Lake Combie mercury removal project crosses another hurdle

No one in governmental agencies have ANY accountability after they determine there course of action. They simply manipulate the numbers to support there position. The enviormentalist terrorist mantra has been and will be continue to be, The outcome does not matter because we have the best of intentions. Politicians and media types are afraid to question these people for fear of being labeled anti enviormental. If you throw a frog in hot water, he will jump out, so best to set him in the pot, and slowly turn the heat up until he is cooked. We are in for a long fight. My hats off to what Fullpan, Hefty, Reed and others are doing on the ground to bring this to light...

Ya know Fullpan...I have read so many articals on this...the numbers are so different in many of these that they cant know what they will recover....merc, gold, sediment, sand, gravel, or how much of each. They just make it sound good to the sheeple and they bite it every time. I have sent out many letters to all people,agencys involved with no response as of yet.
Maybe they dont want to respond...I dont know?

Yeah I know what you mean, i'm having same trouble - "transparency, collaboration?" forget it. I just tried to contact Gus Thompson, Auburn Journal, who
wrote the "hurdle article". Fully expect my email to end up in file 13.

Thanks, Oakview2 - It helps me to keep going with the mantra "expect the worst, hope for the best"

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****** Sorry, didn't mean to hijack, I meant for this to go on the Oregon DEQ thread:BangHead::BangHead:

It would seem in this state, our only hope is that one of these pivotal cases rolls back the dredge permit process back to 1994. Without that they will make permits so restrictive and expensive that few will be able to afford to particiapate, and eventually it will be banned as not being economically feasible. If you do not wish to join PLP, they are having their annual raffle, over 38000 dollars in prizes. Dredges, Minelab GPX 5000
Dry washers, gold, gold claims and many more. Buy a ticket a take a chance, as well as help what could be the last chance to save our state..JMHO

PUBLIC LANDS FOR THE PEOPLE - A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

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Just ordered my tickets, waiting for a call back. Told my wife about the prizes and her eyes got huge!

I hope you win the biggest and the baddest and then post picture of the prize and the gold you find with it:icon_thumright::hello2::icon_thumleft:

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I took some time to read through all of this and also most of the links.

Ms. Claudia M. Wise kinda gave most of what is needed to fight this. In the study a dredge with a crash box was used. As we all know crash boxes suck at fine gold recovery. And with the crash box I can guarantee that the some of the mercury was broken up. This seems like a setup from the get go to me.

I would be pushing for another test to be done with an updated dredge with a jet flare, miner's moss, and quite possibly an undercurrent sluice. Then and only then would there be a comparable set of results. I am thinking like Ms. Wise in this one. An updated dredge like this will be about as close to 100% as you can get and will most likely be right there with hand recovery.

SG - I personally can't find any recent info on Combie. I think they are waiting for final funding. If anyone knows, please post.

The Sierra Fund and other parties including our government are being misled into thinking that dredging out Lake Combie is to rid it of the mercury in this sediment that is clogging the lake. The fact in truth is that this is just a ploy to get the government to pay the $5,000,000.00 price tag by trying to label it as hazardous mercury removal. But the mercury settles out where the river drops its faster current at the beginning of the first pond which is far upstream from where NID and the surrounding home owners actually want to have the sediment removed. This sediment was removed every year until an environmental group stopped the restorative dredging that took place up until 2002 when their injunction went through. And we all need to realize that this dam was put in originally as a sediment dam to keep the sediment from the 1800's hydraulic fields from clogging up the Sacramento River Delta. So since the time that the lake was built, it has been filling with sediment, which is its purpose. But this particular sediment pile is not mercury laden as they have labeled it. In fact it has very little mercury in it at all. But they want this sediment removed for themselves and it really has nothing to do with mercury. So these people filed for a $5,000,000.00 grant to get the sediment removed for them by the government for free. This is wrong and must be against the law. I noticed this months ago and spoke to some individuals about it and now that summer is here, I am releasing this movie for the sake of everyone to help us stop this theft of our tax payers money. It has been halted in the government for further review and hopefully this movie will clarify the truth about mercury and how it travels in a river. I have sent the link to this movie to to our Commander in Chief Barack Obama, our Governor Jerry Brown, our Congerssman Tom McClintock, our Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer. Please pass the word to everyone involved in this hoax.
Reed Lukens

Here is the movie link


Sen. McClintock will listen. Friends of mine have dealt with him on other issues.

