Ledge of Gold in the Superstitions

Sailaway (windrider),
Have you ever heard about the native American guardian that watches over the sacred burial site at the Jesuit treasure area?

Sailaway (windrider),
Have you ever heard about the native American guardian that watches over the sacred burial site at the Jesuit treasure area?


Are you talking about Apache's guarding Jesuit sites?

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

I had read some where that when the Jesuit buried the treasure they killed and buried the Native Americans that helped hide it at the site. I don't know if he is Apache, I told a story on one of the threads about running into someone who I believe is the guardian. I thought maybe a present day N.A. may have heard stories about him.

I had read some where that when the Jesuit buried the treasure they killed and buried the Native Americans that helped hide it at the site. I don't know if he is Apache, I told a story on one of the threads about running into someone who I believe is the guardian. I thought maybe a present day N.A. may have heard stories about him.

(Apache guardians at scared Indian burials along with Jesuit treasure.)

Ah ha, lots of twists in all these old stories.
A man could study these things all his life and still find new info when he's in his seventies.
And he'd be very dizzy! :)

As a Native American it is in my blood to attempt to protect what I can by example.

So your "example" is to join a treasure hunting website so that you can post about finding gold ledges or lost mines yourself ?
And then to share photos of the "gold" and even say where it is, so that other readers can go look for it themselves ?
Doesn't sound like you're protecting anything, sailaway.

I had read some where that when the Jesuit buried the treasure they killed and buried the Native Americans that helped hide it at the site. I don't know if he is Apache, I told a story on one of the threads about running into someone who I believe is the guardian. I thought maybe a present day N.A. may have heard stories about him.

If they killed and buried the natives who helped to bury the treasure, how would anyone but the Jesuits know where that was ?

The following criminal offences raise particular concerns for freedom of expression

Scope of criminal liability.
A person incurs inchoate criminal liability when he incites another person to commit a crime, either incitement or solicitation. Advocacy of crime in the abstract also incurs criminal liability. All of them may result in criminal liability even if the crime they were intended to bring about does not materialize. Thus, the crime of incitement is committed in the public forum when poster encourages destruction of public property such as "a chunk of rich ore you chipped off the ledge sitting in your hand". Those who publicly support such statements could also be charged with the same offence as co-defendants.
Federal law says up to 10 years in prison for Incitement to commit a property crime.
Arizona law states: Damage or removal of natural rocks, vegetation, or public property is prohibited, thus rockhounding on public property, however, is more complicated as no damage can be occurred and area must be restored to natural state.
Chipping off a chunk of ore from its mother rock is a crime.

Mineral and Rock Collecting on the National Forests - Forest Service
Assume personal responsibility to notice if the area may indeed contain archaeological or historical resources and if it does, cease metal detecting and notify a Forest Service office. Not doing so may result in prosecution under the Code of Federal Regulations or ARPA.

Don't know why, but this sounds like it was written by one of the Rangers. :laughing7: The only thing missing is the little hand out with the rules & regs. and the "I'll be keeping an eye on you" as he walks back to his truck.:tongue3:

If they killed and buried the natives who helped to bury the treasure, how would anyone but the Jesuits know where that was ?
Aw come on man! There you go using all that common sense muckying things up for the rest of them.

BTW - Good job man!

Treasurer and sacred burial site.


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The story said that 1 person got away.

Treasurer and sacred burial site.

You know this.....how ?
What's the "treasure" ? Did you find gold ?
Who is buried there ? Are there bones ?

Good questions, but since I'm not going to touch it I can't answer them. I'm sorry that I even mentioned the guardian and show any pictures.

The story said that 1 person got away.

Of course....how careless of them.
How did the Jesuits manage to kill all but one ? (A) stabbing (B) gunshot (C) poison (D) other
Can you tell us where we might be able to find and read this story ourselves ?

Having visited a number of "burial grounds" outside of the normal tourist season, both well known and not so well known, I very rarely ran into anyone else.
Even at sites such as Sand Creek and Wounded Knee, where the only other people who were around when I was there, were a man and wife from Germany. And the chapel doors were locked as well.

I'm not going to point out what's in the picture, look at it again and tell me what you see.

Sorry nobodie. Despite sharpening it up a bit and adding some enhanced color, I still don't see anything worth a closer look.
Certainly nothing that indicates the Jesuits killed and buried any Indian helpers there.
Just another rough rock face, like what we see all over out there. Shot looks like it was taken through a car window though.
Is that why it's so blurry ?

nobodys picture.webp

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I see a witch or "Jesuit"

nobodys picture.webp

could be pareidolia or it could be the work of a dozen or so Jesuit craftsmen.. as some are fond of believing they sculpted the mountains of the Southwest :notworthy:

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I wish it was from a car window, it would have been easier to get to. It's a good hike. It's a beat up old picture I took in the early 90's. I had better pictures but they were destroyed in an incident at home. I took a picture of the picture with my phone and now I took a snap shot of the picture from another thread to post it here. A copy of a copy of a copy.

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