White Sulphur Springs grew in the first half of the nineteenth century as the southern "Queen of the Watering Places". The springs resort first became the standard summer destination for wealthy Virginia Low Country residents seeking reprieve from heat, humidity, and disease of the "sickly season". As its popularity increased and it gained status as a socially exclusive site, the springs attracted elite guests from all areas of the South. In 1992 the Washington Post reported that, during the Cold War, the resort had been the site of a "bunker", the Emergency Relocation Center, which was intended to house and protect the U.S. Congress in the event of a nuclear attack.
Notable people who frequented the resort prior to the
Civil War included Henry Clay, Dolly Madison, Daniel
Webster, Davy Crockett, Francis Scott Key, John C. Calhoun,
Presidents Martin Van Buren, John Tyler, Millard Fillmore,
Franklin Pierce and James Buchanan,
and Colonel Richard
Singleton and Colonel Wade Hampton II, two of the wealthiest
men in the south.

Singleton was a cotton broker during the Civil War who was involved with Orville Browning. The day that Lincoln was shot, Browning was trying to get Lincoln to give him the OK to do a big deal with Singleton. Lincoln had been told not to do so anymore for Browning by U.S. Grant himself. If the deal would have went through they would have made millions for the Rebel cause. Browning was in the war department less than a week after Lincoln was assassinated, still trying to get the deal with Singleton to go through.


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Colonel Wade Hampton II

He was elected to the South Carolina General Assembly in 1852 and served as a Senator from 1858 to 1861. After Hampton's father died in 1858, the son inherited his vast fortune, the plantations, and one of the largest holdings of slaves in the South.

Hampton organized and partially financed the unit known as "Hampton's Legion", which consisted of six companies of infantry, four companies of cavalry, and one battery of artillery. He personally financed all of the weapons for the Legion.

Together with Lt. Gen. Jubal A. Early, Hampton became a proponent of the Lost Cause movement. He worked to explain the Confederacy's loss of the war, and deeply regretted the loss of his secure life before the war. He strongly resented the use of black Federal troops by the Federal government as occupying units in the state during Reconstruction.

Hampton gave tacit support to the Ku Klux Klan, which had independent chapters of insurgents arising throughout the South. He helped raise money for legal defense funds after the Federal government started to enforce anti-Klan legislation to suppress the violence of its members against freedmen and white Republicans.

Since the mid-1870s, the Democratic paramilitary group known as the Red Shirts had developed chapters in most South Carolina counties (they had originated in Mississippi), and were not dissimilar to rifle clubs. These groups acted as "the military arm of the Democratic Party." These armed supporters of Hampton openly disrupted Republican meetings and worked to suppress black voting in the state by violence and intimidation. By 1876, there were estimated to be 20,000 men who were members of rifle clubs in the state

Hampton used Grace Piexotto's "Big Brick House", a prominent brothel located at 11 Fulton Street in Columbia, to assure complete privacy for the Red Shirts' meetings; it mainly served as campaign headquarters.

From 1893 to 1897, Hampton served as United States Railroad Commissioner, appointed by President Grover Cleveland.

sounds like an O.A.K. to me.:icon_thumleft:


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"Post" # 43; "pic" at WSS (REBELS): the guy on the left next to the "squared off" guy looks MORE like Gen. R.E. Lee. Gen. R.E. Lee was a CLOSE friend of P. Buford of Bedford County, Va. ("Beale" Treasure); he & his daughter rode a horse up to SHARP TOP of Peaks of Otter, where the "BT" is stated to be buried in the area, under the Lion's Head (ALL FED LAND, now). He & his daughter then "over-nighted" with P. Buford in today's Montvale, Va. Gen. Lee died in 1870, and is buried in the Lexington, Va. area.

"Post" # 43; "pic" at WSS (REBELS): the guy next to the "squared off" guy looks MORE like Gen. R.E. Lee. Gen. R.E. Lee was a CLOSE friend of P. Buford of Bedford County, Va. ("Beale" Treasure); he & his daughter rode a horse up to SHARP TOP of Peaks of Otter, where the "BT" is stated to be buried in the area, under the Lion's Head (ALL FED LAND, now). He & his daughter then "over-nighted" with P. Buford in today's Montvale, Va. Gen. Lee died in 1870, and is buried in the Lexington, Va. area.

That is R.E.Lee on the squared off guys left side facing the pic.. There is a list of names under the pic that tells who they are.
the pic was taken in aug, 1869, the year before he died. What does the P stand for in P. Buford? I would like to research him. Thanks, L.C.

P.S. the squared off guy is George Peabody he ran the overseas investing and money laundering for J.P. Morgan's father and the J.P. I know he was tied to Judah Benjamin, but I have not found a good link between them to reference.


