Dear cactusjumper;
You wrote:
Lamar, will you deny the murders of 168 million Christians in the last 2000 years? Or is that also an acceptable number? Those are only the ones that have been recorded. Who knows how large the number really is. And they were killed because they would not bow and worship a man who calls himself vicar of Christ=successor, or instead of Christ. I'm not trying to turn this into a religious thread, but if you study history instead of taking the word of "the order", you will see it has been recorded. Yes, I've studied it, but I'm sure you would not like the books I'm talking about.
I have not stood for protestant denominations, as I know that ALL denominations are wrong. So, you can do me no harm by showing me where some religious order, other that catholic, has done some of the same works. You've been lied to, Lamar. I hope that you will one day see that.
P.S. You are also wrong about the reformers. You're listening to the wrong voices.
Posted on: Today at 07:08:13 AMPosted by: ivan salis
I have done my own research and according to the official existing records, the numbers are correct. These do not only come from Vatican sources, but an entire host of Protestant and secular archives throughout Europe. The Vatican kept no records on how many people were executed by the reformers, however many Protestant churches and also the various regional secular entities did. I have no reason to doubt their validity, in fact a large number of these records have been lost or destroyed with time, therefore 100,000 will have to serve as a consersertive estimate.
The only thing which possibly could have lied to me are the records themselves and I honestly do not think that they are all that inaccurate. In fact, I feel that it is YOU who have been lied to, and most likely you lied to yourself, or, you've allowed others to perpetuate lies into truths, my friend.
You can not pin the deaths of the various native tribes of the Americas to the Catholics, my friend. The slaughter of these peoples rests solely in the hands of the secular authorities of the day. If you are referring to the Crusades, please note that at NO TIME did ANY Pope state that the Crusaders were to butcher Jews and Muslims! What the Vatican DID state was that if a Christian Crusader killed an infidel in a JUST manner, then that Crusaders' soul would not be in mortal danger and his soul would not be subjected to fires of eternal damnation. Please be aware that the Papacy never stated that the Crusaders' souls would be cleansed and they would not need to pay for their temporal sins, or that they would achieve the Kingdom of Heaven without going to Purgatory first.
Because the Crusaders themselves CHOSE to murder all manner of peoples, Christian and infidel alike is NOT the fault of the Vatican or even the Roman Catholic church, my friend. Simply because they were trying to expand their realms and using the Church as their excuse does not relieve them of the culpability of their acts, nor does it place the burden of guilt on the Roman Catholic church.
I might suggest that instead of reading books on psuedo-history and dime store *what -if* tales that you immerse yourself in the actual documents of the periods in question. Granted, most of the existing documentation is highly restricted, and rightly so ,in order to preserve the documents into perpetuity, however they can be safely photocopied for a nominal fee.
Your friend;