Lode claim plans

Trikeman77 Bill,

My advice would be just sell it outright and avoid the potential risk! The current gold rush is bringing buyers out of the woodwork. There are plenty of brokers to list with. Such as: http://www.goldandsilvermines.com/lowpriced.html

Other than that you may want to take Jair up on his helpful offer.
Also, you may find this info from the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology useful: http://www.nbmg.unr.edu/dox/sp6.pdf


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Trikeman77 Bill,

My advice would be just sell it outright and avoid the potential risk! The current gold rush is bringing buyers out of the woodwork. There are plenty of brokers to list with. Such as: http://www.goldandsilvermines.com/lowpriced.html

Other than that you may want to take Jair up on his helpful offer.
Also, you may find this info from the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology useful: http://www.nbmg.unr.edu/dox/sp6.pdf


Hey thanks guy!
Yeah I'm leaning on not dealin with the aus guy. I mean if he hasn't gave me any proof of anything or why he won't just pay for it ya know?
Besides I been messin around with the 5gal bucket that I have a huge boulder broke enough to fit in the other night. Has qtz spots in it and all the cool stuff idk what is in it or not but now I'm thinking about goin back to the claim early nxt year and get some samples to assay.
Specially if I can find a trustworthy person willing to go with me that can show me the ropes of what I have and where to check etc. I'm more of show me stuff person than reading books. Read a truckload on it and was unprepared hen I got tere to say the least.
Anyhow I'm hoping to go early nxt yr so it's not 110 in the shade lol. I'd go now but out of vaca time :(

Hey thanks guy! Yeah I'm leaning on not dealin with the aus guy. I mean if he hasn't gave me any proof of anything or why he won't just pay for it ya know? Besides I been messin around with the 5gal bucket that I have a huge boulder broke enough to fit in the other night. Has qtz spots in it and all the cool stuff idk what is in it or not but now I'm thinking about goin back to the claim early nxt year and get some samples to assay. Specially if I can find a trustworthy person willing to go with me that can show me the ropes of what I have and where to check etc. I'm more of show me stuff person than reading books. Read a truckload on it and was unprepared hen I got tere to say the least. Anyhow I'm hoping to go early nxt yr so it's not 110 in the shade lol. I'd go now but out of vaca time :(
when your ready , I should be able to take vacation if I know several weeks in advance , that is if your interested , take my equipment and do some assays on spot if you would like . I have a portable oven and generator . Along with crusher , dry washers , trammel , mini high banker and misc other equipment .

Depending how long your there you would have a better idea of what you have . If your interested send pm .

Sounds like they get the gold mine and you get the shaft! I wouldnt touch a bond for anyone else. If they deviate, piss off, or otherwise cause a problem your on the hook. Lets see if they had hazardous waste brought it to the mine and abandoned it your bond and you would be responsible to remove it. You will have limited upside and unlimited downside dont do it!

My thoughts are this. If this Attorney told the guy you wanted 7 million for the Claim, then just lower the price to 5 million and maybe he will buy it and then your worries are all over!:dontknow::thumbsup::toothy2:

All joking aside. If the guy won't purchase the Claim for the $7,000 you want for it, then tell him to take a hike (hopefully through a 10,000 acre sage brush patch). Otherwise, sit on it until you sell it to someone that is really interested and wants it and avoid any possible complications, enormous costs and possible legal issues.


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My thoughts are this. If this Attorney told the guy you wanted 7 million for the Claim, then just lower the price to 5 million and maybe he will buy it and then your worries are all over!:dontknow::thumbsup::toothy2:

All joking aside. If the guy won't purchase the Claim for the $7,000 you want for it, then tell him to take a hike (hopefully through a 10,000 acre sage brush patch). Otherwise, sit on it until you sell it to someone that is really interested and wants it and avoid any possible complications, enormous costs and possible legal issues.


