killing of dennis brown

I always figgered it was something in the water.....but....
Apparently, if the lead poisoning don't get to ya first, the mercury vapors will.

i dont know bout that wayne...i have lead and mercury poison and i dont run around killing people..i had only been around bob a couple times and he gave me the creeps...he had the look (and the reputation) of a serial killer...he had crazy eyes....i always heard he was a korean war hero...supposedly had a pretty high body bag count in korea...if rumor is correct he did pretty good over here

Just as well then, that he isn't still around . Otherwise the Rendezvous might be a little bit less cordial.

I lack context for the transcript but thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Please post more.

Crawford: Ok but Lopez did come down there, him and Wade Williams, and they did make that
other statement that I would be no loss if somebody shot me.
Smith: Right.
Crawford: Alright Harold like I said before. I’m leaving the rest of this up to the Attorney
General’s office, and they would probably like to get a written statement from you.
Smith: Help make it clear to this Mafia. Now what I don’t know is who put the contract on me.
Crawford” Ok.
Smith: I do know a contract has been put on me.
Crawford: Well Harold I think if we all work together on this, I think we can come to the whole
thing, and the whole thing will come out in the wash.
Smith: Right.
Crawford: Ok Harold I’m going to sign off now, and this is. What is the date today? January the
15? And what is the time?
Smith: Here is one thing I want to say I don’t want any protection, because I want to go about
my own business just the way I was.
Crawford: Ok but you would have no objection to working with the Attorney General’s office to
get to the bottom of this?
Smith: No none at all.
Crawford: Ok Harold it is approximately seven minutes after six, January 15, 1976. You have
given me a complete statement tape, and you also said you would be willing to go
ahead and put this in writing and sign it there, and also this tape and this written
document, when it is drawn up that these can be used in a court of law.
Crawford: Ok this will be the property of the Attorney General’s office. Ok one copy will also go to
my attorney Alan Susman. Ok for a pending suit against Pinal County Sheriff’s
Department. Ok.
Smith: Well, I’d like to get that cleared with them.
Crawford: Ok, alright Harold I’m going to sign off, and I have to go. Just take care of yourself.
Smith: I will.
Crawford: If anything comes up you notify the Attorney General’s office in Phoenix, and ask for
Mr. Wapola, ok?
Smith: Alright.
Crawford: Alright, well thank you, Harold.
Smith: Your welcome.
End Of transcript.

Where are the imolies ? Just asking Hollywood could make a good western forum this post WOW !!!!!!!

marius....i tried to find np's real name a couple years ago...i talked to a few people that were with bob ward at that time period...nobody had any clue as to who he was

Dave , I found out who was ( his name ) NotPeralta , but I gave my word to his widow to keep it secret . The only thing I could tell , is he was 67 years old when passed on . NP had found a very rich gold mine in the Supers . It's what I have called the " knob " mine and is depicted in the Manuel's map ( Lust for Gold ) .

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