Last Straw with Ebay???

I would get on the phone with ebay immediately and let them know what's happening. The times I've had to speak with them, they impressed me as having the required common sense and ability to follow the transaction and conversation enough to make a logical decision about it. I can't see why they wouldn't fix this for you. I agree with you about a buyer should not be able to leave negative feedback before they even pay for the item. I see no scenario where that would be practical.

I would get on the phone with ebay immediately and let them know what's happening. The times I've had to speak with them, they impressed me as having the required common sense and ability to follow the transaction and conversation enough to make a logical decision about it. I can't see why they wouldn't fix this for you. I agree with you about a buyer should not be able to leave negative feedback before they even pay for the item. I see no scenario where that would be practical.

Well here's one scenario for you... the seller could back out and not even send an invoice.

Regarding putting payment due date in my listings... I do that. My standard listing says payment is expected within 3 days. I usually wait a day to send an invoice because many buyers pay immediately. After I send an invoice, I wait at least 3 days before contacting the buyer again with a friendly reminder that payment is overdue. I usually send a couple of similar messages spaced a few days apart. If I still don't get paid, they get a final message with a firm due date and a no-nonsense message stating that failure to pay by that date will result in an Unpaid Item claim.

Hey Jerseyben. I'm not here to argue with anybody. I am here to say what works for me, and you are stating your opinion. I can respect that, but don't agree with it as you don't agree to my advice. I have been burned over the last 13 years on Ebay a few times and the problem has always been resolved with a phone call to Ebay's corporate office. I have done nothing to violate Ebay's policies, and take pride in having 100% positive feedback from people who were happy to deal with me. I feel the frusteration that Tallone has stated when starting this post, and can relate.

Hey Jerseyben. I'm not here to argue with anybody. I am here to say what works for me, and you are stating your opinion. I can respect that, but don't agree with it as you don't agree to my advice. I have been burned over the last 13 years on Ebay a few times and the problem has always been resolved with a phone call to Ebay's corporate office. I have done nothing to violate Ebay's policies, and take pride in having 100% positive feedback from people who were happy to deal with me. I feel the frusteration that Tallone has stated when starting this post, and can relate.

Do you have a phone number for ebay's corporate office. I have been looking all over their web site for a phone number and can't find one. I will give them a few days for ebay to take action on the Unpaid Item claim and on the report I filed against the buyer but if they don't come through with a response in a timely manner, I want to call them.

I hope it works out for you Tallone, and like Cheese stated, a phone call is the way to go. Like Cheese, I have nothing but good things to say about Ebay's customer service via phone call. Thats a really EFFED up thing that the buyer did, and all those negative feedbacks should be erased with no problem. @ Iron Patch That has happened to me. Sellers and buyers have pros and cons. I side with neither as I am both. Just trying to be some kind of help.

LOL. Yeah, finding the number for the corporate office on the Ebay site isn't easy. Check your inbox in a few

Iron Patch wrote:
When it's buy it now you can set up your page so they have to pay when making the purchase.

I have done a lot of BIN ebay sales. I would have sworn I had clicked the checkbox to enable this requirement. I just went and checked my listings and, sure enough, that box is checked. So how the hell did this guy get around the requirement for immediate payment when he clicked the Buy It Now button? Another glitch in ebay's programming?

I also noticed the following in ebay's Resolution Center:

"Starting April 2013, opened cases no longer count towards seller performance ratings. Only cases that are escalated to eBay for review and are closed by eBay in favor of the buyer will count."

I have opened Unpaid Item cases on every one of the items this guy bought. If the above is true, how come my feedback rating dropped from 100% to 98% and all the negatives the put on me show up if somebody looks at my performance table?

Jayrock, I would LOVE to have that ebay corporate phone #.

Iron Patch wrote:

I have done a lot of BIN ebay sales. I would have sworn I had clicked the checkbox to enable this requirement. I just went and checked my listings and, sure enough, that box is checked. So how the hell did this guy get around the requirement for immediate payment when he clicked the Buy It Now button? Another glitch in ebay's programming?

I also noticed the following in ebay's Resolution Center:

"Starting April 2013, opened cases no longer count towards seller performance ratings. Only cases that are escalated to eBay for review and are closed by eBay in favor of the buyer will count."

I have opened Unpaid Item cases on every one of the items this guy bought. If the above is true, how come my feedback rating dropped from 100% to 98% and all the negatives the put on me show up if somebody looks at my performance table?

Jayrock, I would LOVE to have that ebay corporate phone #.

Click "Customer Support" at the top of your my ebay page. Then click on "Contact eBay".

Sometimes you have to jump through some hoops and/or click "I didn't find my problem here", but eventually, the ebay number will pop up.

Well here's one scenario for you... the seller could back out and not even send an invoice.

That is a possibility I hadn't thought of. I guess because I pay when I buy and never wait for an invoice unless I bought multiple items and need combined shipping, so that scenario didn't cross my mind.

Update - ebay has earned a reprieve from me. At least for now. My unpaid items claims (all 21 of them!) have been resolved in my favor and ebay took down the "buyer's" negative feedback and lousy rating without me having to ask them. Good on ya, ebay!

