KGC Symbols

Jay, you want to get the Templars after you too? Isn't the entire Masonic
organization enough" Seriously, the History Channel has degraded itself with
fantasy conspiracy theories to the extreme. Those fake pirates and obese
colonial "soldiers" wearing modern glasses are hysterical not historical.

Your friend,

lastleg, please don't insult my intelligence by signing off as "Your friend" as you most certainly aren't my friend.
~Texas Jay

Aww Jay, can't we jus, can't we jus get along? Your Steven Sora website is
hilarious as well. Adsolutely no evidence, just theories to sell books. No wonder you and Swifty think alike if you swallow those yarns without a shred
of proof. How's the tunnel project coming along? You have explored them
yourself haven't you? If someone were to call the Brownwood Chamber of
Commerce about the KGC tunnels under the town what response would they

Getting along with me is all up to you, lastleg. Up to this point, you've demonstrated no desire to do that. Remember the Golden Rule and practice what it teaches. Treat others like you want to be treated. I have a little amendment to it: "I treat others like they treat me." Be rude, cynical, and obnoxious to me and you will get the same in return.
Why don't you call the Chamber and find out for yourself. To my knowledge, the desk people at the Brownwood Chamber know nothing about the tunnel project and, in my opinion, they have no need to know. You can bet your boots, though, that some of their bosses know as they are strongly opposing every attempt that is made to re-open them. Also, it is my belief that you have no need to know either so I will not be answering your questions about them.
~Texas Jay

Jay, calm down old son. I just wondered how the tunnel project you solicited
volunteers to carry out for you was progressing. I had no idea it was a hush-
hush operation. Don't worry, I won't embarrass you even though you have
treated me uncivily on your BB Forum. That is a distasteful trait you have,
treating your betters with disdain. Not better in a judgemental way but in time
spent analyzing unsubstantiated claims. Remember that Pastore guy and how
you jumped to conclusions too soon? Old hands saw through that setup right
away. That's what happens when you desperately want something to be true
but can't come up with the evidence that would make you famous.

Still your bud,

FYI, "KFC" stands for Kentucky Fried Chicken" and "KGC" stands for Kentuky Grilled Chicken". They have come out with grilled chicken lately and are promoting it. (:>)

okey dokey

cccalco said:
Found this thread while searching for some KGC info. I can't remember if I responded to it or not. I suspect them to just be leaching stones. Too bad that the explanation is so simple. So, not all funny carvings lead to shiny treasure. Soap was a treasure in and of itself back in the day. Personally, I value it highly.











Cool pictures.

Where has Texas Jay gone off too?

Have I hit him in the head with enough real history and truth to make him reconsider his position?

I doubt it.......

TQA Girl said:
Just curious - this is such an intriguing subject...not sure just yet what, if any of it, I feel is true and what is probably bs but I have a couple questions if anyone's around and feels like answering...

1. Main one that sparked the post is the triangle symbol with the R over the 6 - what is that and what does it mean/ refer to? Same for the crecent moon with the stars inside.

These two symbols are KGC, according to a book printed in 1861 by a member of the KGC. These symbols were printed on the "book plate" page, or title page as it is most called today of this book. There are at least six symbols printed on that page.

I posted a link in another for this book, which is a digitized version of it available from I also printed the search results for that website for KGC.

The topic is here:,358172.0.html

The KGC may not have "officially" operated under the KGC name after the Civil War, but it did continue to operate under different names. Some of the names can be found in use today, and can trace their roots directly back to the KGC and the earlier groups that became the KGC; even though they will vehemently deny the link or any affiliation.

The circle with the line(s) going thru it, like a leaf, or a single line coming off the circle, is commonly called a water glyph. Its origin can be traced all the way back to the ancient languages of Cypriot, Etruscan, Iberian, and Phoenician/Canaanite; to name just a few. It is a very common symbol used by many groups, tho the of the symbols in later history by various groups usually are specific to that group (tho not always).

I have copies of the signs and symbols used in 25 different languages I use for reference. I could post them all in a separate thread, if any one is interested. There are a total of 31 languages if you count the different variations of the Phoenician/Canaanite language, and a couple of others.

Let me know if this is something that is needed here.

uthunter said:
TQA Girl said:
Just curious - this is such an intriguing subject...not sure just yet what, if any of it, I feel is true and what is probably bs but I have a couple questions if anyone's around and feels like answering...

1. Main one that sparked the post is the triangle symbol with the R over the 6 - what is that and what does it mean/ refer to? Same for the crecent moon with the stars inside.

These two symbols are KGC, according to a book printed in 1861 by a member of the KGC. These symbols were printed on the "book plate" page, or title page as it is most called today of this book. There are at least six symbols printed on that page.

I posted a link in another for this book, which is a digitized version of it available from I also printed the search results for that website for KGC.

The topic is here:,358172.0.html

The KGC may not have "officially" operated under the KGC name after the Civil War, but it did continue to operate under different names. Some of the names can be found in use today, and can trace their roots directly back to the KGC and the earlier groups that became the KGC; even though they will vehemently deny the link or any affiliation.

Hi uthunter. Our research confirms what you say about the Knights after the War. Even during the War, they started operating under various other names such as the Sons of Liberty. They operated under the guise of other "fraternal or secret societies" for about 50 years after the War ended. A couple of them were the I.O.O.F. and the Knights of Pythias. Members of these organizations today will deny this affiliation mostly because they are unaware of it.
~Texas Jay

As with many secret societies, the less that is known about the past history of their society - the better it is over all. Even governments have been found to adhear to this statement all to frequently.

Plausible Deniability works so well.

d2 said:
Is there a book you can buy or a web site you can go to that will explain treasure symbols? I have got a good marked beech tree and cant decipher a thing on it...d2
i have one that says 17 n and a arrow and beside is a weird symbol over 30 people have told me it's a KGC symbol and i got a phone call today from somone.

Is this in Oklahoma?
I have a map showing 3 horse shoes as well as other turkey track, triangle rock, etc.....that is in Oklahoma

Texas Jay said:
I take it from the total silence that has accompanied my posting of this 3-legged horse photo, that no one can confirm that any "outlaws" rode such a horse? :laughing9:
~Texas Jay

Hi goverton. No, our 3-shoes rock carving is in Texas.
~Texas Jay

goverton said:
Is this in Oklahoma?
I have a map showing 3 horse shoes as well as other turkey track, triangle rock, etc.....that is in Oklahoma

Texas Jay said:
I take it from the total silence that has accompanied my posting of this 3-legged horse photo, that no one can confirm that any "outlaws" rode such a horse? :laughing9:
~Texas Jay

wow!! that was some reading!!

cccalco that took some time,,,,

Hey I'm a new member I need help I have two words I cant decypher kgc symbols Paul is the first word obviously a biblical reference and fairmont which is a place I guess uhm first off I guess I don't read the Bible enough to reference any specific verses related to the biblical character Paul. Can anyone come up with a verse off of the top of their heads that Paul wrote I can read sure but off the top of my head nothing comes to mind.

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