day I wake up and wonder how many more hours I will have to work each week just to pay my debt to the unemployed, and entitleled.:BangHead:

Iv'e worked with many illegals and they are laughing all the way to the bank, and then stand in long lines to send money back to their homeland every payday.

oh ya, and they also VOTE!

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