Heck I'll take 2 million for it :)-

Sounds like they get the gold mine and you get the shaft! I wouldnt touch a bond for anyone else. If they deviate, piss off, or otherwise cause a problem your on the hook. Lets see if they had hazardous waste brought it to the mine and abandoned it your bond and you would be responsible to remove it. You will have limited upside and unlimited downside dont do it!

Yeah I'm thinking that too.
E said that the notice of intent or whatever it's called will have him or his company as the operator doing what I say and how to the blm in the notice that is the "contract"
I can't find anything like a template to go from to type up something. I still don't like the idea that I'm the one holding the bag if he does something wrong ya k ow?

Don't suppose Ud want a claim in Nevada would you?? Then I wouldn't have to worry about anything. Maybe find something closer to Ohio.

Wish I could find a legit mining place that would process my tailings at least.
This guy just makes me leerie or something.
He's saying bond is nothing is evrything is done right. I'm like we'll no kidding. But if it isn't them I'm the one with my cheese out in the wind ya know?


If you where closer, I'd jump on the offer in a heart beat

He's partially right. The bond is nothing IF AND I DO MEAN IF everything is done right. And the fact that he would bring something like that up has the hair on the back of my neck standing up. I wouldn't even talk to the guy again.

First never do anything in your name. form a NV LLC.
That is why the other person is using a NV LLC.

The BLM part is the easy part. you will find out about the Mine Safety and Health Administration and state EPA and state mine safety people ECT ECT.

Milling of ore is not easy unless you have a lot of experience and it looks like you will have to build a mill.

The mill will be a big problem. it takes time to get it right.

I get the feeling that he is looking for someone to build a mill. I know from experience at the school of hard rocks how hard that can be.

Then he plans to move the mill to his other claims and run them with a mill with all the bugs worked out.

Yeah I'm thinking that too.
E said that the notice of intent or whatever it's called will have him or his company as the operator doing what I say and how to the blm in the notice that is the "contract"
I can't find anything like a template to go from to type up something. I still don't like the idea that I'm the one holding the bag if he does something wrong ya know?

A Notice of Intent is NOT that type of a contract. It's purpose is to notify the BLM of your intentions toward mining your claim for other than casual use (collecting samples and using hand tools).........

Disturbance of 5 acres or less you must file a NOI (Notice Of Intent). If you plan on disturbing more than 5 acres of surface or bulk sampling more than 1,000 tons of presumed ore, you must file a POO (Plan Of Operation). A Reclamation Bond will be set accordingly by the BLM either way.

Here is a sample NOI (Notice Of Intent) form: http://www.blm.gov/pgdata/etc/media....Par.9444.File.dat/form_3830-3_noi_locate.pdf

Notice of Intent:
Bureau of Land Management regulations regarding surface disturbance and
reclamation require that a notice of intent be submitted to the appropriate Field Office of the
Bureau of Land Management for exploration activities in which five acres or less
are proposed for disturbance (43 CFR 3809.1-1 through 3809.1-4)

Here is a link containing info for filling out a Plan of Operation:
http://www.blm.gov/pgdata/etc/media...37432.File.dat/POO Format 2009 tsm 1.9.09.pdf

A plan of operation is needed for all mining and processing activities, plus all activities
exceeding five acres of proposed disturbance. A plan of operation is also needed
for any bulk sampling in which 1,000 or more tons of presumed ore are proposed
for removal (43 CFR 3802.1 through 3802.6, 3809.1-4, 3809.1-5). The BLM also
requires the posting of bonds for reclamation for any surface disturbance caused
by more than casual use (43 CFR 3809.500 through 3809.560)

* oops I think I misunderstood your post, sorry. I would recommend using a lawyer (one familiar with mining law) to construct the contract between you as there is potentially too much liability at risk to not be covered legally, not to mention recourse if you dont get your fair share of the profit. When constructing a contract the Devil is in the details, that's why I would recommend an attorney.


