Known geology that produces silver and gold

You need to take a picture of it and post it here. If it were magnesium and you took a torch to it you would have had a major problem LOL. I'm still thinking zinc. It oxidizes too.

Not really I considered that before I decided to do the heat test.

Well I've made a decision, If it's worth anything I can sell it , if it isn't worth anything I can use it to patch the holes in the fender of my Chevy !!! lol

Well I've made a decision, If it's worth anything I can sell it , if it isn't worth anything I can use it to patch the holes in the fender of my Chevy !!! lol

Natural bondo deposit?:laughing7:

Well it ha been 2 days for the metal in the egg, No discoloration at all the shine seems as bright as when it was put in the egg.

Well it ha been 2 days for the metal in the egg, No discoloration at all the shine seems as bright as when it was put in the egg.

Did you break the yoke and mix it around some? I am no chemist and I have no idea where the chemical in the egg is...yolk or white part but to make sure, I would mix it all around sort of like a scrambled egg so it is exposed to everything in the egg. Maybe you did this so, if that is the case just ignore this.


concerning white soft metal only metal i can think of you can cut with a knife is indium it meltes at around 320 farenheit so it has to be alloyed with something else if thats what it is it sells for about $ 3.50 an ounce never seen any and do not know how to test it would have to look this one up . hope this helps !

concerning white soft metal only metal i can think of you can cut with a knife is indium it meltes at around 320 farenheit so it has to be alloyed with something else if thats what it is it sells for about $ 3.50 an ounce never seen any and do not know how to test it would have to look this one up . hope this helps !

I'm thinking of checking with the jewelry store and see if they can tell me anything. Figure they can test for silver and maybe other metals, who knows

I'm thinking of checking with the jewelry store and see if they can tell me anything. Figure they can test for silver and maybe other metals, who knows

Swing by the geology dept at UK or EKU they could help you, a jewelry store is probably not up to snuff on natural deposits. Do not tell them where you found it though!

After studying the Filson map of KY and reading Prather's book on Swift I have been re-thinking the silver mine source. Since silver is often found and a bi-product of lead and zinc mining I started looking at where Lead and Zinc are found, lo and is often found in vertical and horizontal vein deposits within limestone. Now we all know there is a thick layer of limestone basically covering KY, its what makes KY bourbon better...its the source for all the salt licks around the state too. In the eastern section of the state it is often covered in sandstone. In the bluegrass it is buried under the clay layer of soil.
Lead is often found and mined within limestone quarries around the world. So if your looking for a 'vein' of silver, I would suggest you start looking for the lead/zinc first.

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Wonder If anyone has considered panning for gold in the Red River Gorge ? Given the geology of that area there stands a chance of being some Alluvium gold . Considering the fact that there is a fault line in the area and the Great Quake of 1811/12 in the New Madrid fault system, the erosion over the hundreds of years, chances would be pretty good I would think. Who knows what might have popped up out of the ground. They say gold is where ya find it.

Ok I hadn't thought about that. Wonder why that would be. lol Not really big brother at work. If ya can't look ya can't find, kind of like cover it with water we can drain a lake later. lol We know it's there but you can't have it.

happy thanksgiveing to all rgb1

Wonder If anyone has considered panning for gold in the Red River Gorge ? Given the geology of that area there stands a chance of being some Alluvium gold . Considering the fact that there is a fault line in the area and the Great Quake of 1811/12 in the New Madrid fault system, the erosion over the hundreds of years, chances would be pretty good I would think. Who knows what might have popped up out of the ground. They say gold is where ya find it.

Metal detectors will get you arrested in the RRGorge, digging of any kind is prohibited as well. You also can't cut anything alive down (tree or bush). So fire building is based off what you can find dead laying around. Panning is nothing if your just washing your frying pan with the sand and water (wink wink).

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