I still don't understand how this jerk was able to get around the requirement for immediate payment of BIN items.

When it's buy it now you can set up your page so they have to pay when making the purchase. That is different, and not what I'm talking about. My point is you're probably going to find trouble if you start relisting after 24 hours.
Kind of similar situation only I was much more patient with my original buyer. I had an auction end that had several bids. Sent the winner the invoice. 2 days later no response so I sent a reminder. 2 more days, still no response. So I had Ebay send him a reminder and I also called his phone number and left a message. Still nada. So finally after a week with nothing at all from the winner I offered it to the second place bidder using the "second chance" option. He accepted and paid immediately. I bet you can guess what happened next.... 10 days after the end of the auction and still after NO response from the original winner I get a notice from Paypal out of the blue that he paid. It was a unique item that I only had one of and it had already been shipped to the second place guy and received by him. I, of course immediately reversed the payment from the first guy and clicked the "cancel transaction" button. Well as someone else posted when you cancel a transaction the buyer has to click a button on his end agreeing to it which of course took him another week or so to get around to doing. What a freakin mess straightening that one out. Ebay had even charged me the final value fee twice thinking it was 2 different transactions.. The new one way feedback system that won't allow buyers to get negative ratings has created nothing but bad bidders. They act like it's Walmart and they can simply change their mind, return stuff for no reason, and be treated to special privileges while the sellers have less and less protection. Right now my wifes Ebay seller account is frozen because a buyer opened a case. She shipped him a $200 set of straight razors Priority Mail. He declined insurance. Tracking shows the package arriving at his post office but dosn't show it being delivered. He has told me by phone that this particular post office has a history of mail either being lost or stolen. The postmaster there admitted to me by phone that they received it but now can't find it. Meanwhile my wifes account is frozen while they sort it out...

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Update - ebay has earned a reprieve from me. At least for now. My unpaid items claims (all 21 of them!) have been resolved in my favor and ebay took down the "buyer's" negative feedback and lousy rating without me having to ask them. Good on ya, ebay!

I still don't understand how this jerk was able to get around the requirement for immediate payment of BIN items.
That's great news buttt... wanna bet the buyer hasn't been banned or even reprimanded and is still pulling the same crap with other sellers ? The old way 21 strikes for non payment would be an automatic suspension.

Check this auction out that's being discussed on a tool forum I hang out on... First ever listing by this seller. Described as a "Snap On" tool box but it's clearly made by Hazet in Germany and in that condition it's a $50 tool caddy, but that's not even the real issue. It's his terms. No reserve auction yet he may or may not honor his responsibility to sell it even if some damn fool bids $750 for a $50 item. Multiple guys on the forum have sent him messages but he refuses to correct his listing. Here is the auction and here is the comment that's completely against the rules. But hey, at least it's complete with the "black mat".. I bet it was nice before the fire... Antique Snap on Tool Caddy 60 Years Old All Parts All Original Thick Blk MAT2 | eBay This tool caddy will NOT be sold to a highest bidder; I will decide to sell or not to sell. Thank you.

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As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Update - ebay has earned a reprieve from me. At least for now. My unpaid items claims (all 21 of them!) have been resolved in my favor and ebay took down the "buyer's" negative feedback and lousy rating without me having to ask them. Good on ya, ebay!

I still don't understand how this jerk was able to get around the requirement for immediate payment of BIN items.

Maybe there's a glitch because it happens the other way around for me. I have never checked the box, yet I've had two longtime customers of mine say they've been forced to pay right away, and would have rather waited so they could combine with something I had ending a day or two later. In the same time frame, say 48 hours, I had other stuff sold as a BIN that was not paid instant. So with that said, it's not a big surprise to me you had that happen, but there's no good explanation that I am aware of.

Kind of similar situation only I was much more patient with my original buyer. I had an auction end that had several bids. Sent the winner the invoice. 2 days later no response so I sent a reminder. 2 more days, still no response. So I had Ebay send him a reminder and I also called his phone number and left a message. Still nada. So finally after a week with nothing at all from the winner I offered it to the second place bidder using the "second chance" option. He accepted and paid immediately. I bet you can guess what happened next.... 10 days after the end of the auction and still after NO response from the original winner I get a notice from Paypal out of the blue that he paid. It was a unique item that I only had one of and it had already been shipped to the second place guy and received by him. I, of course immediately reversed the payment from the first guy and clicked the "cancel transaction" button. Well as someone else posted when you cancel a transaction the buyer has to click a button on his end agreeing to it which of course took him another week or so to get around to doing. What a freakin mess straightening that one out. Ebay had even charged me the final value fee twice thinking it was 2 different transactions.. The new one way feedback system that won't allow buyers to get negative ratings has created nothing but bad bidders. They act like it's Walmart and they can simply change their mind, return stuff for no reason, and be treated to special privileges while the sellers have less and less protection. Right now my wifes Ebay seller account is frozen because a buyer opened a case. She shipped him a $200 set of straight razors Priority Mail. He declined insurance. Tracking shows the package arriving at his post office but dosn't show it being delivered. He has told me by phone that this particular post office has a history of mail either being lost or stolen. The postmaster there admitted to me by phone that they received it but now can't find it. Meanwhile my wifes account is frozen while they sort it out...

