Kuger Pay Dirt $$$


Hero Member
Feb 12, 2012
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A while back I posted to a thread about pay dirt "why you shouldn’t buy it". Now I’m new to prospecting and live in Indiana, which is not your best place to findgold. This pay dirt discussion peaked my interest so I did what any prospectorwould do. I started doing some homework on pay dirt sellers. Kinda likestudying the creek. You just go digging anywhere and well you probably won’tfind much. I did some homework and found a seller right hear on T-Net that hasa pretty good reputation. When talking with Kuger he was right up front andsaid it’s no different than you going out and digging your own dirt sometimesit’s good, sometimes it’s not, I’m just doing the digging for ya. He did saythere’s no guarantee but he’s has good customer satisfaction. That for me wasas good as finding that spot on the creek that just looks right but you neverknow until you start digging. So dig or buy I did….. 2# of Kuger’s CaliforniaPay Dirt. And what a ya know there’s Gold in them hills. The Pic’s should tellit all. Enjoy and remember prospect your pay dirt dealers just like you’dprospect the creek, find the best spot and dig in. You just never know.

Who says Pay Dirt doesn't Pay..Thanks Kuger "We hit the streak on this one" From one Happy Hoosier Prospector...

First Pan.......................... Second ..............................So on.....

And On.....
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I'm planning a trip next year to a gold country area and I wanted to practice some panning. I've never done it before. I saw in another thread where you can make up a practice mix, but it's never like the real thing is it?

Sometimes a non answer is the answer- It sounds like some sort of secret pricing structure, and not just a bag of dirt is $XX. Hummm... odd.

So I looked on Ebay. Didn't know you could buy dirt on Ebay... guess you can buy just about anything there. I'm seeing dirt selling for anywhere from $15 for 3 pounds to $50 for 2 pounds, with every pricing combination in-between, higher & lower. One guy will mail you a sample of dirt for $1.00. Didn't know that market existed.

I guess for practice dirt, I'll probably go with the $20 for a 3 pound sack of dirt, free shipping. The $1.00 sample sounds like a deal too.

Thank you for the education.

G.I.B. said:
I'm planning a trip next year to a gold country area and I wanted to practice some panning. I've never done it before. I saw in another thread where you can make up a practice mix, but it's never like the real thing is it?

Sometimes a non answer is the answer- It sounds like some sort of secret pricing structure, and not just a bag of dirt is $XX. Hummm... odd.

So I looked on Ebay. Didn't know you could buy dirt on Ebay... guess you can buy just about anything there. I'm seeing dirt selling for anywhere from $15 for 3 pounds to $50 for 2 pounds, with every pricing combination in-between, higher & lower. One guy will mail you a sample of dirt for $1.00. Didn't know that market existed.

I guess for practice dirt, I'll probably go with the $20 for a 3 pound sack of dirt, free shipping. The $1.00 sample sounds like a deal too.

Thank you for the education.

Before you buy from just anybody read feedback ,feedback and some more feedback sometimes the reason for cheap dirt is well it is cheap little to no gold. I have a guy on eBay I have bought from in the past it is pretty good.

It really is best to buy your gold off of eBay throw it in some dirt and pan it out. A lot cheaper and a lot more gold.

Wow "some secret pricing structure" I'll make this part very simple. A man has a business selling pay dirt. How do you think he comes up with his base price per #? My guess is he samples the dirt to see that in it and then sets a price according to the results. If you keep the customers happy you will remain in business, if you don't you won't. Now before you go thinking this is what Kuger does "I don't know, why don't you contact him and ask"? Dispite his name he don't bite! If all you want is practice dirt as you mention in your last post, just make your own. Dirt+sand+gravel+#7 or #8 lead bird shot, some smashed flat (like flakes) some round and some just cut in half (like pickers). If you can pan the same number of shot out that you put in... you can pan gold. Don't cost much. If you want "gold" pay dirt figure out what you want to pay. I did some research and found what I thought was a good source for paydirt and wanted to share it with others. No secret, no gimick, maybe I just got lucky it's just what happened to me. You want a chance to find gold in your "practice" dirt, I've given you a source that I think might work. You want to try something else (Flea Bay) let me know how that works out for you. Maybe I'll buy some too.

