Local Boys got his dredge in the water!

Not mine to say if its ok or not, or if you should or shouldn't. it's up to the individual if they get busted they pay the piper. I'm simply saying that you don't know who has kept on going, or never stopped and you won't because they decided to apply some discretion in their activities and not risk their equipment or finances. I'm also saying that your signature line pretty much sums it up, if you don't have an invite to the court stay out of it and let those folks have their day without interuption.

You know what else is really funny- when it was for sure illiegal you didn't see everyone stepping up to the plate shouting about how we should all get together and really show them! In fact only a very few stood up and said "Do what you may, I"m gonna fight it". Now that one of them has received favorable judgement folks are all fired up ready to put themselves out there and make a stand. Again the biggest statement you can make now is with your checkbook! For years my partner has offered up in a very public manner one of his very public personal claims for a demonstration or dredge-in. NOT ONE PHONE CALL OR PM TO RSVP from folks ready to risk a citation and litigation! I believe I can safely say that should the need arise, he would be happy to extend the offer and we would also offer up our joint claim, plenty O'room but until then we will not "interupt those that are doing it".

I agree 100 %,

You know what else is really funny- when it was for sure illiegal you didn't see everyone stepping up to the plate shouting about how we should all get together and really show them! In fact only a very few stood up and said "Do what you may, I"m gonna fight it". Now that one of them has received favorable judgement folks are all fired up ready to put themselves out there and make a stand.

The problem was that not enough people had the balls to say it really wasn't illiegal and stand up for their rights, right from the get go. Could you emagine where the dredgers would be right now if we had a dozen or two Brandon Rinehart cases instead of just "ONE"?

"The problem was that not enough people had the balls to say it really wasn't illiegal and stand up for their rights, right from the get go. Could you emagine where the dredgers would be right now if we had a dozen or two Brandon Rinehart cases instead of just "ONE"?"- Jog

I share your opinion, but who's to say? It's all missed opportunity now. Hopefully we learn from our mistakes, and others faced with the same situation are paying attention and learning too. As we all know this is just one of a many fronted attack on all of mining. If folks don't get involved with the clubs, and organizations to establish strong representation in the form of Watershed groups (WMA) or re-establishing mining districts (Jefferson), we will be right back where we've been over and over again.

Easy enough to see the merit on both "sides" of this one.

People are probably also divided on the issue of whether a dredge permit is even "required" to begin with.

My very basic understanding here is the court has ruled against this 'end around' by the state, in which they (the state) required a permit, but refused to issue them.

"To dredge or not to dredge" seems to be the point of this discussion. Opposing views that share the same end goal, getting back in the water. One side wants to apply 'pressure', the other wants to mitigate 'liability'.

Question: How to keep pressing the issue without potentially derailing progress?
Answer: Start applying for dredge permits?

Easy enough to see the merit on both "sides" of this one.

People are probably also divided on the issue of whether a dredge permit is even "required" to begin with.

My very basic understanding here is the court has ruled against this 'end around' by the state, in which they (the state) required a permit, but refused to issue them.

"To dredge or not to dredge" seems to be the point of this discussion. Opposing views that share the same end goal, getting back in the water. One side wants to apply 'pressure', the other wants to mitigate 'liability'.

Question: How to keep pressing the issue without potentially derailing progress?
Answer: Start applying for dredge permits?

Everybody should listen to the first 30 mns of this podcast or relisten- it may make you change your opinion about the "Rinehart " case...

Behind The Woodshed | Real Liberty Media

Can you share your thoughts on why you think our opinions might change from listening to the podcast?

Can you share your thoughts on why you think our opinions might change from listening to the podcast?

i'm guessing I was like a lot of folks thinking the Rinehart decision was the turning point for miners ... we just would need to keep on the same path and everything will work out for us.

Paraphrasing from about the 22 mn mark from last Sundays podcast, ( It's not word for word, I tried my best to get this right, please correct me if it's wrong)

Theres Nothing wrong with the laws- The laws are not wrong. Whats wrong is when we get pulled of the narrow path and are taken into the deep dark woods and beat us up. We let that happen.

at the 26 mn mark

Ochoa threw the mining law literally under the bus of the Granite decision which is an enviromental law position that doesnt have a basis in law...

IMHO- I think the message is the way we got there was maybe not the best-
and having been listening for a while I believe we are being pulled off into the deep dark woods...

I did think and still do think we need to start doing more... I heard a little while ago" Imagine if all those people in Ferguson and New York had taken to writing letters instead of doing what they did"...

See you Sunday at noon Behind The Woodshed!

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I'd happily support a planned out organized approach, setting a drop dead date giving the current cases time to resolve. Then using the video MEG posted as a model and adding a few things to it like- 200 miners, a Spokesperson well versed in mining law, Representitives from the local governing mining district acting in official capacity. Media, An invitation with notice of intent to Government Reps, DA, Sheriff, and a request to enforcement agencies to cite us. and lastly a POS sacrificial dredge with a couple hundred feet of garden hose acting as the suction line so that everyone can grab on and get cited at once. If they won't cite, we have one a month in a different local until they do.

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I'd happily support a planned out organized approach, setting a drop dead date giving the current cases time to resolve. Then using the video MEG posted as a model and adding a few things to it like- 200 miners, a Spokesperson well versed in mining law, Representitives from the local governing mining district acting in official capacity. Media, An invitation with notice of intent to Government Reps, DA, Sheriff, and a request to enforcement agencies to cite us. and lastly a POS sacrificial dredge with a couple hundred feet of garden hose acting as the suction line so that everyone can grab on and get cited at once. If they won't cite, we have one a month in a different local until they do.
Garden hose suction line !! Love it

The last political function I went to was hundreds maybe a thousand miners on the steps of the capitol building with all manner of signs and informational displays. Saw 1 reporter and maybe 1 news camera. Pres of my mining club said he contacted all the local tv news stations informing them of the event and their reply was something along the lines of "we wont be covering out of concern of conflict of interest with our advertisers"..

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