Latest news story on gold mining...Karuk Tribe Still Complaining???

I don't believe for a moment that this noble band of aboriginal people should not have the right to determine their destiny within the national lands(reservations) that we have given them. But other than on those lands, I would begin to suspect that there is more than meets the eye... FOLLOW THE MONEY. I see a feeding at the public trough, and so do the tribal lawyers.

GrayCloud said:
I am upset too and I am an Indian. :icon_scratch:
Right is right and wrong is wrong. The Karuk Tribe is in the wrong. >:(
it isnt the Karuk trib persay: it is a few of the greedy Karuks tribal members that listened to the green lawyers B.S. that they could make millions off a casino.most of the Karuk tribal members and their concil arent backing this casino/anti-dredgeing action! infact there are karuks that dredge also! like it has been stated: follow the money and youll see where this takes you!

Thanks Russau for putting a little clarity on this subject. As usual, the bigger dogs are the one's hogging the bone. :thumbsup: :icon_scratch:

yep everyone is! thing is, what are we going/willing todo about it? the majority of small scale miners havent lifted a finger or helped hardly any to stop this.even with the laws on our side,its a uphill battle with the biased courts/wacoenviromentalists/green lies that keep getting repeated in the courts and the judges believe it to be fact when it is shown tobe lies! if we dont fight for it, we dont desearve it!

here's my 2cents. I don't think there is a "un-willingness" to stand up and stop what is happening to us. What i DO believe is that we don't have access to unlimited legal resources like the Karuk Tribe and KRK. these guys spend HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars to file lawsuit after lawsuit and to line our local politicans pockets with lobby (bribe) money. Unless suddently some millionare decides to help fund the fight for us.....this will drag on for sooooo long they will esentially wait us out...untill we're to tired of the bullshit to fight. "why don't we all ban together and dredge together...they can't arrest us all.." IMO if they think they can get enough press coverage they would take us all out in full riot gear. remember the press isn't on our side...if they can help push the California/Green agenda they will JUMP on the chance and moraly demonize anything that has to do with our mining rights....hell....look how they got O******* elected. if you think the truth means anything to need to look at what's going on again. I have read hundreds of page's of studies about this mercury thing..most of the studies done by EPA scientest. And yet...the rhetoric you still hear spewing from these political powers you could read damned near read ver batum from KRK and various other enviro-lobbiest sites. So it's not that we are not willing to fight....hell i'd gladly be the first to break anyone's jaw who thinks they're takin my damn dredge, But that in all honesty we don't have the financial or legal least not from what I have seen..

then again....maybe throwin a lil smackdown on these guys just might get the attention we need.....the spark to the powder keg if you will..

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The spark to the powder keg is already happening, in your words. There are many of us looking for the right situation to join in on, giving of our time as well as our money to support that battle. I feel that IF WE really want to take our rights back then we must fight. I do not yet know what that 'right situation' is but I feel it is coming but WE ALL need to be willing to fight, if not then we will all loose. But fight we must! Our Country is in sad shape, our dilema is only a part of the whole. The "People" of this country once took on the British Government and won and we may have to take on the "Government" again. I'm not preaching that but that is what it is looking like as we get mostly LIES from our own Government as they spend our tax dollars for useless projects that do little but line their pockets with the money we earned and gave to support This Country. They are not supporting this country, it is more like the politicians are supporting the overthrow of this country as well as the rights of its citizens..IMHO......63bkpkr

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and you are 100% right. You know....the only reason ppl are afraid to"preach" about standing up is because they are always branded as "right-wing lunatics"..yet how many ppl have you PERSONALLY spoken to and feel the same as us. I know I have spoken to multitudes and in knowing that SO MANY ppl all feel like were on a sinking ship i can't understand we don't all just get together and say "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH"!!! obviously the protesting, sit in's, the "legal" way to express our concerns isn't what do we do..i'm hopein here it the Ranchers, Loggers, Farmers, Miners whoever cause they're attacking us all...will band together in one very large grp and show some true "civil disobedance"......not preachin...just sayin lol

