Here is a first. One of my local stores (a big one) is OUT OF SILVER (except for a few individual very expensive semi numi and numi pieces AND some junk silver at $6 over melt!). Who would of thought with silver at $14 or so I would be paying nearly $20 for JUNK SILVER- I'm not buying at that price. So much for waiting to buy I suppose. Glad I have been DCA all along and have lots of cool $h!t I got at $16 to $18 out the door so to speak over the past year or so. I couldn't even buy much of that stuff today unless I went to ebay and paid out the a$$.
They have no silver ASEs, Maples, private bars/rounds, etc. I have dealt with this store since 2005 (the birth of my silver/gold bug self) and this has NEVER happened that I recall. Even last week they had some ASEs and Canadian Wildlife coins available at marked up premiums. Guy I spoke to said they should have some new stuff in 2 weeks or so maybe. Said I could pay today and place an order and they would "guarantee" I would get the stuff in 4 to 8 weeks depending on what I wanted. I said no thanks.
PS There are a few stores locally that do have some bullion, but at premiums that are a buck or so higher per ounce than this store I am referring to above ($5 to $5.50 per ounce for ASEs). These stores are most likely selling their own private stash inventory in hopes of ordering new stuff cheaper from the wholesalers, then wait for delivery. I know one local dealer that has a large stock of inventory that he kept accumulating over the past year constantly thinking prices would go up (this dealer is more bullish than Marchas and me combined). Since he was wrong that silver would rise this year, he told me he is going to sell the stuff now and buy new stuff cheaper, instead of holding the inventory waiting for prices to rise, and thus not having any cash flow and thus no profits. The only downside is, will he get his new inventory as he expects in several weeks when the orders come in? Probably yes, but who knows? He said the wholesalers have ALWAYS delivered in the past, although the delivery times could take longer than they promised.
We'll have to wait and see.