Latest Dredge Trip

10.4g, I'd say luck is turning your way! Beautiful yellow gold. Well done.

Thanks guys! I need good karma. I went up yesterday to look at a possible claim. Turns out I was at the wrong creek. The creek I dipped my pan in was... amazing. Being I was lost and on some one's claim I was curious so I dipped my pan. I dug one small hole 6"x3" deep, classified to 1/4" and crapped my pants.
Zoom in on pic and be amazed...
I got to get a claim on this creek!


Thanks guys! I need good karma. I went up yesterday to look at a possible claim. Turns out I was at the wrong creek. The creek I dipped my pan in was... amazing. Being I was lost and on some one's claim I was curious so I dipped my pan. I dug one small hole 6"x3" deep, classified to 1/4" and crapped my pants. Zoom in on pic and be amazed... I got to get a claim on this creek! <img src=""/>

Were you trying to go check out that claim you were telling me about? I'm going to head up there this weekend

No this is a different one. It's actually in Garden Valley. The creek I was looking for was Alder Creek but at first I didn't end up there :)
I also went and tested the Middle Fork Payette...I was thinking that once you get to the dead end of the road and go past the forest service facility that one could dredge with nobody knowing any different (EPA)
It really F'n sucks that the EPA has everything closed down. I'm just looking for something I can dredge that's out of sight and mind. I don't care at this point if it's open, closed, protected, wild and's all fair game for me right now...only thing I wont do is claim jump. I need good ground to dredge.

I'm looking at some possible claims up in Florence also...Talking to Travis Hollen who owns many claims there. I met up with him yesterday as he was putting up claim markers while I was there.

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Ahh the Payett :) Good gold in that river along with fast deep water. Use lots of weight and go deep on the edge and you will make a good living. But you will surely earn it by putting up with that current. I have a couple of friends who work the Payett every year.

Omi i feel ya. We just finished our spot. Done... I just need ground with gold! I only ended up with 2.8 grams in the last uncleaned 40' stretch. Now were bunk on spots except 3hr drive. All except one. Funeral this week. 2 day trips start next week. Let the 7 day work weeks begin

Reed, I'm not sure of the status right now with the Payette, the EPA has it closed down for mercury and sediment reasons...Idaho has it open...that's one reason for the occupy the waters here in Idaho. While I do not like the EPA shutting it down, I don't want a $30,000 fine/day or what ever it is. I have a few locations scouted that is impossible to get to unless you float down the river so I could be safe that way but with the high water right now I have no place to sleep. These spots are in canyons with no banks with high water...

Grizzly, I also feel your pain. Finding good ground is a real #$#@$%%#$#$*(#$*#$&#!
Sorry about your loss, my condolences.

Ok guys/gals...
My luck really hasn't changed very much...per say.
I left again Thursday morning and while on the freeway I was in between 2 trucks (passing) with cars riding my bumper to go faster when this pickup in front of me lost some boards out the back. I had no place to go being sandwiched between 2 trucks and a car riding up my arse, I ran the boards over. So a little later I stopped to get some go-go juice for my dredge and truck I noticed my drivers side front and rear tires are low...guess what? Yup the boards had nails and I was lucky enough to hit them. So I had to wait till 8am for Commercial Tire to open...$60 later I have 3 holes fixed...*$(#*$&&#$

Back on the road I get to my spot and get set up. When these enviro-wack-adacks say dredgeing is bad for the fish, they are full of crap. I have never seen anything but small (2-3") long fish in this creek but in this deep hole I dredged, 4' deep, there are maybe a dozen large fish. I seen some suckers, trout and squaw swimming around going from hole to hole I dredged!

So I dredged the rest of Thursday and Friday but I was less then happy. I was at 3.5 grams by Friday night. Something needed to change!!! Saturday morning I got in my truck and drove up creek about 1/2 mile to a spot I was looking at on google maps...wasn't sure if I could get to it, but I could. So I broke camp, tore down the dredge and moved to this new spot. By the time I got set back up, it was noon. So I chose a spot to punch a sample hole. 36" down to bedrock with no hard pack, just overburden, so I had to make my hole really wide. I run out a tank of gas (2.5) hours and do a clean up of the mats 1.7 grams! Not bad for flood gold in the overburden. I finish the day with 1 last hour in the water and clean up. 1.1 grams. Not too bad!

