Let's see who.....

Then why post all this nonsense?
...and doing it for 7 years, no less.

He's just desperate at this point to produce some type of provenance, making rash decisions and acting on them without even realizing that he's telling on himself when he does it. Per example, here's the true source of the image of the coin he posted, something he would have known could be done after viewing the "image details" of the image if he was up to speed on things in this modern era: Not a faker?

He's just desperate at this point to produce some type of provenance, making rash decisions and acting on them without even realizing that he's telling on himself when he does it. Per example, here's the true source of the image of the coin he posted, something he would have known could be done after viewing the "image details" of the image if he was up to speed on things in this modern era: Not a faker?

Who's desperate? Be careful, Bigscoop. Read the link you posted again. Yes, it discusses the "replicas" and ???? something else. Who's desperate?

There is a treasure.
There is a valid discovery path.
There is a completely fictional story that is a unique cipher.

Now what? We wait.

Can't confirm, deny or validate that...

Be careful of what, Legrand? I'm not the one posting images and then telling people that I "can't confirm or deny or validate"...when in fact you could have without someone else forcing that reality out of you. You posted said picture as if it had some significance to your claims, only to discover that others knew exactly where the image came from and that it holds ZERO significance to your claims. I think at this point you should take a step back before you continue to keep revealing way too much. :thumbsup:

Be careful of what, Legrand? I'm not the one posting images and then telling people that I "can't confirm or deny or validate"...when in fact you could have without someone else forcing that reality out of you. You posted said picture as if it had some significance to your claims, only to discover that others knew exactly where the image came from and that it holds ZERO significance to your claims. I think at this point you should take a step back before you continue to keep revealing way too much. :thumbsup:

Why, letting even the slightest bit of knowledge out to groups like you are a part of before it is fully developed; did you ever read again that link to the $20 CSA gold piece? You don't say whether you did or not. You know what you should be careful of...having egg on your face. And, you know exactly why we all wait (including me) to hear of the great news. And, finally, for this post, you've earned a new title. Your posts within the last few have centered on the word "ZERO" ...apparently you have an affinity for that word which is quite unusual when spelled backwards....but, you knew this right...I mean before you used this word as you did in your posts? I mean, you did accuse me of premeditation upon using the photo of the $20 CSA gold piece...right? I mean the gall of me to link anyone to such a rarity of a coin (none are know to exist in their original creation). A coin like that, even one, may bring millions? One surmises, what if one had 1000 of these coins? Good night OREZ and in 3 minutes, I'll post the link to its definition since you, I'm sure, won't.

Why, letting even the slightest bit of knowledge out to groups like you are a part of before it is fully developed; did you ever read again that link to the $20 CSA gold piece? You don't say whether you did or not. You know what you should be careful of...having egg on your face. And, you know exactly why we all wait (including me) to hear of the great news. And, finally, for this post, you've earned a new title. Your posts within the last few have centered on the word "ZERO" ...apparently you have an affinity for that word which is quite unusual when spelled backwards....but, you knew this right...I mean before you used this word as you did in your posts? I mean, you did accuse me of premeditation upon using the photo of the $20 CSA gold piece...right? I mean the gall of me to link anyone to such a rarity of a coin (none are know to exist in their original creation). A coin like that, even one, may bring millions? One surmises, what if one had 1000 of these coins? Good night OREZ and in 3 minutes, I'll post the link to its definition since you, I'm sure, won't.

Two minute delay...

You shouldn't have made Legrand Gnarled. Or did you?

There is a treasure.
There is a valid discovery path.
There is a completely fictional story that is a unique cipher...
It is amazing that "a completely fictional story" as you now acquiesce can produce a "valid discovery path" to an actual real treasure...
...or is that creating new fiction from the old fiction without the benefit of factual plausibility?
If you are unwilling to lay all your cards on the table, why waste your and our time playing this game?

It is amazing that "a completely fictional story" as you now acquiesce can produce a "valid discovery path" to an actual real treasure...
...or is that creating new fiction from the old fiction without the benefit of factual plausibility?
If you are unwilling to lay all your cards on the table, why waste your and our time playing this game?

Fair and good response and question, ECS.
It is amazing, yes. It's like moving into a cloud and operating under the veil, but no viable cover. Yet the operation within is real...
Not creating fiction...reading the fiction and the message it hides. The "path" is real...know that.
I am willing to lay my cards on the table...but understand it is too soon to do so. Yet, I prepare the path for this revelation. It's what people, most people, need to awaken them to a grand event. This nation is asleep.
I am not a "faker," ECS. I have something to say as we get nearer and nearer to date of revelation.
Tell Bigscoop to bring his ball back and we'll play...now that I have both your attention.
Attention I do not seek; I only have something to say.

Why, letting even the slightest bit of knowledge out to groups like you are a part of before it is fully developed; did you ever read again that link to the $20 CSA gold piece? You don't say whether you did or not. You know what you should be careful of...having egg on your face. And, you know exactly why we all wait (including me) to hear of the great news. And, finally, for this post, you've earned a new title. Your posts within the last few have centered on the word "ZERO" ...apparently you have an affinity for that word which is quite unusual when spelled backwards....but, you knew this right...I mean before you used this word as you did in your posts? I mean, you did accuse me of premeditation upon using the photo of the $20 CSA gold piece...right? I mean the gall of me to link anyone to such a rarity of a coin (none are know to exist in their original creation). A coin like that, even one, may bring millions? One surmises, what if one had 1000 of these coins? Good night OREZ and in 3 minutes, I'll post the link to its definition since you, I'm sure, won't.

