Lake Mead Status?

Why would they care about people looking for and finding gold nuggets and artifacts? If they're all that worried about them getting away, why don't they dig them up themselves or have some archeological group do it. No point in having those items buried under a lake. It doesn't seem logical to me at all.
"They" is Congress. Congress makes the laws - not executive agencies like the National Park Service.

If you don't like the law (I don't) you will need to write your congress critters and ask that the law be changed. Or you might considering asking them:
Why would they care about people looking for and finding gold nuggets and artifacts?

Why would they care about people looking for and finding gold nuggets and artifacts?
Because they can, and they make the rules. If the gold and artifacts are at the bottom of a lake, technically they still own it. And more importantly, if the gold and artifacts are at the bottom of a lake, you don't own it. One of the government's worst nightmares is probably a farmer with 1,000 acres of privately owned land finding a huge gold deposit on it. They would have to go the "thousand cuts" route and smother it with a regulatory blanket until they could get one of their own to acquire the land and shovel the benefits their way. Same attitude they have towards people paying cash these days; it instills panic in them, and it's only going to get worse as they have to find ways to come up with ballooning interest payments on the debt. There is supposedly some vague law on the books that allows the government to take a possession of yours if they feel it presents some existential danger to the public or some government interest. That means that if you found an intact, functional faster than light spaceship left on your property by some alien, the feds could swoop in and take it in the name of public safety or the public interest. So I'm sure they have a law, rule or regulation that can be shoe-horned into pretty much any situation they want, as long as it keeps things going their way.

Aaah, I read posts like these and can’t help but feel freedom ringing from all directions. We are all just so free to do as our masters allow. Hey but look at the bright side. The ride to prison is free, so there’s that. Lol

You're expecting logic from government?
That was mainly aimed towards MM's statement that he understood the logic. Regardless of who owns or controls the items, what good does it do to anyone having those items at the bottom of a lake?

That was mainly aimed towards MM's statement that he understood the logic. Regardless of who owns or controls the items, what good does it do to anyone having those items at the bottom of a lake?

The problem is trying to use logic to understand human nature. Usually control measure are to assert only that, control. Someone up high has a control issue. Seeking a sense of power for the power in its self. Keeping their empty soul fulfilled by forcing control over others. The rest just do the job they are told to do. Playing into the narcissist control by following their orders blindly.

In a nutshell the very reason our world is on fire. Unchecked control freaks hell bent on shaping the world as they see fit only to be faced with little or no opposition by everyone else who simply goes along to get along.

Humanity 101

All I could hope for would be "COMMON SENSE LAWS", that's all, and we all know rules and laws that do make sense, and that we can and do agree with, that can and do protect us and others from those that would hurt and take advantage of people in general, but we can all agree that there are Soooo many "laws" that are made thru government entity's be it Federal or State, that are influenced by "special interest groups" that pretty much defies common sense. So, in regards to the original post, in a dry lake bed, hobbyist, (metal detectorist) hoping to find coins? jewelry? etc. while cleaning up trash, bottle caps, pull tabs battery's etc., could be fined, arrested or ??, Is it not a man made lake? reservoir? made for recreational purposes for the most part. I don't know, I realize I'm to accept being just another sheep in the herd, but I do like going into another pasture to be by myself.

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