L-Rods : The use of dowsing for the location of caves/Void/


Jr. Member
Jul 15, 2024

Who uses dowsers?​

The long list of users of dowsing may be surprising to some readers:
  • Engineering Companies (e.g. the Bio-Physical Method (BPM) was used in 1971 in the former USSR to detect water filtering through a dam (Bird 1979))
  • Water Companies (a pair of dowsing rods is carried inside the doors of Water Board vans)
  • Mining Companies (e.g. documented use for finding ore and petroleum in the USSR (Bakirov 1973))
  • Laundries (for water supply)
  • Breweries (for water supply)
  • Building Contractors (to locate unknown service pipes on building sites)
  • Farmers (for water supply)
  • Government Departments
  • Police (location of buried items and, it is rumoured, bodies)
  • Armed Forces (dowsing used by the British Army since Colonial times); dowsing appeared in USSR army manuals in 1930 for the finding of water in remote areas; dowsing used by the First and Third US Marine Divisions in Vietnam, 1967, as a simple, low-cost method for locating Vietcong tunnels, which were used for communication, storage depots, supply network, command posts, training centres, hospitals and sally ports for over twenty years (Bossart 1968 in the Project Poorboy Annual Progress Report; Bird 1979, Chapter 11)).
A large number of general descriptions of dowsing methods have been published in books designed for popular reading (e.g. Graves 1976; 1986; Bird 1979; Naylor 1980).

What is detected?​

Location of the following features by dowsers is well-documented (Tromp 1949 and many other studies):
  • Flowing water
  • Springs, and lines of springs
  • Wells
  • Circulating groundwater
  • Service pipes and trenches (not just water pipes, but electricity cables and gas pipes, so the trench may be what is being detected)
  • Buried foundations
  • Roots of big trees
  • Geological faults, some of which will have ore deposits
  • Caves with flowing water

The Full Articl is to be found on this Link if you feel intrested : Dowsing

Void dowsing is not the same as for metals (whether finding water or underground voids, unlike treasure).

Void dowsing is not the same as for metals (whether finding water or underground voids, unlike treasure).
Voids generate heat signals unlike objects they generate ions.

Any buried object has his own Aura (Frequency) it generates 3 first main Auras wich are the same lenght apart , but starting from the 4rth the disctance of the Aura Doubles fro exampl ( 2 meters to 4 and from 4 to 8 and from 8 to 16).


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Then you come back to the same spot from exact opposite direction and split the difference. Same method I'd use with a 2-box metal detector. These detectors start sounding quite often before directly over a metal target (can be tuned also to find magnetic black sand deposits for prospecting). A single dowsed object you pinpoint moving in from 4 directions. A pipeline if you dowse one, only move in from opposite directions.

A void space you can dowse directly over and also locate the edges where it stops.

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