kids & finds



kids & finds

I went to a play ground last nite to work with my ace 250. while I was hunting a girl about 6 started following me and watching. when she noticed i was finding coins she started to get closer right next to the hole i'm digging to see what i find. I did't mind cause the mother was near by. anyway i got a hit and started digging and out popped a necklace thing you put a picture in. it was shiney gold color, now the girl was asking if i wanted it, and said' i want it, can i have it? I looked at the kid and said sure it's yours. now i could kick myself because i wanted it. anyway i did find 2 nickels 1 dime and 4 pennies.

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Re: kids & finds's my first experience with kids and parks.....

I have only been out hunting in a park one other time and there were no kids there. Then yesterday Shannon and I decided to visit a park in a town over from us. We had previously passed this park many times. From the road we could see that it had a small lake and picnic tables and such and thought it would be a great place to try. But...nothing but grass and very hard ground. Didn't even attempt it. We went up the road about a mile to another park. The ground around all the play equipment was covered in sand! There were a dozen kids there, mostly teenagers, at the other end of the park so we got out and started detecting. About two minutes later this young man came over and first thing I know he is detecting with my detector! LOL! He's asking questions and I am trying to show him how to do. After about 10 minutes I'm looking around and find a quarter on the top of the ground, show it to him and he is in awe! LOL! I really am not sure why....but he was! Then before I knew it there was another and then another wanting to know if I was finding treasure...what have you found...The young man with my detector proudly holds his hand out and shows everyone the quarter! :D Then they all want to try! Feeling a bit overwhelmed I tell them that I have to go and he handed my detector back and the offers the quarter back and I tell him to keep it. He was so excited about that quarter.... ??? Not really sure why....but he was..
Says he's gonna ask for "one of those things" for Christmas! ;)

Kids never forget anything! :) You'll find something else that doubles that find! ;)

Nana ;)

Re: kids & finds

I've only gone to a park once, and ended up with a bunch of kids following me. Every time I put the MD down to dig, one of them would pick it up and start swinging it around, etc. Hands in the holes, etc. Finally, the oldest one there started trying to detect with the MD, so I let him wave it around some. Eventually got a hit, so I dug it up and it was a pull tab. After several more targets and me digging them up (trash), I finally got wise. On the next hit he got, I handed him the digger and said "You found it, you dig it". Needless to say, interest waned almost immediately. LOL


Re: kids & finds

hollowpointred said:
i usually go real early in the morning to avoid an audience,of any age! i know that sounds anti-social and everything but when im out detecting i just dont like to be the center of attention.most people are cool but you always come across an occasional moron,and unfortunantly you cant always tell whos cool or not by looking at them. when i go in the morning i am usually done my hunt before most people even get out of bed.

i agree im a hugh fan of people watching me when i metal detect, unless i know the person and there detecting with me, but a random stranger i dont think so.

Re: kids & finds

mistake i meant to say in not a hugh fan of people watching me opps :D

Re: kids & finds

;D I think we'd all make a helluva group! lol Because I think we almost all agree with this!
i usually go real early in the morning to avoid an audience,of any age! i know that sounds anti-social and everything but when im out detecting i just don't like to be the center of attention.most people are cool but you always come across an occasional moron,and unfortunately you cant always tell who's cool or not by looking at them. when i go in the morning i am usually done my hunt before most people even get out of bed.

Gigi :D

Re: kids & finds

When the kids ask me "Hey Mister, what you digging for?" I tell the little ones "snakes" and the older kids "land mines"....that usually gets them to leave me alone...don't get me wrong, I hunt with my 11 year old daughter and they bother her too.

Re: kids & finds

i like kids, have 3(soon to be 4)of my own, but when detecting i find them completely irritating, mine being the most irritating. My 8 y/o girl stuck her hand in the hole while i was digging today and almost got a screwdriver through her hand, the ground was hard and i was slamming the screwdriver nto it trying to break it up. I have been detecting a very short time, but i will leave as soon as kids start coming over. I can only handle hearing the question"what if you found a bazillion dollars" so many times before it is completely annoying. But for a way to get the parents to keep them away from you without having to say anything, just talk to yourself, and occasionally yell, and they will not let there kids anywhere near you. I have never really done that, just seems it would work.

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