Brand me is all I can say, as I am more than willing to make that stand. 63 and Hillbilly, there are some of us that are fully on your side of this coin. Somehow we just need to get more organized and united. We need another George Massy type, as he was in his younger and less commercial days to lead this fight.

in that case....I propose we have ourselves a meetin.....somewere close to Yreka as i can't travel to far in my old gas-hog truck and I'm back to work for this season in 2 weeks. I think maybe 1 meetin will begin the "Orginization".....who could we get to attent from one of these mining associations who isn't gonna give us the typical "we're trying" crap.

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ladies and germs the problem is right in front of our faces and until we get somebody with stones in the WH it ain't gon'na get fixed. We ask everyone who immigrates ot this country to assimilate and become a part of the American dream. But native Americans are given their own little country within a country, they are allowed to govern themselves, have their own laws & law enforcement. We support them in every way possible and then we wonder why we have a problem.

The solution would be hard to institute but it's the only way we are going solve it. From a date certain all Indian Reservations would cease to exist and in their place would be a state or national park, say the "Karuk Tribal Lands State Park". If the reservation is a small one then all the land becomes the park, if it's a large one then some of the land will revert to public lands. No more Tribal government or Tribal cops, they are Americans just like everybody else and subject to the laws of the state & federal govs. with no special privileges. An intense training program would have to be put in effect so they can become contributing members of society.

But first and foremost we have to get that scum sucking B*****D out of the WH and maybe if we're real lucky prosecuted for TREASON.


o and every other socalled "representative" has violated their oath of office already, so whats stopping anyone from pushing for their ouster from office? theres already several groups out there defending/fighting for our rights! what has anyone done to support them? and now to start another one??? is the samething going tobe said about this new group, like is being said about the previous groups???

So...after reading this i started makin phonecalls. To Rep's Neilson, LaMalfia and Herger. Neilson sounds like he's tryin to do something, LaMalfia....not sure, Herger...well..don't count on I was told several time's by his rep in his redding office after asking " If the Federal govt. is so willing to enforce their Marijuana laws....why not the 1866 and 1872 federal mining laws".....the repeted broken rechord answer I got was "it's a state issue...not federal" Plus I found out that Pacific Legal Foundation is who is supposedly handeling our side of the legal arguement....I called them to ask some questions and to see if any of my dredging experience could hepl them.....I was very rudely told to more or less pound sand....just for wanting to ask some questions. If anyone want's PLF's phone number I will gladely give it....maybe if enough pissed miners call....someone could eventually get some answers outta these guys

this whole thing just make's me sick

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forget the mangy krooks,boots,beans,bullets,booya

sure did some remodeling around this place,havent been here for a spell.stopping in to request those of our side ta quit callin that clique a savages on the klamath a tribe.bad habit many have picked up from the mangy misbegotten media maggots.see how effective the machinery of mis-information is?the krooks are a klan,not a tribe,being of small tribe=no rez=no casino.this is not a racial slur,btw,am part wagonburning whiskeyswiller,this is just a plain ol slur directed towards hillman et al,the krooks,riversneakers,lighthouse tweakers,buttsniffin lawyer chasin sum***** lettin fly today,been thrown outa better places than this,also,they cant whup me.course,anyone finds afence,just pm me,we can meet at the landfill some early am.seriously,have been suggesting for 3 years not to get tunnel vision while glaring towards sacratomato,bezerkely,or crappy camp.these holding actions we are seeing,may be distracting us from the really deep hole being dug for us.have a feeling that in 16,or 18,or 26 whatever,as folks are dusting off their wetsuits,and wishing they were not so FAT after the years,beers,bbq steers,word will come down,1872 is dead,so,chit da bed fred.and regarden jenocide,dinkus conhoobemowindalawn sez kill a gofer,yall a murderin sumbich,kill all 27 govers,yeer a conkerer!! happy easter,an uh happy huntin yall,from da republic a trinity ahoy

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