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J.P.Morgan went into banking in 1857 at the London branch of merchant banking firm, Peabody, Morgan & Co., a partnership between his father and George Peabody founded three years earlier in 1853.(first generation K.G.C.) Peabody first visited the United Kingdom in 1827 for business reasons, and over the next decade made four more trans-Atlantic trips, establishing a branch office in Liverpool, and later the banking firm of "George Peabody & Company" in London. In 1837, he took up permanent residence in London, remaining there for the rest of his life. So did Judah Benjamin after the Civil War as a barrister and eventually Queens Council. FOR PATENTS


P. Buford is Paschal Buford; Buford Tavern was owned by him, after his father died. Thomas J. Beale & Associates stayed at his tavern for a while (month?) after the return from Colorado area in 1820 & 21, I think; read the BEALE PAPERS. ("Google").

That is R.E.Lee on the squared off guys left side facing the pic.. There is a list of names under the pic that tells who they are.
the pic was taken in aug, 1869, the year before he died. What does the P stand for in P. Buford? I would like to research him. Thanks, L.C.

P.S. the squared off guy is George Peabody he ran the overseas investing and money laundering for J.P. Morgan's father and the J.P. I know he was tied to Judah Benjamin, but I have not found a good link between them to reference.


Well, JP Morgan organization is on Odd Fellows Road in Louisiana; were Benjamin & Morgan members of IOOF? Were they FreeMasons?

Captain Paschal Buford was lived from 1791 to 1875. He was the son of Henry and Mildred Blackburn Buford. He married Frances Ann Otey on October 31,1820. Paschal Buford was a farmer and a horse breeder. Regarding his military career, he served as an officer in the War of 1812. During the Civil War, he supported the south and invited General Robert E. Lee's wife and daughter to spend the summer of 1863 at his home. He died at "Locust Level", Bufordsville, Bedford County, Virginia, July 23, 1875.

Found him, how does he fit into the Beale dealings? He would be 1st generation, so that is a possibility. I don't know enough about the Beale treasure to understand who was who or where the money came from that you guys are searching for. My brain is not big enough to fit anything else into right now:tongue3:. If I was to fall and bust my head open right now, I would bleed out KGC/OAK stuff on the floor! :laughing7:so I will hopefully have time to study it more this winter. I like the beale cipher and it is identical in technique to the cipher we have been working on. I will give it a shot to decode that last cipher this Winter.

Secret masons? I have found another that hid his finished ashlar in coded cipher. The Anti-masonic movement caused a lot of the powerful initiated members to cover it up. People were and are still scared of them ruling the world....

Secret masons? I have found another that hid his finished ashlar in coded cipher. The Anti-masonic movement caused a lot of the powerful initiated members to cover it up. People were and are still scared of them ruling the world....


View attachment 908427

General Lee and his Confederate officers in their first meeting since Appomattox, taken at White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, in August 1869, where they met to discuss "the orphaned children of the Lost Cause". Left to right standing: General James Conner, General Martin Witherspoon Gary, General John B. Magruder, General Robert D. Lilley, General P. G. T. Beauregard, General Alexander Lawton, General Henry A. Wise, General Joseph Lancaster Brent Left to right seated: Blacque Bey (Turkish Minister to the United States), General Robert E. Lee, Philanthropist George Peabody, Philanthropist William Wilson Corcoran, James Lyons (Virginia)
Would like to know more about the purpose of this event where this photo was taken.
George Peabody died in London,Nov 4,1869,and was a strong Unionist during the War.While business supplied warships and arms to the Confederacy,Peabody lobbied England's "upper crust" and politicians(Disraeli,Gladstone,Palmerston,& Russel) who supported the South and believed she would win,not to get involved in America's war. Peabody seems to have had no involvement with the KGC.

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Would like to know more about the purpose of this event where this photo was taken.
George Peabody died in London,Nov 4,1869,and was a strong Unionist during the War.While business supplied warships and arms to the Confederacy,Peabody lobbied England's "upper crust" and politicians(Disraeli,Gladstone,Palmerston,& Russel) who supported the South and believed she would win,not to get involved in America's war. Peabody seems to have had no involvement with the KGC.

You sir, are right on key with the American public who has been duped by the men that wrote the history that you read. Step outside of the box and look back at it, "COPPERHEADS" Is a loosely used term of description. True Copperheads "The GOOD ones never got caught. 150 years and still up there in heaven, or down there in hell, ranting about what they got away with. Their virgin white reputations, unstained, untarnished by the truth of what they did and why. Philanthropist George Peabody? Seriously? It is plane to see that the man (PEABODY) is sitting with a group of Rebel generals and confederate supporters at a resort frequented by the wealthiest Rebels that lived, Yet it is hard for you (and the rest of AMERICA)to see him as a "COPPERHEAD" practically holding hands with GENERAL LEE........The baddest REBEL of them all surrounded by his partners in the rebellion of 1861. The reunion of the confederates in the year 1869, four years after the Civil War.