It's a "simple" yes or no reply, bet you can't do it.
"Have you used your remedy to recover said hidden CSA gold coins?"
No long winded explanation needed, just a simple yes or no reply.
If "yes" then congrats, I have been wrong.
If "no" then a faker.
What you say, yes or no?

Yes, I suck at video games, often and easily get dominated. But we're not playing in an imaginary fantasy world, nor are we playing video games.....:laughing7: Dude, you just keep driving nails into your own coffin every time you make a post. In reply you use urban video game slang in defense of the fraudulent image you tired to associate with your ridiculous theory, trying to make people think that your theory had lead you to the discovery of CSA gold coins. Shameful, for sure.

PS: As for being easily dominated, at least one of us was aware that you could trace the source of an image. :occasion14::laughing9: And yes, I know exactly why you keep awaiting word, and why you still wait, and wait, and wait....:laughing7:

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Yes, I suck at video games, often and easily get dominated. But we're not playing in an imaginary fantasy world, nor are we playing video games.....:laughing7: Dude, you just keep driving nails into your own coffin every time you make a post. In reply you use urban video game slang in defense of the fraudulent image you tired to associate with your ridiculous theory, trying to make people think that your theory had lead you to the discovery of CSA gold coins. Shameful, for sure.

PS: As for being easily dominated, at least one of us was aware that you could trace the source of an image. :occasion14::laughing9: And yes, I know exactly why you keep awaiting word, and why you still wait, and wait, and wait....:laughing7:

I knew you'd trace the image source, Bigscoop. If you understand why I wait with revelation, why am I being flamed and don't say because I am a "faker," because I am not.
I don't have to answer an unanswerable question...you are not and this is not "Judge Judy" you know.
Let's focus on this:

Originally Posted by ECS
It is amazing that "a completely fictional story" as you now acquiesce can produce a "valid discovery path" to an actual real treasure...
...or is that creating new fiction from the old fiction without the benefit of factual plausibility?
If you are unwilling to lay all your cards on the table, why waste your and our time playing this game?


Fair and good response and question, ECS.
It is amazing, yes. It's like moving into a cloud and operating under the veil, but no viable cover. Yet the operation within is real...
Not creating fiction...reading the fiction and the message it hides. The "path" is real...know that.
I am willing to lay my cards on the table...but understand it is too soon to do so. Yet, I prepare the path for this revelation. It's what people, most people, need to awaken them to a grand event. This nation is asleep.
I am not a "faker," ECS. I have something to say as we get nearer and nearer to date of revelation.
Tell Bigscoop to bring his ball back and we'll play...now that I have both your attention.
Attention I do not seek; I only have something to say.

It is amazing, yes. It's like moving into a cloud and operating under the veil, but no viable cover.
Yet the operation within is real...
Not creating fiction...reading the fiction and the message it hides. The "path" is real...know that..
Yet, I prepare the path for this revelation.
It's what people, most people, need to awaken them to a grand event. This nation is asleep.
... I have something to say as we get nearer and nearer to date of revelation...
I have this this feeling that this alleged "grand reveal" will either have religious overtones or Earth will have its "First Contact".

I knew you'd trace the image source, Bigscoop. If you understand why I wait with revelation, why am I being flamed and don't say because I am a "faker," because I am not.
I don't have to answer an unanswerable question...you are not and this is not "Judge Judy" you know.
Let's focus on this:

No, you had no idea the image source could be traced, if you had you would have never attempted the deception you attempted, and then to say that you couldn't confirm, deny, etc., when in FACT you fully well did realize what you were posting and why and you could confirm, deny, etc., you just tried to blow it past everyone. And now you're dodging making answer to my last question, just another attempt to redirect the light that is now squarely cast upon you in what use to be your shadowy corner. No more shadows now. So your answer is obviously a confirmed "NO"..imagine that. :laughing7:

There was another poster who use to post a picture of gold coins surrounded by bricks, of course he did actually find or have said coins. Like you he tried to use that image in the same fashion you tried to use the one you posted, to convince folks that you had made discovery of the existence of such when in reality you have made no such discovery. Just another wild and totally unsupported theory with no "gold coin recovery" provenance at all.

No, you had no idea the image source could be traced, if you had you would have never attempted the deception you attempted, and then to say that you couldn't confirm, deny, etc., when in FACT you fully well did realize what you were posting and why and you could confirm, deny, etc., you just tried to blow it past everyone. And now you're dodging making answer to my last question, just another attempt to redirect the light that is now squarely cast upon you in what use to be your shadowy corner. No more shadows now. So your answer is obviously a confirmed "NO"..imagine that. :laughing7:

There was another poster who use to post a picture of gold coins surrounded by bricks, of course he did actually find or have said coins. Like you he tried to use that image in the same fashion you tried to use the one you posted, to convince folks that you had made discovery of the existence of such when in reality you have made no such discovery. Just another wild and totally unsupported theory with no "gold coin recovery" provenance at all.


I did, in fact, know of the link to OREZ, Bigscoop. You still have not reread the link to know the other subject matter contained within it. I stand that I have not answered your question.

You do not know what you're talking about.

Just don't blow a gasket on my account, OK?

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