I did guess what that was leading up to, and that has never happened to me in many years and one heck of a lot of transaction. That's probably because I likely have the most patience on here for that, and really don't chase buyers. If the fees are enough money to be concerned about I will try to reach them after maybe 3 weeks, and then file before the month deadline or whatever it is.

As for you 2nd situation it's up to you insure and cover yourself, and not let the buyer decide. For the few extra dollars out of your pocket it's not worth the risk, as you have now seen. People who often try to save such little amounts here and there often pay more in the long run. Sure save when you can, but pick your spots, and ones that will not cost you big if there's a problem. I'm constantly trying to cut down the postage on items I buy, because all I do either stays, or goes in my pocket, depending which way you look at it. But I never risk hundreds because I don't want to pay a few dollars. Even if all I need is to show tracking I'll still pay a couple bucks just so I don't have one extremely unhappy buyer who made the bad choice of not wanting to pay a little more to cover. Most buyers, including myself, do not want to pay more because I/they know it falls on the seller to deliver.

Check this auction out that's being discussed on a tool forum I hang out on... First ever listing by this seller. Described as a "Snap On" tool box but it's clearly made by Hazet in Germany and in that condition it's a $50 tool caddy, but that's not even the real issue. It's his terms. No reserve auction yet he may or may not honor his responsibility to sell it even if some damn fool bids $750 for a $50 item. Multiple guys on the forum have sent him messages but he refuses to correct his listing. Here is the auction and here is the comment that's completely against the rules. But hey, at least it's complete with the "black mat".. I bet it was nice before the fire... Antique Snap on Tool Caddy 60 Years Old All Parts All Original Thick Blk MAT2 | eBay This tool caddy will NOT be sold to a highest bidder; I will decide to sell or not to sell. Thank you.

The problem is the multiple guys should be clicking report, not writing the seller. I'm a member of a watch forum who bust fakes, they do it every day but definitely don't write the seller asking him to change the info.... you report the item! If several do it, it wil be gone.

As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Check this auction out that's being discussed on a tool forum I hang out on... First ever listing by this seller. Described as a "Snap On" tool box but it's clearly made by Hazet in Germany and in that condition it's a $50 tool caddy, but that's not even the real issue. It's his terms. No reserve auction yet he may or may not honor his responsibility to sell it even if some damn fool bids $750 for a $50 item. Multiple guys on the forum have sent him messages but he refuses to correct his listing. Here is the auction and here is the comment that's completely against the rules. But hey, at least it's complete with the "black mat".. I bet it was nice before the fire... Antique Snap on Tool Caddy 60 Years Old All Parts All Original Thick Blk MAT2 | eBay This tool caddy will NOT be sold to a highest bidder; I will decide to sell or not to sell. Thank you.

1. From your first post above, you say the buyer declined insurance. You have it all wrong. Insurance is for the seller. If an item arrives damaged, it is the seller's responsibility to sort it out with the shipping service. Ebay has policies and procedures in place for most of the situations that could occur, including yours.

2. Regarding the tool chest issue above. Sellers are not allowed to make up personal policies that circumvent ebay's own rules and policies. All you can do is report the auction and let ebay handle it from there. If the item sells and refuses to honor the auction, then there is NOTHING anyone can do to "force him" to sell. Just leave bad feedback, report it to ebay, and move on.

As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
I will always buy insurance and pay for signature confirmation for big dollar items. One lost or broken big ticket item can destroy the profit from a whole lot of smaller sales. It just isn't worth the risk to save a few dollars. I will always buy insurance for fragile items, even relatively inexpensive ones because shippers can be very rough with packages - even ones marked "FRAGILE". If I am going to insure an item, I will include a statement in my listing that shipping cost includes insurance so the buyer can be confident that he won't lose money even if the item gets destroyed during shipment.

1. From your first post above, you say the buyer declined insurance. You have it all wrong. Insurance is for the seller. If an item arrives damaged, it is the seller's responsibility to sort it out with the shipping service. Ebay has policies and procedures in place for most of the situations that could occur, including yours.
Ben I get what you're saying. I guess I'm just pissed at the system. We carefully wrapped the item, used proper procedures and mailed it Priority Mail through our local post office which now includes tracking. Tracking shows it leaving our town, going to a hub somewhere, and then arriving at the buyers post office, and never being delivered. The post master at his PO admits they had it and seem to have lost it. The buyer is now telling me that he had also been out of town for a couple of weeks and asked the PO to hold all his mail. It was when he returned to collect it they couldn't find the package. I completely understand that's not the buyers fault but it's certainly not mine either. Responsibility has always been a grey area at least in my mind. Does my responsibility to do things correctly end when the item leaves my control or not until it's in the buyers hand ? I know the answer but I don't understand why it is that way. If I own a company that makes widgets and I load a pallet of widgets onto a tralier belonging to a trucking company and that pallet is lost the trucking company is responsible. The post office should be held to the same standards. This particular PO has a history of packages "dissapearing" and this is the second time it's happened to this particular guy.

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