Do you think that he just happened to be there that day? Another thing is....the most important people sit down, the less important people stand. Even more, the more important you are, the more to the center of the picture you will be positioned. Who is sitting in the middle of the picture??? the two most important people....

Step out of the box and look back, do your own research, quit accepting history as it is written by those who would tell you anything good to hide the bad.

For instance, let's take "BLOODY BILL ANDERSON" did you know that the federal government took his 13 year old sister into custody for aiding the Rebel Army? Chained her to a steel ball? Then the building the were holding her and other mothers sisters and wives in collapsed killing several of the C.S.A. women and breaking both of Bill Anderson's 13 year old sisters legs?
It gives you new perspective on why the man was ruthless and rabid for Yankee blood. Big ones, small ones, women, men, armed or unarmed, he really didn't give a sh@t at that point. Would you? The historians of this bleeding heart society candy coat things and totally leave out others. Seek the truth, and no matter what path you follow, you will find it.

Thanks for your input, L.C.

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Captain Paschal Buford was lived from 1791 to 1875. He was the son of Henry and Mildred Blackburn Buford. He married Frances Ann Otey on October 31,1820. Paschal Buford was a farmer and a horse breeder. Regarding his military career, he served as an officer in the War of 1812. During the Civil War, he supported the south and invited General Robert E. Lee's wife and daughter to spend the summer of 1863 at his home. He died at "Locust Level", Bufordsville, Bedford County, Virginia, July 23, 1875.

Found him, how does he fit into the Beale dealings? He would be 1st generation, so that is a possibility. I don't know enough about the Beale treasure to understand who was who or where the money came from that you guys are searching for. My brain is not big enough to fit anything else into right now:tongue3:. If I was to fall and bust my head open right now, I would bleed out KGC/OAK stuff on the floor! :laughing7:so I will hopefully have time to study it more this winter. I like the beale cipher and it is identical in technique to the cipher we have been working on. I will give it a shot to decode that last cipher this Winter.

BEALE CODE # 1 & BEALE CODE # 3 is ALL that you need; BEALE CODE # 2 is ALREADY deciphered. HH! GOOD LUCK! THIS is interesting...
KEY is... ELITE team of VMI officers; CSA/KGC/OAK...?

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L C your posts are always interesting to read , your depth of research amazes me at times Thanks for sharing
Just a quick note or lead Have you ever made any connection between The Tunnels in Macon, GA and a Southern member of the confederate treasury , JOHN Hays or Hayes home that was a residence of William Butler Johnson during the period l------- I stumbled upon it while doing some research on the March to the Sea , Nothing of factual basis just comments in an article
Makes me wonder !
Also as I am sure you must know that all the Titans of the industrial era including , Chase / Morgan and others had homes on Jekyll Island, Ga

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CSA Gen Robert E Lee the "baddest rebel" of all? Hardly,that distinction is reserved for Nathan Bedford Forrest for his actions at Fort Pillow.Forrest was a Freemason,member of the KGC,and formed the Reconstruction resistance group that also started with a K.Peabody did endow many southern universites and other southern education institutions with grants.If you noticed,Peabody died two months after this photo was taken-it seems to a souvenir photo of who was at the "healing springs",not the photo of a secret meeting.
Peabody,suffering from severe rheumatism and nearly crippled,arrived several weeks before Lee to bathe in the medicinal waters,which became vogue after the war for its curing effects.
Lee,was made President on Washington College,Lexington,Va in 1865,and had attended the springs many times,as did other CSA Gen in that photo.
In 1868,Lee did write his WHITE SULPHUR MANIFESTO,which is the only political position he had ever taken,and it was concerned with North and South reconcilliation,notice the other names who signed it.

Just for history buffs-The Battle of White Sulphur Springs,notice the Col George S Patton:

On several threads,I have mentioned the atrocities committed by the Union aggressors against civilians in the South (mainly Florida accounts),and have posted diaries describing such.
No,I am not blinded by "what I was taught in history books",but neither am I blinded by others attempts at alternative history.

If Peabody was a "Copperhead",why did he lobby so hard in Britain to keep England from supporting the Confederacy and joining her against the Union?The government of England did consider an invasion from Canada,but Queen Victoria vehemently opposed that course of action,and it never happened.

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L C your posts are always interesting to read , your depth of research amazes me at times Thanks for sharing
Just a quick note or lead Have you ever made any connection between The Tunnels in Macon, GA and a Southern member of the confederate treasury , JOHN Hays or Hayes home that was a residence of William Butler Johnson during the period l------- I stumbled upon it while doing some research on the March to the Sea , Nothing of factual basis just comments in an article
Makes me wonder !
Also as I am sure you must know that all the Titans of the industrial era including , Chase / Morgan and others had homes on Jekyll Island, Ga

1886 - Jekyll Island Club. Look for JIC; "Just In Case"... LOL!

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