kids & finds



kids & finds

I went to a play ground last nite to work with my ace 250. while I was hunting a girl about 6 started following me and watching. when she noticed i was finding coins she started to get closer right next to the hole i'm digging to see what i find. I did't mind cause the mother was near by. anyway i got a hit and started digging and out popped a necklace thing you put a picture in. it was shiney gold color, now the girl was asking if i wanted it, and said' i want it, can i have it? I looked at the kid and said sure it's yours. now i could kick myself because i wanted it. anyway i did find 2 nickels 1 dime and 4 pennies.

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Re: kids & finds

i know it kinda sounds harsh but i avoid kids like plauge! the last thing i need is for some parent to say that i was messing with thier kid (even though it would be the other way around). you just cant be too carefull these days. ill leave if kids show up and return later on when they are gone.

Re: kids & finds

jeremiah212 said:
that was nice of you..i bet you put a big smile on the little kids face! ;D

all thing come full circle..
you'll get it back in another way.

I'd have to agree.... but you know I would of had to have looked at it first to make sure it wasn't the real deal... If so, then I would have given her the nickles... ;D
Good luck & Happy hunting~

Re: kids & finds

Mississippi Yankee said:
Tough to say No to a kid

BS!! ;D

Finders = keepers in MY book - buzz off kid!

Re: kids & finds

Sounds like morning of MD -- Had a couple of kids follow me around snatching up my change. They only got a quarter, 2 dimes, 2 pennys, and a nickel. After I realized that they would follow me around until the sun set I told them I had to go. Went to another site and found my first wheat penny.

Re: kids & finds

You did the right thing.It will come back to you in another way.You lit that little girls world up.WTG skydiv !!

Re: kids & finds

That was very nice of you. I battle the kids in another way, I take my 4 year old little girl with me and the parants dont seem to mind at all that there kids are watching me dig when my little girl is right there with me. Plus it also helps I live on a Military base, I know there are nut jobs all over, but tend to feel alittle safer with 4 thousand Marines around to watch everyones back.

Re: kids & finds

I agree with you that a man can't be to carefull. but it is fun to be nice to kids. I try to hunt the playgrounds just before sunset so everyone should be gone. soon as school starts they'll be home getting ready for school.

Re: kids & finds

who knows. maybe one day she will be on the city concile and remeber your kind jesture and keep detecting leagle in her town

Re: kids & finds

I don't know that I mind the kids that much. At least from my experience in my area, they don't seem to be that unruly. And besides, they are usually supervised by an adult when they are at the park. I don't know though that I would have given a piece of jewelry to a kid though. Unless it was an obvious piece of costume stuff etc. I have to say though it was awefully nice of you and probably made the little girls day. Can't beat those good feelings. Also, don't know if I would give a child anything, if the parent wasn't there. I can understand the sensitivity that might exist if little Jenny came home with a necklace and her dad asked where she got it. Oh, some man at the playground gave it to me.... Same thing if Tommy came home with a toy airplane or something. However, with the mother there, seeing the innocence and circumstances that wouldn't be an issue.

I always try to keep a distance from the younger kids. Even if someone is there with them. If a parent, nanny or other adult was not present with them, I would probably pack up and leave, myself. Don't want that problem. There have been a couple instances though, when kids followed me around and sat at the edge of my hole and watched. One case, their nanny was there watching them from a short distance. Eventually she called them away from bothering me. I don't think of it as bothering me though. As long as they aren't, as others have experienced, digging my hole for me. Worse case there, in the incident with these kids, the stuff I was digging up was sharp rusted sheetmetal and aluminum cans. Would hate to see some kid get hurt then have someone hold me responsible.

I suppose, if I found a diecast car, like the several I have found so far, or a quarter or Sacagawea even.... I might let a kid have it if they watched me dig it up. That is what childhood memories are. Maybe help the kid acquire an healthy interst in some sensable hobby rather than turn to some of the other mischief that kids get into these days.

Re: kids & finds

The kids I have encountered thus far have just been curious except for a gang of older boys. I have 6 granddaughters and I would have given her the trinket. I might have photographed it first as I usually have my camera along. I just collect things anyway, never give much thought to selling them. It might have been a good idea to ask her mother if she could have it though. I sometimes get into trouble with my daughter when I give my granddaughter something not knowing her mother had already told her no. JIM

Re: kids & finds

That was nice of you Skydiv. 8)

I was hunting in an apartment complex playground one time and a little girl came over and sat on the monkeybars watching me. I found several coins and she asked several questions. Then I found a kids ring and let her have it. She was so happy with that little ring...then she asked me if I had checked the "OTHER TWO PLAYGROUNDS" which I didn't know were there. And she told me where they were ;D I ended up with almost $5 in clad from the 3 playgrounds that day, all within walking distance of each other.

Re: kids & finds

You know what saying that comes to mind is....No good deed goes unpunished...why do they say that? ??? I don't believe that! ::) Trust that you didn't loose anything , because you didn't have to begin with. :P And believe you will come into your own when you are supose too! You did a good thing enjoy it! ;D ;D ;D

Gigi ;)

Re: kids & finds

Don't get me wrong I like kids and I don't mind kids watching me detect but it seems they can't keep from sticking those little hands down in the dirt. I was the sameway when I was kid.
I went to a park a few weeks ago and had so many kids standing around so close that I couldn't make a swing with out hitting a dirty little ankle. Had to be a dozen kids boys and girls. I looked like that one dude that lead all the rats out of the town, But I didn't use a flute it was my magic walking stick. I looked over at the parents and it looked like they didn't even have a kids. One lady looked like she was glad her kid was with me so now she wouldn't have to watch him. One little girl told me that I shouldn't pick up stuff that people lose because what if they come back looking for it. I told her that after they lose it that makes it mine. She was not happy with that comment. A girl that loses a lot of stuff I'm sure. Anyway I had to leave the area. I only go to places where I know kids play when I know they are at school, it raining or cold. Something that will keep them in the house.................

Re: kids & finds

i usually go real early in the morning to avoid an audience,of any age! i know that sounds anti-social and everything but when im out detecting i just dont like to be the center of attention.most people are cool but you always come across an occasional moron,and unfortunantly you cant always tell whos cool or not by looking at them. when i go in the morning i am usually done my hunt before most people even get out of bed.

Re: kids & finds

Maybe you could tell them little kids about the lost pirate treasure buried in the park! What you have not heard of it? Yea, people have looked for it for years and it has still not been found. Then lend them a spare shovel. And enjoy the show. ;)

Re: kids & finds

I usually go to the playgrounds if nobody's there or of the kids are with their parents. Usually people leave me alone, but on occasion some of the kids follow me around. Sometimes they ask me questions ("What IS that thing?" "Do you ever actually find anything with it?", etc) and sometimes they just follow me around without saying nothing. I've come to find the latter more annoying. (I'm a kid myself so I could get nasty with them if I wanted to, but of course I never would) The adults usually don't say anything, maybe a "Find Anything?" but they usually don't do anything.

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