testing123 said:
Very nice finds everyone! I'd hate to be a Mr. Killjoy, but if you have anything you particularly like or treasure, please consider not having them on display openly in your home. I did that back in 1994 and was robbed - took all of the rings and coins I had found - including my one and only 3 cent silver, and multiple gold rings.
Now, everything is in a safe or a Safe Deposit Box. Just something to consider...
I hear ya! A few months back if it wasn't for the dog I would have ended up face to face with someone who was attempting to come in the living room window. Most of me wishes he would have made it in, but there's always that small % of crazy- life changing things that could happen so probably better he didn't. That happening proved to me my vigilance is justified and it's not just paranoia, so I will make even a greater effort to protect those things that can't be replaced. Something I also did was put myself in the mindset of being a thief and figure out if I took all the right stuff how much I could carry out in one haul. I came up with a loss of about 20k. Little things can add up quick!
Not even two days ago I was in a conversation about displaying finds in the house. I'd have no problem putting most out, but the best few % I'll always have locked away. In the last 10 years on the forums I have seen several posts from long time detector people who got cleaned out. Must be devastating.