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A Notice of Intent is NOT that type of a contract. It's purpose is to notify the BLM of your intentions toward mining your claim for other than casual use (collecting samples and using hand tools).........

Disturbance of 5 acres or less you must file a NOI (Notice Of Intent). If you plan on disturbing more than 5 acres of surface or bulk sampling more than 1,000 tons of presumed ore, you must file a POO (Plan Of Operation). A Reclamation Bond will be set accordingly by the BLM either way.

Here is a sample NOI (Notice Of Intent) form: http://www.blm.gov/pgdata/etc/medialib/blm/nv/cadastral_survey/mineral_surveyor_program.Par.9444.File.dat/form_3830-3_noi_locate.pdf

Notice of Intent:
Bureau of Land Management regulations regarding surface disturbance and
reclamation require that a notice of intent be submitted to the appropriate Field Office of the
Bureau of Land Management for exploration activities in which five acres or less
are proposed for disturbance (43 CFR 3809.1-1 through 3809.1-4)

Here is a link containing info for filling out a Plan of Operation:

A plan of operation is needed for all mining and processing activities, plus all activities
exceeding five acres of proposed disturbance. A plan of operation is also needed
for any bulk sampling in which 1,000 or more tons of presumed ore are proposed
for removal (43 CFR 3802.1 through 3802.6, 3809.1-4, 3809.1-5). The BLM also
requires the posting of bonds for reclamation for any surface disturbance caused
by more than casual use (43 CFR 3809.500 through 3809.560)

* oops I think I misunderstood your post, sorry. I would recommend using a lawyer (one familiar with mining law) to construct the contract between you as there is potentially too much liability at risk to not be covered legally, not to mention recourse if you dont get your fair share of the profit. When constructing a contract the Devil is in the details, that's why I would recommend an attorney.


Thanks GG those forms will help if I go thru with this deal. I'm still not sure. I will def use an atty to make sure everything is in order and I'm protected.
Actual disturbance would be 2acres at most. All roads to the claim and th campsite areas (previously flat areas made many moons ago) can be got to without any trouble. Remember idrove my pt cruiser to both campsite areas.
I'd like to backdrag them with loader bucket just to fill any washes to make it easier to drive the plant truck up to the flat spots. No much in way of timber really. A here or there spindly tree is about I all over the claim.
The guy said his wave tables are mounted on a semi or a flat truck. Making it portable I guess. Pulvarizer and tables are all truck mtd. And have either their own gas motor Ora generator to power everything.
Processing is 50ton a day using a bucketloader. Which when plant is on theonesite. U can get to 2 of the adit tailing piles as they are literally right at the plant site. Same for the other adit. Just have to take plant to other flat area and your right there.

Apparently his "deal" is he wants to have small operations to help fund his main mine which is the delamar. I asked a few times Bout havin to erect a massive plant on site because worried of land degredation that's why I know the plant is Mobil mounted.
I never thought of the Nevada LLC. Instead of my name. So the LLC would take the hit if any. I am really wanting to process the tailings I'm confident I can make money on it but I have to have a person that can do what he says he would do by bringing in the equipment to process them on claim I'm too far from claim to feasibly do it.
Only talkin about 300ton tailngs maybe more so from what hesays the plant turns 300tonsof big rocks into 375 ounces of conc so if my math is right the other 299.9 tons of " left over" rocks will go back to their original location just be smaller rocks?
I mean it all sounds great but so does world peace

First never do anything in your name. form a NV LLC.
That is why the other person is using a NV LLC.

The BLM part is the easy part. you will find out about the Mine Safety and Health Administration and state EPA and state mine safety people ECT ECT.

Milling of ore is not easy unless you have a lot of experience and it looks like you will have to build a mill.

The mill will be a big problem. it takes time to get it right.

I get the feeling that he is looking for someone to build a mill. I know from experience at the school of hard rocks how hard that can be.