So Sunday morning roles plan is to run out 2 tanks of gas (4 gallons) and pack up. As I move forward towards this part-time sand bar, the bedrock hasn't changed, it's still smooth with no cracks but I'm starting to see hardpack with this real crusty hard rust stuck to the rocks! I'm getting just a tad excited. As I move forward I spot this little round bb sized picker/nugget sitting on the changing bedrock. It's gone from smooth to rough. I uncover at first what I think is another bolder but is in fact bedrock sticking up about 18" and it has a crevis down the middle. Its positioned across the creek...I get excited for a moment till I split it down the middle and clean out the cracks.. I didn't see any gold. I dredge about another foot up creek and find what I though was another small picker. I grab my snuffer bottle and suck it up. I plug my nozzle and go topside to check it out...bust it wasn't nothing.

I decide to check the mats...I throttle down and shut off...this is when everything changes...check out this video:

As you see in the video, this is my very first big nugget! I'm stoked!
That one crack in that upright bedrock must of been holding a treasure trove of gold. Normally this creek only gives up really small gold... minus 30's and usually very little it any of the bigger stuff.
Turns out this clean out while not my best ever was awesome. Considering it was a 2.5 hour run it would of been my best clean out ever if I had ran longer.
1.1 grams +20 mesh
1.1 grams +30 mesh
2.4 grams -30 mesh
0.5 gram nugget

Total for the trip: 11.4grams!
This next trip should be stellar!!!!



Nice stuff for sure. Persistence pays! I love that western gold its so beautiful. My overburden in NH is almost devoid of gold. 3 months until i get to join you guys!

Conrats on the new spot, looks like the gold gods are smiling on you.

Oak, I sure hope so. I've recovered about 2/3 of a ounce so far and June is half way over...29 1/3 ounces is seeming like a impossible goal now.

I'm accually going to fall backwards from were I punched that hole in my video. There is a sharp 90 degree just down stream with a bar in the middle. I think I better dredge it before it's covered in my tailings! Hopefully it pays well.

My son and I searched all day for pay, and the last hour of the day we found this. Loads of merc.


  • Cold water gold 011.JPG
    Cold water gold 011.JPG
    89.8 KB · Views: 118
Nice! Time with the kid(s) is always a win one way or the other. I wish my son would get into this but if it doesn't use a mouse/keyboard or game pad there's no interest! Forcing him doesn't work either and he used to like fishing but I'm not dredging in a location with good fishing. But I have hope for him to turn out better then me, he's actually teaching himself programing and wants to be a game designer. I would rather he use his brain vrs his body like his old man!

So it's been awhile since I made a post to this thread...
At the Occupy waters protest on the Salmon River the gold gods were not very kind...7 days of dredging...well lets not talk about the gold count!
I finally got to go dredging again after a week off and my bud is letting me dredge on one of his claims, for a % of course. I left Thursday and got half way to the claim when I realized I forgot my face mask...turned around and drove home. Mask in hand I headed back in that direction. The plan was to dredge this area that a beaver made this huge dam...turned a 6' wide creek into a 50' wide pond. The thought was the ground would be virgin. Well after 6 hours of dredging on Friday, not being able to see a damn thing due to being clouded out, I called it quits. Nothing sucks more then not being able to see anything. Every time I moved even a pinky, it kicked up this brown/black muck. And the smell of stagnant water...I think I'm going to have to burn my for the gold...6 hours and well...point two grams (0.2)

I pulled my dredge out and moved down stream below the dam on Saturday. By the time I moved my dredge, built a damn to have enough water to float I was only able to dredge about 4 hours or so. I pulled 3 grams that day. So Sunday, I broke camp after breakfast and went dredging. I dredged about 3 hours and came home. I was thinking I was going to have a great clean out but it wasn't. 1.4 grams for Sunday working the bedrock making my hole bigger...


I was going to some to the Salmon but I'm still moving to slow since our car accident... If the beaver is gone then pull the dam out and let it sit for a week to clean itself and then try dredging at the head of it again :)

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