GIB,no secrets......but your math is off....one gram at your stated price runs right around $51.I didnt reply sooner as I have been busy....just seen it.Thanks Hunter....you opened a can of worms buddy!!LOL!Well said,this is a Pay Streak I happen to be in and I have no idea how long it is.I have found the outer edges and it is narrow,but is carrying well from bed rock up about a foot to 2 ft..The gold is "chunkier",and in numbers than one usually encounters and is why for this first time I am only taking out the 1 Pennyweight plus size nuggets.Everything else is washed into buckets(two stage sluice)and an average is taken per bucket....giving the price per lb.The #1 grade is running very close from bucket to bucket....on average plus or minus 1 gram per lb(this is great dirt....better than I have had in a long time)As said when its gone its gone...the streak may end at anytime.In sampling another possible streak was found but it didnt seem to be throwing the same type of gold,but I wont know until I get this one cleaned up.Thanks,and Private Message is the best way to get me. Thanks to all Also you folks ordering Please include your Screen names on the M.Orders

I'm planning a trip next year to a gold country area and I wanted to practice some panning. I've never done it before. I saw in another thread where you can make up a practice mix, but it's never like the real thing is it?

Sometimes a non answer is the answer- It sounds like some sort of secret pricing structure, and not just a bag of dirt is $XX. Hummm... odd.

So I looked on Ebay. Didn't know you could buy dirt on Ebay... guess you can buy just about anything there. I'm seeing dirt selling for anywhere from $15 for 3 pounds to $50 for 2 pounds, with every pricing combination in-between, higher & lower. One guy will mail you a sample of dirt for $1.00. Didn't know that market existed.

I guess for practice dirt, I'll probably go with the $20 for a 3 pound sack of dirt, free shipping. The $1.00 sample sounds like a deal too.

Thank you for the education.

By all means,shop around.I am not in this as a business....its not how I keep my operation going,it helps with fuel,and equiptment(especially now that I have to travel so far to dredge!)I am a one man show.I dont know much about ,"the other guys",but do know that the majority know exactly how much gold is in there Blow sand when they send it to you.My dirt is right from the sluice and is heavy in black sand which can be a challenge for some to pan,but if you cant pan black sands your not a "Panner".

Wow "some secret pricing structure" I'll make this part very simple.

Yeah, simple. I'm just wondering how much the 2 pound sack of dirt cost that produced the amount of gold in the first photo. That will help me with the cost/reward structure for the sack of dirt used in the example at the beginning of the post.

Thank you, I appreciate the simple.

Yeah, simple. I'm just wondering how much the 2 pound sack of dirt cost that produced the amount of gold in the first photo. That will help me with the cost/reward structure for the sack of dirt used in the example at the beginning of the post.

Thank you, I appreciate the simple.
.............$55 per lb for the Grade #1 right now.If the next batch averages less or more the price will reflect that

Thank you kindly sir, I appreciate the response. I'm going to start with some practice mix (recipe above, #24) and then move up to actual gold bearing dirt.

By the time I finish practicing and get to the real gold field, I should have a good basic idea of what to do. Again, thanks!

Thank you kindly sir, I appreciate the response. I'm going to start with some practice mix (recipe above, #24) and then move up to actual gold bearing dirt.

By the time I finish practicing and get to the real gold field, I should have a good basic idea of what to do. Again, thanks!

I can send ya some barren black sand for $1 a pound you pay the shipping.Put the #24 in there and if you can pan that your on your way

I just bought some of Kuger's paydirt. I called my girlfriend's granddaughter. I will wait to let Bella pan it out... with my help.... This weekend. I will record the event on video and probably post it. Can't wait! TTC

Great meeting ya Terry!You should have told me about Bella,I like to throw in a little something extra for the kids!

Great meeting ya Terry!You should have told me about Bella,I like to throw in a little something extra for the kids!
Well, Kuger, that is EXACTLY why I never said anything! I wanted to get your dirt with NO special extras. The proof is in the pudding.. er... panning! I have no doubt that the results of the panning will be positive. Good to meet you. You made small mention of relic hunting. I have permission to hunt an OLD foundation. Up on Darby Knob. I would like to put together 5 or 6 relic hunters for this project. You in? TTC

Well, Kuger, that is EXACTLY why I never said anything! I wanted to get your dirt with NO special extras. The proof is in the pudding.. er... panning! I have no doubt that the results of the panning will be positive. Good to meet you. You made small mention of relic hunting. I have permission to hunt an OLD foundation. Up on Darby Knob. I would like to put together 5 or 6 relic hunters for this project. You in? TTC
............its gotta rain....loosen the ground up,let me know after that bud

............its gotta rain....loosen the ground up,let me know after that bud
Good! I'll post it at the right time. TTC

Received a bag of Kuger's paydirt & did a very quick pan-out last night, as revealed in the photos above. Still more fines to come that will require a better cleanup. Thanks Kuger from those of us that are stuck at work and can't get out to prospect.

Bella passed on the video debué. Today, I will film and display your finds on the net, Kuger. I still have not checked out the bag. (now, if I can make this video software co-operate, I can post it.... Won't be a Hurthawk production, though). TTC

Terry didn't you post a video of a rock crusher you made? Don't sell yourself short

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