LINK ADDED/serious news!!/Noahs ark

Re: LINK ADDED/serious news!!/Noah's ark

This whole string is no different than a party game where a story is told to the person next to you and by the time it gets back to the originator, its completely changed and totally out of context.

I'm suprised that the topic of the Virgin birth wasn't touched upon... ::)

Someone is missing the boat, if you'd pardon the pun! ;)

Re: LINK ADDED/serious news!!/Noah's ark

diving doc said:
fleamistress said:
There is some credible scientific explanation for the alleged parting of the Red Sea somewhere. FWIW.


Agreed, That is a fact.
Yep, we can't explain the flight of a bumble bee, but we know exactly
what happened more than 3000 years ago.
Scientific explaination? Sorry, I'll stick with what I believe.

Re: LINK ADDED/serious news!!/Noah's ark

I saw video on Comcast, pretty cool at that... I don't think those who aren't on comcast could see it, though. Guys were actually holding chunks of it in their hands. Best hands on evidence so far, beats blurry pics from a plane anyday.

Whether or not it is actually Noah's ark...... ??? They believe it could be, strongly, but will admit it remains to be proven.

Try a google search- it should still be fresh enough to show up high.

Re: LINK ADDED/serious news!!/Noah's ark

If you want to read about Noah's Ark, go to this link. By David Deal. He has a book on it and has visited the site several times. Pretty believable. Noah's landing site was called Naxuan, the first settlement after the flood.

Re: LINK ADDED/serious news!!/Noah's ark

Let me see!

We have a group of treasure hunters here, who follow fabled legends, stories passed on by who knows who? mysterious markings in the woods, on rocks or in caves. Etc Etc Etc Etc

And when it comes to the "Ark" ... the believers and non believers do battle, citing TV shows, documentaries and logic as they see it, but apply that logic differently to Treasure Legends and Stories.

To bad the "Ark" didn't contain bullion or plate!

Then the only religion that would enter the fray would be $$$$$$$

Re: LINK ADDED/serious news!!/Noah's ark

I saw the pics for this alleged "wood'' last week. Funny thing is, while this rock/ petrified wood looks identical to wood, none of it has any holes, from nails, pegs, or anything else showing they were ever fastened together. In country scientists have examined this site a long time ago and concluded that the "wood" is a natural occurence in that whole area. It is not the only such occurence of this kind, there are many throughout the world. If there is an ark, this 'find' isn't it.

Re: LINK ADDED/serious news!!/Noah's ark

SWR said:
I think that after floating around for 40 days/nights the Ark would have “landed” much further away from its launching point. Somewhere like Wisconsin. ;)

WISCONSIN!?! If only I had known ! We unearthed abunch of old timbers while excavating a pond last year......... I fed 'em to my wood-fired boiler..........


Re: LINK ADDED/serious news!!/Noah's ark

anybody ever c PENN & TELLERS BULL%$#* on SHOWTIME? they had one on bible its great ,they do this bit about elvis on how of 2 of his friends have elvis favorite fried chicken recipe. one has papricka and the other does not,there point is that elvis died just over 20 years ago and we can't even figure out his chicken recipe how do we belive in a book that was written 2000 years ago, 2-3 hundred years after the man jesus lived?

Re: LINK ADDED/serious news!!/Noah's ark

God will never allow the Ark to be found. It would be proof of his existence. Here's the logic:

God says "I refuse to prove that I exist. Proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"Aha," says man, "but the existence of Noah's Ark proves that you do exist, therefore you don't."
"I hadn't thought of that," says God, and promptly would disappear in a puff of logic.

(Apologies to the late, great Douglas Adams.)

Next, proof that black is white and white is black.

Re: LINK ADDED/serious news!!/Noah's ark

I watched a program on the History Channel regarding discovery of this site by satellite a couple of years ago. I wonder why this is just now in the news? Even with the pictures it would take quite an imagination to make that outcropping resemble a boat in my opinion. Call me a non-believer unless something more significant comes along. ::) Monty

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