In my opinion, Freemasonry Isn't what it used to be as far as keeping Knowledge and Rituals 'In the Lodge' so to speak.
I've been to several public estate sales in the city with a Huge Amount of Masonic books and material... I bought an old set of 20-30 books, certificates, lodge maps etc that I got for $10. I also got books on well known Mason's. I gave them to an old, but active large lodge.
My family that were Mason's Kept the Masonic material no matter the age and then it was to be given to a lodge If there was not anyone to follow. If there was kept in the study. It's Always been that Masonic stuff was Not to be sold or given to just anyone. In fact, when one of my gUncles passed, his lodge brothers asked what we were doing with the old stuff. They found out a few of his nephews were Masons and were getting it and they were fine with that.
Except, he was also a Shriner and he wanted me to have his minibike because he knew I like them and would care for it and not sell it. I did give the badges from his bike and truck to the lodge though. They were also fine with that. They did ask that if I ever did want to sell it to give them the first call, evidently they advertise them to other lodges besides their own if someone there didn't want it.
The other thing is, either there's some unhappy former Masons or just blabber mouths that put all of that stuff online. There's No Reason that I can see why Non Masons should know every ritual of the Masons. It didn't used to be that way.
A short search can tell anyone anything concerning Masonic history, beliefs or rituals. I don't really agree with that, but it's not up to me. I think it really used to mean something if someone was a Mason... or even OES, now it doesn't seem that selective and is more of a networking group. I'm not grouping Every Mason into that obviously, but there are many who aren't as protective of it as there used to be. Kinda Sad really.