I'll some my post up with this. Mercury and selenium are both naturally occurring there with bacteria converting elemental mercury into methyl mercury. Things like this happen over many, many millennia.

This is also the same in freshwater fish.



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Breaking News on the mercury removal scam!

Now the price tag has gone up to NINE MILLION DOLLARS! And 150 #'s of mercury is about two flasks is all. At $ 1850 per flask, and expected 150 #'s of mercury, that costs $ 60,000 per pound to extract! Oh! What a bargain!

And, miraculously, NID just discovered $ 300,000 worth of gold hidden at Wells Fargo Bank in Grass valley, that was paid by R.D. Miles many years ago to dredge Combie Reservoir. Was that a bribe?

While the environmental portion of the project focuses on mercury, NID will also cull gold and marketable metals used in technology and will attempt to sell the collected gravel with an eye toward making the estimated $9 million project pencil out.
“Teichert is very eager to have the aggregate, and there is a market for elemental mercury,” Scherzinger said.
NID expects to pull at least $1 million worth of gold from Combie to defray costs.
While metal extraction comprises the near-term economic goals of the project, Scherzinger is cognizant that other water purveyors on the western slope face the same problems as NID.
Scherzinger said he could envision a time when NID rents the machine and/or lends its expertise.
It is estimated that about 50 to 150 pounds of mercury will be removed from the reservoir during the three- to five-year span of the project.
Following the completion of the mercury removal project at Combie Reservoir, NID will turn its attention to the much-larger Rollins Reservoir, upstream from Combie, Scherzinger said. The mercury machine will have to be scaled for the larger body of water, Scherzinger said.

There are two stories in the today on this scam!

i wont pretend to know much of anything about mining or recovering mercury. since mercury will adhere to gold and the main concern is collecting the smaller particles of mercury, what about modifying or extending the sluice on a dredge by adding something like a drop riffle section and in the bottom of each drop riffle put in some kind of gold anode for the mercury to adhere to? i'm just thinking out loud here. :dontknow:

Breaking News on the mercury removal scam!

Now the price tag has gone up to NINE MILLION DOLLARS! And 150 #'s of mercury is about two flasks is all. At $ 1850 per flask, and expected 150 #'s of mercury, that costs $ 60,000 per pound to extract! Oh! What a bargain!

And, miraculously, NID just discovered $ 300,000 worth of gold hidden at Wells Fargo Bank in Grass valley, that was paid by R.D. Miles many years ago to dredge Combie Reservoir. Was that a bribe?

While the environmental portion of the project focuses on mercury, NID will also cull gold and marketable metals used in technology and will attempt to sell the collected gravel with an eye toward making the estimated $9 million project pencil out.
“Teichert is very eager to have the aggregate, and there is a market for elemental mercury,” Scherzinger said.
NID expects to pull at least $1 million worth of gold from Combie to defray costs.
While metal extraction comprises the near-term economic goals of the project, Scherzinger is cognizant that other water purveyors on the western slope face the same problems as NID.
Scherzinger said he could envision a time when NID rents the machine and/or lends its expertise.
It is estimated that about 50 to 150 pounds of mercury will be removed from the reservoir during the three- to five-year span of the project.
Following the completion of the mercury removal project at Combie Reservoir, NID will turn its attention to the much-larger Rollins Reservoir, upstream from Combie, Scherzinger said. The mercury machine will have to be scaled for the larger body of water, Scherzinger said.

There are two stories in the today on this scam!

Can you cut and paste the two stories? Non-subcribers have no access to them - thanks, BB

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