LARGE CENT CACHE (Its Mindblowing!)

Re: LARGE CENT CACHE (It's Mindblowing!)

WOW!!!! that is one heck of a sweet haul,now go get some more

Re: LARGE CENT CACHE (It's Mindblowing!)

YIKES !!!! Definitely needs to on the banner. You won't be forgetting that hunt. Excellent. Good luck on the future hunts there.
Take care, Mike in NJ

Re: LARGE CENT CACHE (It's Mindblowing!)

That is mind blowing that you would find all those LC's in the same area.
You guys did great and I am happy for you!
I found my first one 1845 Large Cent earlier this year and I took one of my buddies back to the spot where I found mine and he found I think an 1852.
Incredible story, can't wait to here more when you go back and find more since it was getting dark.
Sounds like you guys found a Honey Hole.

Re: LARGE CENT CACHE (It's Mindblowing!)

Nice going guys, that is an accopmplishment and I am sure on followup trips more might appear, I would not call your finds a cache by any means of the definition, more like an area where someone or several people did the same thing day after day, like cut wood, or get off their horse, or something like that, but not a cache which I consider a group of coins buried (not lost) together in a container of some type,whether cloth, wood or metal.

Over the years we have found simliar finds in numbers like that at homesteads and usually for us they were at areas that indicated work area or where they got off a horse. Tavern sites also have quantites lost close together like that.

If I read your post right , that is 11 large cents from the general area, if so, that is great if only one or two homesteads involved, if more than get out there and find them. :)

Good Post


Re: LARGE CENT CACHE (It's Mindblowing!)

Great finds and keep working that place!!!!!!

Re: LARGE CENT CACHE (It's Mindblowing!)

pack breakfast n lunch and go go go again tomorrow...holey moley

Re: LARGE CENT CACHE (It's Mindblowing!)

Worthy of the Banner indeed!!!

Re: LARGE CENT CACHE (It's Mindblowing!)

wow! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ;D

Re: LARGE CENT CACHE (It's Mindblowing!)

wtg Bergie! that's awesome!

Re: LARGE CENT CACHE (It's Mindblowing!)

wow bergie, you and earthworks had a great day...nothin like pullin those old coins out of the ground like that...i would be right back there

Re: LARGE CENT CACHE (It's Mindblowing!)

Amazing day...


AWESOME!!!!!!!! yes yes YES!!!

Nice hunting!!

Re: LARGE CENT CACHE (It's Mindblowing!)

Well done boys,!!

Not sure I would call it a cache... But it does seem one heck of a spill.
I think they would be more concentrated if they were in a cache.

But lets not pick nits.
Great stuff. glad it was you.

Good to look back on in a dry spell.


Re: LARGE CENT CACHE (It's Mindblowing!)

looks like you guys found the honey hole. great job wish I was there.

Re: LARGE CENT CACHE (It's Mindblowing!)

One of the best stories I've ever read on T-Net! Finding Large Cents like shooting fish in a barrel, how crazy is that? Congrats on a truly memorable day! Chalk one up for woods hunting! By the way, I'm just curious, what state are you in and approximately how many acres are these woods?

Re: LARGE CENT CACHE (It's Mindblowing!)

Thanks to all for comments. We are in New York and the site is probably 10-20 acres depending on how you consider it (has different parts to it and we still aren't sure how much was active with people so it could expand or contract as we figure that out). My new theory I woke up with this morning is these coins fell out of pockets as someone or a few people were dismounting or mounting horses to water them. There's an old pond (now empty) right there. If they fell out of pockets while walking, standing or sitting, some wouldn't have gone a few feet away, but off a horse they would have spread a little. Because they were all Large Cents, it leads me to believe only a few people lost all the coins. Otherwise, if it were a lot of people losing them, there would have been different kinds of coins. The empty pond is swampy now, but I could see it drying up in the Summer if we got a decent period without rain. Then we have to hit that good.

Re: LARGE CENT CACHE (It's Mindblowing!)

WOW i'd just love to find one ! great finds Bergie congrats ;)

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