🏆 HONORABLE MENTION Letter from Ring Return WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a Rosie

Great story. I've returned four rings, three with not so much as a thank you.

Very nice A2. Exemplary!!

Nice return A2. I was able to read the letter in your pics.

Get a frame for that letter mate. This "hobby" sport or whatever it is we do, well this is the epitome of why and how we should be doing it. Tommy, I bow to your continual "doing the right thing" mind set. If we ALL in this community thought this way people would probably be inviting us onto their land to hunt without asking. You are a pillar in our fine community and I for one am grateful to know you even virtually through T-net. ~S~ :icon_salut:[/QU Thanks for that it is now next to that little display case in a frame finally got to it.

Yeah Tommy ! That's what this is really about !! Nice job Amigo ! Worth so much more than tossing it onto the pile with others for personal gain .

Tommy, what a great letter for a deserving return. When one does the right thing, good things always come around. Get those two girls a metal detector so they can start hunting as well. Thank you for putting our hobby/sport in such a wonderful light. You did more than return a ring. You gained a life long admirer regarding this hobby we are fortunate to enjoy.

Tommy, huge atta boy to you on a good deed well done.

Noticed this thread is pretty old, please excuse me for my intermittent spells of checking the forum and missing
this great story.


Wow! Happy for you Tommy. Honourable mention for sure. Congrats on making that couples day.

I missed this older thread too. Great story and even better ending. The only class ring I ever found had the name on it, but sadly I was unable to trace the owner. I spent a LOT of time looking too. The high school was uncooperative to give out any info as well. I guess I can't blame them in this day and age. Congrats on a deed well done. FYI, I also found a military "Challenge Coin" with a guys name on it, and wasn't able to trace that person either, despite numerous people on this forum trying to assist me in locating him. Not sure what happened to these folks, dropped off the face of the earth I guess.

I wouldn’t expect less from you Tommy. You are one of the good guys.

Attaboy Tommy! Great job :occasion14:

Tommy, I'm late to the party on this one but have to commend your goodness!

Proud of you man! And, a great, happy story...!

Tommy, that was the right path to take. You can't take a metal detector to heaven but this deed was written in the book.

Way to go Doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do is certainly honorable .And the best part of that is it has no price tag to go with it

Best part of detecting. Making someone very happy! I've only been able to return 3 items I've found, but I'm always hoping for another.

Your a good Person, and way to go representing us detectorists!

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