Then he plans to move the mill to his other claims and run them with a mill with all the bugs worked out.

Since I'm terminology stupid........I don't know
He is using action mining wave tables and pulvarizer. The plant is made to fit on a semi/truck M10 I believe two of them maybe 3. Water and fuel and pumps etc all on plant with their own generator and or gas motors to operate.
Th. tailings are putinto the pulvarizer with 10t loader and what is discarded goes back to its specific adit tailing pile a few times a day to minimize and degridaton to the surface.
If that's a mill site? Then he is supplying it. That's what don make sense.
Why not just pay me 7k and own the claim ya know? Ben looking online I'm tryin to find any plans or submissions to blm to see like his company has done this or that in the past to see any track record ya know?
But then again he said he is trying to move up from the small scale or casual mining to a larger operation at the delamar so idk

when your ready , I should be able to take vacation if I know several weeks in advance , that is if your interested , take my equipment and do some assays on spot if you would like . I have a portable oven and generator . Along with crusher , dry washers , trammel , mini high banker and misc other equipment .

Depending how long your there you would have a better idea of what you have . If your interested send pm .

Dude did my PM scare you away or u still reading the novel I sent lol

Got email from dude today
Notice is notice of intent. Basically to say we're using existin rds etc and on claim 10days max. And to blow up topo and draw where piles are. Temp signs and such at plant location removed when moved an again when finished. Actual tailing removal from sight less than 8 ton. Tailings returned to original locale. Ummm oh doing an emu walk to clean up any trash unless historically significant.2 rvs on claim for all waste sewage and Drink water stored on them. Hasn't gave plant truck details yet. So idk about that.

I've seen a few intent forms sorta sounds the same. Said not to use notice I operation cuz it would take years and years to get one approved?
Anyhow just an update of where he's commin from
Thanks evey1 for ur input it's helping me a lot
Not nowhere near planning a deal with him or his LLC. I'm actually planning to goto claim as early as I can 2015.
Anyone know if it's ok weather wise in say may or June? To goto Nevada or do they get like snow or freezing nights etc?
Wanting to fly out for just some pick n hammer stuff with jar and have a look see at some assaying.
Idk it's like a frikin disease man. One hand I think sell it and move on. But then I start thinking about all the stuff I didn't at least try that isn't really costly to do specially with someone like jar to teach me some things etc. and I want to go now and do more pokin around. Sighs.

I'm thinking it would take a good bit to get me to sell my claim. Easy to say cuz noone has called me and said I got ?k want it? Lol.

Ok so this is totally off topic I spose but I found this bottle while swinging my MD on claim.
Any place RO out pic of it to maybe identify age n use, value etc?

Is hand made I think. Dark blue I think. Is full of silt n dirt. That I haven't tried to rinse out of it so I can't get a view thru glass. Can see small bubbles suspended in what I can see of glass. Also the neck is fatter and tapered like for a cork stopper not a cap?
And bottom ha a simple pushed up into it. Like glass blower took a blunt/rounded rod or tool to push up into bottom of bottle and is not machine done cuz its not centered in middle of bottle.
Can figure how to post a frikin pic with my iPhone :(

Well I'm pretty sure I'm keepin the claim least til I can get out there next year and do some assaying and poking around.
Figure I have a great person to show me the ropes do I won't feel so scattered when I go to site I can probably giv it a go. Or least have assys to make it better to sell later if I ever do.
Still listening to the kangaroos ideas and jabber I'm interest to know if he's legit but seems unlikely from what everyone's been saying
Thanks again for the help and guidance folks!

Dealing with any thing to do with processing on your claim other then you , I would have a lawyer in valved if the person doesn't want to buy it .
I have been looking for a good one my self but it's got to be close enough to be worth my while and I would only be interested if I was given a week to prospect my self first to check for value .

That's why I'm still looking and setting up my trailer the way I am . Hope good guy makes it out to enjoy our area some time .

Back from Vegas ,

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