Knights of the Golden Circle, Order of American Knights, Freemasons and Kabbalah

It is easy to get lost in the chapters when studying such a broad subject as the K.G.C. I have learned a lot of things that I did not need to know just looking for a bit of fact that would help me understand what I wanted to learn. As a result of my studies, I have learned that this is my Magnum Opus. I have found the prima materia (philosophers stone) that is needed to complete the "one thing". What I need now is for Mother Nature to play nice and give us the time we need to turn K.G.C. lead into gold!


YOU a Freemason, then...?

So much available nowadays Rebel. When I studied it was hard to get your hands on a coded cheat book! They are available, which makes the old school Freemasons who learned from mouth to ear very disgusted when you mention such a thing. Even with the book at home I still had to spend many hours learning mouth to ear just the same.


I know; almost 40 years in "The Craft"; Past Master of my home Lodge (all in the family, with Dad & Grand-Dad ALSO were Past Masters); 32nd Scottish Rite (SJ), Royal Arch 7th Degree, Shriner. Mostly Esoteric Free-Mason of INDEPENDENT STUDIES (stuff NOT found in Regular Lodge, Chapter, Council, etc.). Been to the SR/SJ Temple in DC... MUCH MORE!

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In my opinion, Freemasonry Isn't what it used to be as far as keeping Knowledge and Rituals 'In the Lodge' so to speak.

I've been to several public estate sales in the city with a Huge Amount of Masonic books and material... I bought an old set of 20-30 books, certificates, lodge maps etc that I got for $10. I also got books on well known Mason's. I gave them to an old, but active large lodge.

My family that were Mason's Kept the Masonic material no matter the age and then it was to be given to a lodge If there was not anyone to follow. If there was kept in the study. It's Always been that Masonic stuff was Not to be sold or given to just anyone. In fact, when one of my gUncles passed, his lodge brothers asked what we were doing with the old stuff. They found out a few of his nephews were Masons and were getting it and they were fine with that.

Except, he was also a Shriner and he wanted me to have his minibike because he knew I like them and would care for it and not sell it. I did give the badges from his bike and truck to the lodge though. They were also fine with that. They did ask that if I ever did want to sell it to give them the first call, evidently they advertise them to other lodges besides their own if someone there didn't want it.

The other thing is, either there's some unhappy former Masons or just blabber mouths that put all of that stuff online. There's No Reason that I can see why Non Masons should know every ritual of the Masons. It didn't used to be that way.

A short search can tell anyone anything concerning Masonic history, beliefs or rituals. I don't really agree with that, but it's not up to me. I think it really used to mean something if someone was a Mason... or even OES, now it doesn't seem that selective and is more of a networking group. I'm not grouping Every Mason into that obviously, but there are many who aren't as protective of it as there used to be. Kinda Sad really.


So much available nowadays Rebel. When I studied it was hard to get your hands on a coded cheat book! They are available, which makes the old school Freemasons who learned from mouth to ear very disgusted when you mention such a thing. Even with the book at home I still had to spend many hours learning mouth to ear just the same.

It’s even worse today, they now have a “short version” of the memory work, and some members even have trouble with that, as a Freemason, I am prohibited from stating what I think of it and them, best to remain silent. :BangHead:

Based on my R & I, memberships; BLUE LODGE is Degrees 1-3 (Master Mason), YORK RITE 4-7 (Royal Arch) is a continuation. Degrees 9-10 is Knights Templar (MASONIC). Scottish Rite (32 Degrees) is MORE Esoteric (I took such FIRST, & ENJOYED it). There are Dues you MUST pay, each year or demit). There are many "Allied Degrees" & it can get VERY expensive; I looked at it an a INVESTOR... was I getting the "pay-back"/dividends I wanted...? In the Beale Ciphers/Treasure story, James B. Ward was a Free-mason who was suspended for NON-PAYMENT OF DUES.

MOST degrees are "earned"... YET! SOME are made "Free-masons-at-Sight", MOSTLY in UGLE (England) during the GREAT ENLIGHTENMENT.

By "legends", an AMERICAN example would be Sov. Grand Commander (Grand-Master) Albert Pike making Jesse James a 32nd, so that J.J. could be "in charge" of KGC $$$$$$$$$$$$$$. THERE was a "term" for such honor, will to look it up. KGC COMPTROLLER.

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J.J. was NOT a "earned" degrees Freemason; his brother, Frank WAS a Master Mason, and had the FULL SET of book by Shakespeare (the Codes...?)… dunno.

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Codes...? PROBABLY the Hebrew alphabet of the KABBALAH (Francis Bacon also used such), Baconian Codes, MANY others.

Now does any one have any knowledge of the order of the Golden Dawn. Morton would have be a high enough ranking in the government that he would have fit in with that bunch. Maybe one of the reasons for his whispering bench. Golden Dawn Golden Circle may be a stretch. The tree of life may have been central to both O. A. K. and the Golden Dawn.

Senior Deacon
GD was a "Brit thing"...

Scottish Rite/SJ was MORE like KGC/OAK in MHO; & Bro. Albert Pike is the "connection".

