Large hoard found in ashes. UPDATE- Site Pics and watch.

Re: Large hoard found in ashes. UPDATE- Site Pics and more coins.

nebstater said:
Kas said:
Found one of the pocket watches today, in more than one piece. Gave it to the new owner, and he gave it to the old owner. He called me back and said they said they didn't want anything else. ;D

Also found 40 more coins in the ash and this little old lock in the yard after a short hunt.

Hope your luck holds, and you are able to find the other watch, and it is in better shape than the one you found today. What's your running total on coin count so far? Silver?
Man, you have really found a "gold mine". WTG

Total is close to 1,000 coins. Have them all soaking in a bucket of Simple green until the tumbler gets here tomorrow. Silver, 2- 64 halfs are the only ones I could see so far. Coins keep coming up. Wish one of you guys were here to help. You could have whatever you find. I'm tired of digging them out> LOL. Looks like my last good chance to get at this site is tomorrow. It's suppose to get really cold this weekend. The new owner did say he was going to clear off the foundation and pile everything in the corner of the property, and spread it out to dry the ashes? So I'll still be able to get after it when it warms back up.
It will be hillarious some day when a young detector does his research and sees that an old house used to sit on the site, gets permission to hunt the site and finds all those coins in one spot. I'm sure some will get into the ground before and after the ash gets hauled away. The pile is getting spread out over part of the farm field. Good fertilizer. :o

Hey Ken, I'll bring a crutch and one leg and give you a hand!! *s*

Hey Kas,

Great finds ;D
You are getting way ahead of me :D


I guess I'm done with this site for now. Ended up with 1,100 coins. Waiting on a tumbler to come so I can clean them up. The pickin's got real slim so I must have just about everything.

The owner is going to pile the ashes off to the side of the foundation until spring when he can spread them on the farm feild. I may make a big sifter and go back in the spring. Other than that this was a fun one for sure.

Thanks for all the replies.


Again, Congrats Kas !

And Nice Total.

Good Luck In the Sping I'll look forward to the Updates.


Robin!...Grab the blow torch, and a spatula!!!

Nice finds!!!


Good job Ken, That sure looks like a lot of fun.Check the yard I bet there are some old coins there also.


I didn't see where anyone had mentioned this but for clumps of coins, if you're sure there's no silver the US Treasury, which actually "owns" the currency we use, will take burnt money and currency and determine the type and replace them for you. For example they can determine a nickel from a dime, penny etc and they will replace the money for face value.

If the glob is plastic, and matbe even if Not plastic, put it in the freezer overnite. Let it freefe then smack it with a big hammer. Frozen plastic should shatter. Great finds. Gayle

Nice finds. My 1st thought is if your searching on the foundation the re bar in it will drive you nuts. One of the pics looks like melted aluminum on the coins, a house fire is plenty hot to melt alum. When my business burnt down the composite shingle roof was melting and looked like a waterfall of fire, it was the tar flowing like gasoline aflame. Those shingles are re enforced with fiberglass and itchy. Not so bad on the skin but isn't good for the nose or lungs. You might consider putting the known trash in barrels a little at a time and get it out of your way. If there's trash service there put it at the curb and it will disappear. Luck 2 ya.

Thanks for the update and the count! WOW.....this was a fun thread to keep up with and Good Luck to you in the Spring!


sweet sweet deal getting to dig that site

Congratulations!! That must be a great feeling, and you found one of the watches too! I would have thought that all the nails and other junk would give you a problem, but you seem to have beaten the junk.

The ultimate ash cash!!

All the best,


Great story! You really kicked some ash.

Re: Large hoard found in ashes. UPDATE- Coin count total.

jeff of pa said:
Bottom of Yours

Bottom of Mine
very adept at recognizing details. :o

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