I think the point here is that the true believers in the KGC myths (including yourself) are quick to say that this or that is KGC. Jay has KGC tunnels and you have KGC sites and apparently a vault and you apparently beleive the "bible tree" carving is KGC. Just what makes any of it KGC? That's the big question. If you want to call something KGC then that's great but there is no proof unless you have documents that can be tied directly to the KGC that indicates what you have found is KGC. Otherwise it's just a treasure trail, hole in the ground, carved tree, etc. THERE IS NO PROOF THAT THE KGC DID ANY OF THESE THINGS. It may be your opinion they did and that's great but it's not proof and I believe it was you that said something about not liking people posting their opinions as facts.
Jay leaps, with really big leaps, to conclusions about everything being KGC. If he wants to do that then that is fine but there are other people, ones just starting out, that get on these forums trying to learn and they should be aware of different points of views so that they can do their own research and draw their own conclusions instead of blindly believing what was written by a liar and con man and then repeated by some other writers over and over again.
Why the argument? I actually think it's a discussion but the reason, at least my reason, is to let others know there is a different side to the story and if you are serious about treasure hunting then you have to look at everything before coming up with a theory. I'm living proof of what happens when you blindly believe in something without doing your own research. You can waste years chasing something that you will never find. It's about learning and hopefully teaching. All of the clues left to things in the ground are slowly disappearing over time and soon, most of those clues will be gone. Treasure hunting is for dreamers (which I consider to be a good thing) and we need to help others with that so that these things left behind can be found. You may not believe it but I am here to help. That's why I post on Okie's blog, I enjoy it and I'm trying to help.
Why learn about JJ? It does make a difference just like Okie said, if you are taking the information written by someone as the truth then knowing where that truth came from is important. Since all of the KGC treasure information came from Howk and Dalton then it is important to know who they were. When did JJ die? In a way, I agree with you, who cares? Unless you are using information derived from Dalton as JJ in your research, then it does matter. If you are just treasure hunting, interpreting the symbols and markers then for the most part you can do that without too much history involved. I don't recommend it but it can be done in certain instances.
I realize that you don't want to give up any information on your site(s) and I wouldn't expect you too, I wouldn't either, but unfortunately you have taken the same road as all of the other KGC believers in that you say you have the proof but don't see the need in sharing it or can't share it because it's secret or my favorite, because I should do my own research and see for myself. All you're doing is perpetuating, in my opinion, the fraud of the KGC. Maybe you do have something that is real and can prove your "vault" was made by the KGC but if you do, then you are the very first person ever to have it. If you don't want to share any information then all you can do is sit back and "lurk" like you said you normally do because to post what you have is giving your opinion because you can't or won't back it up with real information. It's my opinion that if you had a KGC site you could prove it without giving away the location or any other important information about the site. You choose not to do that, that's your choice but that also makes anything you say opinion and not fact. The very thing you hate to see on the forums.
I've done my research and I've made my conclusions and they aren't the same as yours. That doesn't make either one of us bad people. It just means we disagree. Hopefully by having these discussions anyone else interested in the subject will decide there's enough information on both sides to do their own research and come to their own conclusions.
As for the so called Bible Tree, just because somebody carved symbols on the tree doesn't make it KGC. Brewer decided it was KGC so he could write a book about it. Nothing there, including the treasure can be proven as being tied to the KGC. That's just like the so called Wolf Map, that sure ain't KGC but Brewer has decided it is so the believers jump on the band wagon. The only thing you have concerning KGC treasures is your opinion because there is no credible evidence that the KGC put down any big treasures or left behind any maps or vaults or templates, etc. Given that there is no credible evidence that the KGC vaults or treasures ever existed then what are you left with? Opinion, pure and simple.