Correct....there is no visible wear on either parts...connecting rod or sphere's themselves. THere appears to be somwhat of a "seam" around the spheres as if they were poured/cast...but barely visible. Is there any possibility of it being a valve for a steam engine or something like that? I've searched the net on steam engines and haven't found anything that might fit. Don't think the horse anchor theory is logical...a horse could have dragged or rolled that thing along no problem.
Once again....found in midwest farm country so has to be something to do with old mechanical equipment unless a souvenier brought back from a war/battle. A relative short distance away on some other property of ours(<1/2 mile), I've found many late 1800's military shell casings (45-70, etc.) and bullets where there was a military rifle range. I doubt there is any correlation, but just providing all details that might be useful.
There has to be a logical explanation to this, driving me nuts!!!
Thanks for all input