That is when the Emerald Tablet and Hermes came into play for Freemasonry and Albert Pike shaped it with his own hand. It is also part of the reason I can now see the symbols on the lead maps for what they really are in some cases, but in others not so much. Being sent with the Dog to guide us on the first leg, as well as being sent forth on a quest to find severed pieces of the map so it could be reassembled and used is also a big clue of who is behind it. I believe that this K.G.C. map and other relics that have been found on this trail were made and possibly laid out by a certain man who was fluent in Astronomy, Alchemy, Hermeticism, Freemasonry craft and rituals, Spanish and K.G.C. treasure symbols as well as the mother tung spoken by every Indian tribe through hand signs and gestures, and that is just a start on the list of things the man would have had to be fluent in to conceive the map pieces and layout as well as the symbolism and ideas put forth and tasks to perform for the seeker of this K.G.C. cache trail and vault. People often ask or make the statement, " Why would the K.G.C. bury their riches and not go back to retrieve it themselves during their lifetime?" I believe in some Southern states they did just that very thing, by remnants of the K.G.C. that were still hanging on after the Civil War that were in it by that time for themselves or possibly their local castle of Knights. Those remnants of the "Old" K.G.C. operating from ?-1865 hung on for God only knows, and in some cases, I believe it is very possible that they are still hanging on South of the Mason Dixon Line. In our case, (North of the Line) the members involved were the upper echelon of the K.G.C., as in U.S. Presidents and some or all of their immediate cabinets as well as the disciples of the Brotherhood of the K.G.C. who were stationed throughout this land and in other countries. In our immediate case some of the Knights cut ties with the National K.G.C. in 1863 and formed the O.A.K. which carried out another plan that was first conceived and began during the peak of the Civil War shortly after Clement Vallandigham was evicted to the South and he went to Richmond to meet with Jefferson Davis and others who were involved. The bottom line in my answer to the question "Why didn't they retrieve it for themselves?," is they didn't dig the major caches because the men who knew about them were few, and they all were "KNIGHTS" and they held themselves and each other to a code of standards becoming of a "KNIGHT", and I also believe that in most of their cases, before they were Knights they were Freemasons or Oddfellows, or all of the above plus more. In some cases, they were or would also become Cryptic Masons and O.A.K., but in most cases South of the Mason Dixon, they would always be K.G.C. after their 1863 local reorganization if any took place in their neck of the woods. Almost every man on my list died a multi-millionaire and if they had kids they were born filthy rich and became millionaires, and those offspring continued in most cases to pass their money forward to generation after generation. ALL of it was new money. The fact that this specific K.G.C. trail was added to by the O.A.K. after 1896 proves they were making BIG dollars by then and they left money trails like highways doing it! It was part of their code to pay it forward without question for future generations to reap, but they made damn sure those generations that reaped it would be worthy of their standards or at least know them. I am sure that in certain cases GREED effected some Knights and caused them to lower their standards.

L.C. :icon_thumleft:

Based on my R & I, memberships; BLUE LODGE is Degrees 1-3 (Master Mason), YORK RITE 4-7 (Royal Arch) is a continuation. Degrees 9-10 is Knights Templar (MASONIC). Scottish Rite (32 Degrees) is MORE Esoteric (I took such FIRST, & ENJOYED it). There are Dues you MUST pay, each year or demit). There are many "Allied Degrees" & it can get VERY expensive; I looked at it an a INVESTOR... was I getting the "pay-back"/dividends I wanted...? In the Beale Ciphers/Treasure story, James B. Ward was a Free-mason who was suspended for NON-PAYMENT OF DUES.

Those little motorcycles take some big bucks to ride in the parade!

L.C. :icon_thumleft:

By "legends", an AMERICAN example would be Sov. Grand Commander (Grand-Master) Albert Pike making Jesse James a 32nd, so that J.J. could be "in charge" of KGC $$$$$$$$$$$$$$. THERE was a "term" for such honor, will to look it up. KGC COMPTROLLER.

Jesse sounds like an unlikely candidate for Comptroller considering his education and financial experience next to the fellas I have been looking at with banks and purse strings galore Rebel. I believe that Albert Pike made Jesse as you say though because I have read other occasions that were similar where Pike's authority was concerned. You could count the 33rd degree Freemasons on your hands in the early and mid-1800s in the Midwest, and I will bet the 32nds were few and far between as well.

P.S. There is only ONE 33rd degree freemason I have ever seen with a Rising Sun of the K.G.C. sitting on top of his O.A.K. monument!

Rising Sun.webp

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Those little motorcycles take some big bucks to ride in the parade!

L.C. :icon_thumleft:
If yer not "direction-challenged", you can do it... HA! NO on the Clowns; thought about the Oriental Band, LOVED the music... made several referrals to Shriners Hospitals...

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President Jefferson Davis left Choctaw Indians to guard wagon loads of Confederate Treasure hidden in silver mines in South Carolina on their flight South. The Choctaw Indians were given orders to guard until relieved of duty. They were never relieved and died guarding the treasures. One of these mines is about 70 feet below the surface of a 33rd degree Mason. He knows where the entrance is located and where the Choctaw Indian died, but the entrance has since been covered over. I do not know if the Mason is still living? He was in his 80's when I talked to him.

Off the ridge in a few miles in each direction are three river crossings where the CSA Treasure crossed the Broad River. His house is located at the middle crossing. With enough funds a hole could be bored into the mines to lower someone down to check the mines out but?

I found something interesting today. Maybe a little off order but I found there were ten people on Noah's Ark but only eight souls?

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