Let the Fun Begin!

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Jun 26, 2014
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Metal Detecting - Recovering the Past

Finally got some new gear.

Bounty Hunter Pioneer EX


BackYard Finds - Jun 24th, 25th, 26th
Back & Front Yard - Pioneer Bounty Hunter Ex - Day 1
Wisconsin Hunting, July 26th - Aug 1st

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I have a BH Pioneer 202 that I got off ebay a couple years ago......I use it much more than my old Whites Amphibian. I mostly coin hunt and I like the BH's coin specific tones, which I dont get as well from the Whites. It does, however, beep and blat and honk a lot over nothing.....don't know if it's responding to soil comp or what but it drives me batty after 1/2 hour or so. But when it says "COIN", it's a coin.....99% of the time. Once in a while it'll be a crumpled up, coin shaped pop top or sumpin, but overall, it's a great coiner......well, with one exception......it finds very dang few nickels. It thinks nickels are just iron nails or whatever. I usually cover my good areas with both machines,,,,my 12 year old son follows me around with the Whites.

5/17/15 - Went out today to a local park for 20 minutes with nephew & niece. They must be good luck, found 2 pennies and a quarter in a couple of minutes. Was fun to see the excitement on their faces and dig. Happy hunting.
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Also, made a new necklace/pendant.
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8/2/15-8/8/15 - Beach hunting while on vacation.

Day 1 - 2 pennies, 1 dime
Day 2 - 2 pennies, 1 nickel
Day 3 - Two quarters

A fishing weight and what looks to be a casing with the letters "HP" on the back.

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4/26/16 - [BEACH HUNT] Twas' ugly out there today. Went out for an hour or two. Very windy and cold; two pennies. 1976, 1986.

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new gear is FUNNNN... But also hard... because find rates slow a bit while you endure the learning curve...

Good luck!
Yeah, when I look back on this thread for the past 2 years I havent found any coins besides the clad I've found digging, but also would like to note/point out have probably less than 25 hours digging time with the new detector and have been limited to certain areas/places to dig. HH Skip!

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LOL I just looked at the original post date... Ummm I guess your learning curve is OVER. LOL
Learn something new every day..!!! Lololololllll

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5/3/16 - [BEACH HUNT] Hit up a couple beaches today. $0.63 in clad, a hotwheels car, & a shell casing with "REM-UMC NITRO CLUB No. 12" doing research on it but feel free to chime in with any info. thanks! HH.

Also first time I had someone flag me down in his car (while I was walking back) to get my attention.. older gentleman asking me a few basic general questions (what to buy, where to dig) about metal detecting.. tells me he can not wait to retire in two years and buy his own detector so that he could hunt.

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**update - TreasureNet forums are a "wealth" of information:

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Picked up a new generic brand pinpointer off of craigslist today. Don't want to say anything until I've used it for a couple digs.

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I had one of those, it came bundled with my fisher f2 which was my first detector. It definitely will help you recover targets especially smaller ones. It has a limited depth range compared to some of the others on the market, but it is still far better than not having a pinpointer and will speed up your recovery times. good luck in your hunts!

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5/17/16 - [BEACH HUNT] MORE SHOTGUN CASINGS - Hit up a completely different beach today. 2 more shell casings.. 0.20 in clad, & a shell casing, same size as small bullet shell a few posts back, with a capital "U" & another shell casing with "REM-UMC SHURSHOT No. 16" doing research on each but feel free to chime in with any info. thanks! HH.

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6/5/16 - Went two different places, nothing. Went to the bar, left, find wet, five dollar bill lying on ground. Also found two pennies without using metal detector just walking along trails earlier. Finding more on the ground lately without the detector then with it. Found a ten dollar bill a few weeks back on the ground walking home after work. Will count the two clad & round 2016 off to one dollar in clad change found.

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8/5/16 - Went on vacation, spent an hour on the beach. 1 quarter, 3 pennies.

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8/23/16 - Went to a few different beaches. Unbelievably, again, the past 3-4 digs, find another casing with the words "Super X" on the back of it, later on a few coins. 1 dime (older), 3 pennies. Usually don't get excited about old pop cans but thought the vintage Pepsi pop can (1980s) looked neat. HH!

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Congrats on the new gear! I have a BH pioneer 505 & I love it. In the spring, or fall with moist soil, I get good signals close to a foot down. & I've found a nice collection of silver coins , jewelry with it. I use a fisher f44 now but, once in a while I switch back to old faithful!

Happy Hunting!!

Congrats on the new gear! I have a BH pioneer 505 & I love it. In the spring, or fall with moist soil, I get good signals close to a foot down. & I've found a nice collection of silver coins , jewelry with it. I use a fisher f44 now but, once in a while I switch back to old faithful!

Happy Hunting!!

"Swing low.. sweet chariot.."

Still swinging that coil..

HH JoeB!

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